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PhoenixFlare 05-10-2005 05:29 PM

No, all you've been doing is trying to call anyone that disagrees with you a time-wasting hypocrite, inbetween making cutesy little quips about how great Achea and Matt are.

If you're going to whine about people stating and restating things, hows about you stop doing it yourself, eh?

Iluvatar 05-10-2005 10:28 PM

Obviously I don't post often but most of you know what I do post is well thought out and appropriate given our forum topics or thread involved. My personal feeling as both HImp for a world and TMS moderator for two topics is that we're better seen and not heard unless really needed.

Many of us seem to have sincere distaste for any type of support provided for anything having to do with the proven thieves of Medievia and have either left or in the process of leaving. I understand Adam's decision but in light of the response so far, I strongly urge him to reconsider.

That being said, I also have to comment on the sycophantic ramblings of Kopribear who obviously has no clue as to what's going on in the big picture. No Kopri, KaVir is not a child but he's ****ed, Molly was well respected and gone, so is Samson, Welcor and quite a few others. I realize you have no clue as to their contributions, but pretend it's a homework assignment and perhaps research a bit before you attempt adult communication in an adult environment. While I admit the_logos often contributes meaningfully he then erases it with asinine, self-serving and usually pompous statements or actions which earn rebuttals. No offense meant Matt, it's just your nature I guess and it probably comes from the success you've earned.

I'm pretty unhappy about Synozeers decision and especially the joyriders on the flame train, but I'm proud of our fellow mudders who have taken the moral high ground and expressed displeasure at accepting Medievia back. I'm sad so many have left already and unfortunately I don't see the exodus slowing down.

I've been trained with the premise that *quitting* wasn't really a reasonable or logical measure to affect change. I'm sorely tempted though in this situation which would mean the end of any interaction at all with the community. I honestly don't know yet...I'm incensed at seeing Medievia thrown in my face and I certainly don't want it to become a 'the_logos' stroke festival. We'll see...

Jazuela 05-10-2005 10:52 PM

Iluvitar, et al:

Remember one very significant thing. If you leave, Medievia wins.

May I suggest a pro-active stance please?

For those of you who run muds that give experience points, or builds, or training points, or equipment, or pay-to-play, or pay-for-perks, whatever. Take advantage of the new mass inclusion of Medievia players. These folks are going hog-wild on reviews, which means they're coming here to this website in droves. This also means they are prime targets to become new players on YOUR game.

Offer them something! "Try our game for a month, if you stay after a month we will give you a free month's subscription!" Or "If you keep your account active and get involved in at least 2 quests for the next three weeks, we will give you your very own custom-described weapon, or a level 8 spell of your choice!" or "Come play MYMud for a month and we'll give you a 5-level boost!"

You get the general idea. It looks like there are some players who've been pretty annoyed with Medievia, who still play it because of the friends they've gained while there. Bring them AND their friends to YOUR game, and let them enjoy something new together, and make MORE friends! Have a "add a friend" contest, I mean heck there's tons of things you can do with this. Be creative people. It's why you started running muds in the first place isn't it? Because you wanted to express your creativity?

the_logos 05-10-2005 11:12 PM

Nope, not Threshold. God you're paranoid.

Hyena Priestess 05-10-2005 11:40 PM

Hehe, I am probably being quite snooty when I say this, but...

Do you really want someone whose sickeningly loyal to Medievia, even know they know the game's past background and history?

You may think that such loyalty would shift to your own game, but in all likliness, it won't. These players are coming droves to write reviews and freely discuss their disgrace of a game in public now that it's allowed back into the list and try and draw in new players. If they wanted a new game, they could have found one ages ago.

Sanvean 05-11-2005 01:28 AM

I'm sorry to see Molly go. She's contributed a lot of articles to TopMUDSites , and I've always enjoyed her writings. She's one of the people that has put considerable thought and deliberation into developing ideas about building, and at least one feature on our MUD was sparked by something she posted. Her frustration is understandable; I've noticed a lot fewer discussions that are worth following on these boards over the year or two.

I'd suggest, though, that perhaps if we want more signal and less noise, that people a) make an attempt to post things that spark useful or interesting discussions, and b) ignore the noise. A lot of it could be nipped in the bud if people would avoid responding to trolls.

Ilkidarios 05-12-2005 08:17 PM

Well, one thing can be said for all the noise: it makes topmud forums at least have SOMETHING on them. I remember going weeks without a single new post.

scandum 05-13-2005 04:13 PM

Aeran 05-14-2005 03:17 AM

I have found Molly's articles "Top Three Twinks" to be quite accurate (unfortunately). So she definitely has some experience.

Ilkidarios 05-16-2005 03:29 PM

I'll have to agree with Matt on the point about O'hara.  I liked Tyche though.

Angie 05-16-2005 09:58 PM

Well, I'm off too. Since I last posted in this thread, the forum has gone extremely insulting and beyond ridiculous.

Sinuhe 05-17-2005 06:24 AM

Some of you seem to think it cool to slander someone who left the boards and isn't here to defend themselves. I think that says it all about what type of persons you are.

And to all you nitpickers out there; I know that slander is spoken and libel is written insults. Slander just seemed more adequate for the type of environment we have here.

Ilkidarios 06-04-2005 07:59 PM

That's the same attitude people took about Ronald Reagan when he died, but the truth is the man wasn't the great President everyone's post-death mindset made him out to be. Just because someone isn't here anymore doesn't mean they were without flaws.

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