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Threshold 09-21-2009 06:15 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
If you haven't tried yet, you should. A few years ago we enhanced and added to our emote/pose commands specifically in response to feedback from some players who were heavily involved in a couple of MUSHes (if memory serves, they were MUShes based on the Kushiel books).

misao 09-21-2009 06:31 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
Threshold, thanks, I did try!

But the entire newbie file telling me where I can quest to level up just... put me off. :/

Threshold 09-21-2009 06:57 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
Well, that's for people who WANT to level up. You don't have to participate in that side of the game if you don't want to. Also, we have help files for almost EVERYTHING, whether its RP related or not. :)

As a new player, you have access to the heritage channel to get help from other players. Ask on heritage for some suggestions where to start off just hanging out and roleplaying. Or you can just head to one of the major taverns (in town type 'travel tavern') and there is almost always something interesting going on. If you have a good idea what your character is all about, that obviously helps since it gives you a jumping off point.

Threshold is a living, breathing world with over 13 real life years of history. This means you won't just login to a room where people are play acting. Roleplaying takes place in the context of the world, with all of its politics, economics, religion, etc. So just as in the real world, you need to put yourself out there to meet people, or go to social gathering places (again, taverns are a good place to start, temples are also good).

I don't want to spam the thread with pure Threshold stuff, so if you or someone else wants to send me a PM I am sure I can help you get started.

Saire 09-21-2009 07:41 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
I just joined Threshold today, so far its very fun! Just thought I'd say that lol... :)

misao 09-24-2009 08:29 AM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
Update: I did give Threshold another try in earnest today. I'm afraid it just doesn't suit me, though. That's a sad thing really, since the playerbase is not only decent-sized, but also active and helpful.

Am waiting on my char application for FiranMUX.

Threshold 09-24-2009 02:30 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
Sorry to hear that, but I am glad the players were helpful. I am very proud of how our playerbase remains very excited about new players. It has been very important for us to cultivate that attitude in our community. After 13 years, it would be easy for people to get really cliquish and insular. We have managed to fight that off! :)

That's great! :)

Newworlds 09-24-2009 08:14 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
This is true. Threshold is one of the few games that has indepth roleplay, exciting combat, well written story only matched by its friendly and experienced playerbase. Kudos for those qualities.

Mabus 09-24-2009 08:21 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
It is a fine game, that I have enjoy when I have played it. My only issue with Threshold is equipment not saving. I suppose it some facet of "achiever" behavior in me, but I like to log in with all the equipment I had when I log off. Never been a fan of limited item save, rent, or no equipment save games.

Personal preference.

Threshold 09-25-2009 12:33 AM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
First, thank you. :)

Second, that was always part of the design. Gear is only about 10-20% of your character's effectiveness in Threshold. Another 50% is your skills and abilities, and the remaining 40-50% is purely the skill of the player behind the character.

But a year or more ago we added gear storage for everyone. So even that issue of losing your gear every logoff has been partially eliminated. There is still shared storage in guilds and churches - we kept that because it is important for community and roleplay (a lot of RP gets started by arguments or debates over how to use those facilities, what should be kept there, etc... believe it or not.)

KaVir 09-25-2009 10:25 AM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
It's fairly common for the older codebases to do that, mostly due to disk space limitations back when they were created. Diku used rent to prevent people hoarding too much equipment, while . I think Merc was the first Diku to introduce automatic equipment saving, at the end of 1992, and that carried over into its derivatives. But there are still a lot of muds based on older codebases, and I guess it's one of those things that a lot of people don't like to change, because it's what they're used to. As you said, personal preference.

Newworlds 09-25-2009 12:31 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
If you want to talk about weak code and memory leaks. I went to a "supposed" top role-play intensive MUD the other day that does an autoboot every 24 hours giving the players a 2 minute warning to log off. If you don't log off and get booted out you are penalised (or punished as they call it). Apparently this is for memory cleaning. Armeggedon used to (don't know if they still do) shut down every week for a day for clean up and updates.

I have no idea how you'd keep any kind of playerbase with this type of odd programming.

As for Threshold's reasons. They are purely roleplay and style reasons. Similar to choosing permadeath over resurrection death or remorting over not remorting. You either like it or you don't and both styles have pros and cons to them.

prof1515 09-25-2009 01:20 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
No Role-Play Intensive MUD penalizes or punishes players for not logging off before a reboot nor have they ever. Such a policy is contrary to the principles of RPI because reboots are OOC and hence are not treated within the game as in-character. Southlands uses CircleMud but again I've never seen any sign that they do something as you've described. Shadows of Isildur, Harshlands and Black Sands use a soft-reboot which made this type of interruption unnecessary. As for Armageddon, they used to shut down for part of one day each week in order to do any code and building updates all at once instead of disrupting RP with reboots. All of the other RPIs are either not yet open or not active (essentially not open since their staff aren't checking character applications). Hence your statement could not be true.

KaVir 09-25-2009 01:35 PM

Re: Looking for RP-focused MUD with as little combat as possible
Not particularly, I was just commenting in general on the legacy features common in many older muds. I have no vested interest in any roleplaying muds, although I do like internally consistancy, and prefer not to enter the game butt-naked after logging off fully dressed. However (as I mentioned in my previous post) I recognise that different people have different preferences, and that some might prefer their equipment vanishing for roleplaying reasons or whatever else.

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