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Shao_Long 05-08-2003 10:46 PM

Mmmm... The familiar "I AM L33T J00 R NOT" attitude... Refreshing!
Looking to that innovation post did charged me with hatred towards humanity for like a dozen or two kills. Thanks!

Ingham 08-09-2003 11:26 PM

In the name of all that is chaotic...

I have sinned.

I have sinned against good taste and common, both on and off these boards. I'm too ashamed to admit what I have done, for it's just... Too... Horrible. Eris has forsaken me. Is there a place left in this world for someone who did something really stupid, knowingly, willing and actually enjoying it?

I am such a heathen... I don't even deserve death for this!

The Vorpal Tribble 08-10-2003 12:29 AM

I am so self-confident that I did not even read what the other posts were to know exactly what this thread is about. Bow before me, for I AM worthy.

Ingham 08-10-2003 09:38 AM

Delerak 08-10-2003 03:36 PM

I'm flaming Armageddon mud:

I think the staff there needs to rethink their priorities! I'll be damned if they are going to break me! They won't have me, they won't have meeeeee! RAAAAAAA!
If I met the overlords IRL I would start battering them unrecognizable! #### it would make Nessalin look better! Haha! I would have to leave the females alone of course, they can't help it if they are bossed around by the male staff. Oh well, go figure, need some more feminism up in there eh? And as for the staff who plays PCs at the same time, go to #### eh? You ruin the mud world like that. You aren't fooling anybody with yer "Let me post as my imm then go back as my player and post" As if we don't know it's you! Jeezus. You aren't that deceptive....hmm yet. Hah. I am on a roll. Hey Bhagharva, that isn't pink eye in all your pictures is it?

The Scent of Nestequick slowly fades into existance.

Mmmm, chocolate.

Hey to all the rest of you assholes who like to judge me by the reputation, go fondle some more nobles, because I love my reputation! Haha! It's made me infamous, I have people messaging me over aim thinking I am playing that balance-forsaken mud!
"Because Delerak I know you from a mile away!" Hahaha, hilarious! Egan you fool!
I have so much more to dish out but unlike the rest of you however I am going to the gym! Hahaha!

( don't take this post seriously as plenty of you will, bastards..)

Ingham 08-10-2003 10:50 PM

sounds like someone has been sniffing sawdust again...

Delerak 08-11-2003 01:27 AM

sounds like ingham has been sniffing herbal essences again...

Shao_Long 08-17-2003 04:02 PM

CSmith_Fan 09-13-2003 12:11 AM

Eagleon 09-13-2003 01:01 AM

*usurps Shao* I am your new god! I've even got an avatar ready if I knew where I could put it reliably. *mutters*

That's why I'm flaming gourds. Who eats them?! They suck. Except dried gourds, they're okay. *goes off and shakes his gourd rattles*

Delerak 09-13-2003 01:09 AM

#### your post is so long I don't know where to start, I guess at the beginning.

I don't think we have the right to speak freely anymore. Say something to a lot of people with an influential voice that the government doesn't like, and see what happens.

No one can know if history is re-written, you read what you can and either believe it or don't. Now what minority exactly are you talking about? A minority is only a minority if they are in a certain area where their are very few like him/her. I was a minority at my high school, which was 70% black, and 30% asian, I'm white. I don't get what you are trying to say though.

Not if Bush did know about 9/11, or had information on it beforehand. No way you or I can know this, but it is a possibility. Maybe he wanted it to happen, so he can have a reason for war, you must remember, politicans are rich, and rich people love war, it makes them richer, and makes the common man poorer because he has to bleed on the battlefield.

How do you know that? No one knows what goes through the mind of another human being. Saddam Hussein didn't start the war, and there is still no nukes found in Iraq, which was the whole point of starting the war if I remember what I saw on the news, which can't be trusted anyway. Saddam Hussein also challanged Bush to a live debate on television, Bush was afraid. Of what? A bombing? Wonderful, america's leader isn't just an idiot he is also a coward. I think we all knew that though, or else he would be in Iraq fighting. The only thing you or anyone else knows about those two men are what you've seen and heard on television, so don't judge them. All I've got to say to that.

CSmith_Fan 09-13-2003 01:39 AM

CSmith_Fan 09-13-2003 01:43 AM

Delerak 09-13-2003 02:06 AM

I'll get back into this tomorrow morning, I need sleep first. And I never said we're a dictatorship, where did that come from? Anyways, until tomorrow...


Lanthum 09-13-2003 03:38 AM

Yes, and when you respond, please make sure to respond to what I wrote more than refering to a typo I made (calling Europe a country instead of a continent - right after refering to all the countries in Europe).

I would really like to hear how you think comparing all European and American involvement in wars in the last 300 years makes sense, when most of the European countries have been around far longer than the USA.  Not that comparing makes sense at all - but if you are going to try to prove your stance of "Big Bad Ole USA" by way of comparison, then please at least compare each countries war involvement when they were "baby" countries like the US is.

IE:  How many wars was the Czech Rep, Russia, Germany, France, Yugoslavia, or England involved in during their first 300 years, and for what reasons?  I think you will find our reasons seem a little less barbaric.

After all ...  this shouldn't come down to a comparison of countries - but should be more based on an examination of why the US got into confrontations and if the country has largely achieved it's stated goals for those confrontations.  Because, like it or not - if the US is making the world a safer place overall one small war at a time, then it is accomplishing some of what it set out to do even if you don't agree with it.  Even if there are other hidden agendas as well!

Delerak 09-13-2003 03:56 PM

Simple fact is Lanthum, you can't compare the wars of those countries in their beginning, it was a differnt time, a different Age, and a completely different situation then the present, and just because those countries are older means nothing, America needs to take responsible for it's wars. And it doesn't seem to want to, or the Presidents don't want to, they cover it up with words like equality and the war on terror. Bull**** I say, I don't think their has been a truly noble cause in a war for centuries. With the exception of the Revolutionary War, and possibly the Civil, but the Civil War was decided before it began, the North was destined to win. Either way, if you are going to tell me I can't compare America to the other countries in Europe, then give me a good reason why, not some stupid age theory that has no backbone.


Lanthum 09-13-2003 06:29 PM

Delerak, please don't sit there and try to tell me what is stupid and ridiculous.  Listening to you change the basis for your agrument is weak and has no backbone to me ...

Your entire argument is based on comparison.  I will assume that your education has included Math, Writing and Science, all of which tells us that to compare two or more things, they have to share some common quality or otherwise your argument is mute.  Some factor has to be the same, time frame for the country (IE "age" of the country), reasons for the wars, people, or conditions, or you can't compare these two countries (groups of countries).

Obviously the people aren't the same, the conditions aren't the same (some wars some countries were involved in, others weren't), reasons weren't the same, etc. etc.  So what I was trying do (and you failed to understand) was somehow put this ridiculous comparison on equal grounds so it could make sense!  As I said before, I have no idea why you would want to continue proving your BIG BAD OLE USA theory by comparison.  But if you must - then at least choose something to compare!

As for a weak argument, to me, comparing on the basis of "Age" of the country makes the most sense.  When a country is new, it will almost always be involved in more wars as it tries to assert itself and make a name for itself.  If you don't think so - why don't you compare the Eurpean countries, Russia, China, Africa, and the USA during their infancy as countries.  You'll see what I mean.  Oh wait, that's right - you're majoring in history and you already know this!

And that's why you don't want to compare it like that.  Because as such - you have already lost the debate about The BIG BAD Ole USA vs. All That is Good = Europe"  I wonder, is it England you think so wonderful?  Might explain a few things ....

Delerak 09-13-2003 07:01 PM

Your just a flaming idiot now. I never said what you are claiming I did. My whole arguement is based on America's involvement in stupid wars, compared to Europe's countries since the founding of America. Where did I say that this.

No where. How can comparing America, circa 1776 via the declaration of independance to lets say, to make you happy, these three countries in Europe: Germany, France, and Spain. Any of these, which have been around as countries for over a millenia.

Tacitus, an important Roman historian, wrote the most detailed early description of the Germans at then end of the first century CE.. In doing so, be warned, he was commenting on the Rome of his own time, as much as on the German themselves.

Note that although this is most of Tacitus' text, some of the later sections are not in this text.

read more from:

That is from Tacitus, estimated 1 CE (common era).

Peter Abelard

Dialectician, philosopher, and theologian, born 1079; died 1142. Peter Abelard (also spelled Abeillard, Abailard, etc., while the best manuscripts have Abaelardus) was born in the little village of Pallet, about ten miles east of Nantes in Brittany. His father, Berengar, was lord of the village, his mother's name was Lucia; both afterwards entered the monastic state.

read more from:

Peter Abelard, a French philospher from a thousand years ago.

and now Spain.

THE Visigothic Code, originally in Latin, includes the laws of a number of Catholic kings who ruled Spain from 586 to 71 1. Reccared (586-601), the first Visigothic King to become a Catholic, was also the first king to pursue an active anti-Jewish policy. Some of his successors in the seventh century went farther and allowed the Jews only the alternatives of baptism or exile. Many Jews thus became unwilling converts and secretly practiced Judaism. These were the "Judaizing Christians." In order to stamp out this secret Judaism some kings resorted to most drastic punishments. These actions were prompted both by religious bigotry and the desire for a standardized Catholicism of all citizens. In addition the prospect of gain through confiscation of Jewish property probably lured some of them. Fortunately for the Jews this legislation was not always carried into effect, for the royal authority met with opposition in many parts of Spain.

What do those tidbits of history have to do with it? Everything, trying to compare the war-history of germany, france, or spain to america when THEY were founded is nearly impossible, and not nearly as logical because they were completely different in that time period those many ages ago, when America was founded France, Spain and Germany were all in the same period, they are far more comparable in the 18th, 19th and 20th century because of better history records; we know a lot more nowadays about the middle-ages and maybe that is a comparable source, but Lanthum you think comparing America in it's 3 centuries of war to Germany, Frances, or Spains, estimated 3 HUNDRED centuries of war? Moronic!


CSmith_Fan 09-13-2003 08:03 PM

Delerak 09-13-2003 08:46 PM

I never said America had no freedom. Freedom can be defined in many ways. The Freedom we do have I am grateful for. You can do whatever you want in the career industry here in America, it's great. But you can also get tired with the bull**** in America. Sometimes people don't need freedom, most people are happy with having food, clothing, shelter and a passtime. I am. And some aren't. That's why America is the way it is, too many greedy people, especially our leaders (politicians).


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