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Famine 08-07-2013 10:49 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
You can argue this until you're blue in the face Fizban. It won't change my opinion on the matter. I just think one should be humble in understanding that running a site requires a certain degree of expertise. I don't pretend to tell a doctor how to do his job. It's not my place because I didn't get my medical degree. Therefore, I don't feel I have earned that right out of respect for everything that doctor has sacrificed.

That doesn't mean the lines of communication with feedback should be broken. It just means, there are more constructive ways to send feedback on a end result rather than explicitly defining what one should do or passing judgment their expertise, why they do certain things that you may have no understanding to the reasoning and so on.

That's just me though. My logic, my feelings on the matter.

tijer 08-07-2013 10:55 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Long time lurker here never posted.. and ill have to disagree with everything said in this post... TopMudSites has not supplanted TMC, the forums here have always appeared to be cliquey. Mudconnector, has always had alot more traffic than most mud sites, due to its age, and the fact it was very well established in the mudding community. Granted there hasnt been alot of moderation to the site, and things have felt very stale for a long long time, but thats a part of how mudconnector is...

Mudbytes is where you go to discuss things about MUD and actually get decent responses, most of the time very helpful too, have never seen that on TMS, used to happen on TMC though.

Icculus never played favourites with anyone, never upped his own mud list to position one on the ranking system (the fact he doesnt have a mud is irrelevant) and always, apart from just recently was a very fair and stable admin.

The same cannot be said about a lot of Website administration

Fizban 08-07-2013 11:02 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
It's not about opinion.

When someone has no right to do something it is referring to a legal context.

Right and wrong has no bearing on what someone has the right to do. None. Not even the smallest bit. That's not an opinion. That's simply how it is.

I'm not debating what Plamzi should do - which is what you seem to be arguing and considering to be our point of disagreement - I'm pointing out that you stating he can't do something simply because you don't feel he should is a logical fallacy.

Much like your doctor example:

You have the right to criticize a doctor, you just choose not to exercise that right because you don't think you should do so out of respect for his expertise in the field.

You still have rights even when you choose not to exercise them.

Famine 08-07-2013 11:09 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
I have no idea why you're even arguing this outside of the fact that you must educate someone on what having the right really means.

Stop trolling my post Fizban. I really could care less on what you think or what you're trying to emphasize outside of yourself as being correct or incorrect with my previous dialog.

Fizban 08-07-2013 11:16 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
I'm glad you care.

tijer 08-07-2013 11:18 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Sorry.. but where in this thread is Fizban trolling you? because i cannot see it anywhere... if anyone is trolling its Famine....

Fizban 08-07-2013 11:20 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
My last post was trolling, that of course though came after he accused me of trolling, not before :P

Famine 08-07-2013 11:24 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Well, as you can see. I have a pretty big mouth when I choose to open it and I do care for something. Maybe not for your words, but I care about this subject matter. I mean, I've been registered here for a few years and that post was my first post on these forums.

I hope I didn't offend you too much. It's just a habit of sticking up for someone who I feel has done this community a good service for many years.

KaVir 08-07-2013 11:27 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
We're into "really bad analogy" territory now. Sticking a banner on a website doesn't require a medical degree, and you don't need to run a website just to voice your opinion on someone else's. Would you automatically ignore feedback from players who haven't previously run their own muds?

Icculus performed a great service for the mud community, his efforts were appreciated by many, and at the end of the day the final decision was always going to be his. But that doesn't mean people didn't have the right to voice their disagreement with his decisions, if they felt so inclined. Suppression of dissent is not a desirable way to run any community, and this brings to mind an earlier discussion on TMC about banning players for posting negative reviews.

On a more serious note, doctors can and do make mistakes. There's absolutely nothing wrong with getting a second opinion if you have your doubts about a diagnosis. It might even save your life.

plamzi 08-07-2013 11:31 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
For the record, I joined TMC in 2009 and never liked the direction it was heading. I just used it to promote my game and help new admins, despite the bile that came from largely unmoderated trolls whose names we all know. If the forums had remained open after the Jesus affair, I would probably have continued to hold my nose and post promo stuff. Would you agree that you don't have to like everything about a site and its management in order to use it for a specific purpose?

I *am* running several MUD-related sites, including a forum for my game. I *am* trying to do better. I wouldn't think of posting irrelevant content on the forum, but if I did, I wouldn't sanction people for actually discussing it, nor would I "take my toys and go home."

Famine 08-07-2013 11:37 AM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Well, I wasn't really referring to the whole banner issue. I was just speaking on the subtle opinion that someone should have done X and didn't run something right even before the whole banner incident came up. Kind of like using this one incident as an excuse to pile on more issues that happened in the past as well trying to pass judgement to make a point -- he/she didn't do a good job regardless and there can be better.

Maybe I'm looking to much into this, but that's what I got out the context.

On the analogy, I think it's a good one. It's not to say that voicing feedback is bad. It's more to say that feedback shouldn't be dictation or even subtly hinting at what dictation you should be doing. For example, telling a developer what to do rather than saying why you don't like something. Or with the medical example, diagnosing yourself because you googled your symptoms. It's just good practice, even in game development, to voice your opinion on what you experienced rather than trying to be that armchair developer, armchair web master, armchair whatever.

I would hope that of all people KaVir, you would get that.

flbellman 08-07-2013 12:21 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Please do not troll. All the damage that could have occurred, happened already. I am the last one arrived here, but I wish mud to start becoming popular again. What happened to the TMC's forums is a bad episode, and everyone should take it as a lesson, never to happen again.

plamzi 08-07-2013 12:26 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
If forums went down because of trolling, no forum would survive a day.

SnowTroll 08-07-2013 12:33 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Half the fun of the internet is discussing things with people. Exchanging ideas. Even when you're playing a mud, the fun part of the game is your interaction with other players. The brightest spot in your roleplaying day is having a heated in character argument with another character. The brightest spot in your PK day is a good fight, even if you lose. The brightest spot in your hack and slash day is getting together with a few other players and comparing who's doing better.

The downside of the internet is its anonymous nature. There are no consequences, there is no shame. It really paints an ugly picture of human nature. Absent repercussions, people are offensive to one another and totally incapable of having a civil discussion or exchange of ideas. I've been on muds where all kinds of discussion topics are banned, because people might be offended, because on the internet, people are offensive.

It's really sad when someone rushes to say, "Everyone shut up! Don't discuss this! Don't respond! It's going to turn into something ugly and uncivil. Learn from our past mistakes and don't discuss controversial issues!" It's really sad that this is the resolution people try to pursue because people on the internet are idiots.

DarkOzma 08-07-2013 01:37 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
This topic was going pretty good until Fizban decided to show up? I'm sure you guys have noticed that Fizban ruins topics and destroys forums. He acts like he's Mr. Knowitall and Mr. Right, no one can question him because he works on a wannabe Pro MUD with no players. It's really sad to see this guy act like he never does any wrong. I can already tell you how he'll respond to this post. First, he'll make a comment about how I'm a typical DBZ MUD owner because I dare spoke up against him. Second, he'll act like I'm stupid and talk about how I have no right to post. Third, he'll act like he's better than me because he claims he's grown up. Finally, he'll try to get others to gang up on me to make himself feel like he's done something good for the community.

This guy is sad, plain and simple. He needs to stop harassing Iccy, he needs to stop acting like he has control over other people and he needs to stop with his unneeded drama. You may call this post drama but it's needed since no one will stand up to this obvious troll who ruins communities.

flbellman 08-07-2013 02:18 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
That's for sure. However, the mudding community should focus on improve the mudding experience. To a simple user like me, you all are doing great stuff. Maybe someone lost a bit of focus in the way. I think I bought your Mudmaster for iPhone, by the way. I truly hope that mudding will become popular again. It is such a great way of gaming.

As to SnowTroll post, I did not want to propose a resolution "You all shut up, I am grown up". As I said, it is pretty evident (at least to me) that posting a religious banner in a mud websites is likely to trigger reactions from the community. If someone does not see that and claims anything about the freedom of speech it is really out of the way, in my opinion. It is like to have two women cooking in the same kitchen (you can troll me about that...good grounds on sex discrimination :)).

Generally, people are stupid (and I am not excluding myself) and cannot assess huge problems RL poses, sometimes they do not want, sometimes they simply can't. That explains many things.

Admittedly, I have fun in interacting with people on the Internet, so I take pro and contra, and I take full liability of what I post. I am not so anonymous as it may seem; nor I shield myself with being anonymous in the first place. As you all know, the Internet started with everybody being anonymous but now such trend has kind of changed.

Truthfully, I started to post stuff because of mudding, otherwise I just used the Internet for working purposes. So the mudding community, including this site and TMC gave me a lot.

I just hope that form past mistakes we could learn something for the future.

English is not my native language, as I live in Italy, and I am 40 years old.

No offense is intended to anyone.

Peace to all.

Fizban 08-07-2013 02:21 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Ozma, go troll somewhere else. Or better yet, stop trolling for once.

Quite the opposite, I encourage people to question - everything.

I've never claimed to not make mistakes nor made any claims that I am perfect.

Don't put words in my mouth. I'm vocal enough, I don't need your help.

No. You have me confused with yourself. That's the problem. You and I are fundamentally different.

Cratylus and I told you before: If you don't like what you're reading go pick up a book.

You're the one that sees the need to tell others to stop posting.

I think everyone should be more vocal and speak their mind - even those with dissenting opinions.

You got me confused with you again, you're the one trying to get the community to unite against me. You tried the same on MudBytes and TMC. You failed both times.

I haven't been harassing Icculus. I think he acted rashly and made a few bad decisions. I think everyone makes such mistakes from time to time. I've emailed him back and forth several times over the past couple weeks and have had nothing but friendly discussion when doing so, and apologized to him for making him feel as if his time and effort were unappreciated, because that was never my intent.

I'm not making drama, I'm posting my opinion. You're the one taking offense with it and creating drama.

Newworlds 08-07-2013 02:50 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Love this kind of attitude. You can come to Ateraan anytime Famine.

Newworlds 08-07-2013 02:57 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
Heh, I just read this and wondered, "who's Fizban?" <chuckle> DarkOzma, people only become famous when you make 'em famous.

Fizban 08-07-2013 03:29 PM

Re: FYI Mudconnector forums shut down
I don't typically frequent TMS, but "Who's Fizban?" is certainly not a sentiment that many people on TMC or MudBytes would echo.

Though I'm certainly not claiming that that makes me "famous" by any means either.

Though it is nice to see that Ozma thinks so highly of 4 Dimensions and sees the need to badmouth it when I hadn't made any mention of it in any regard.

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