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darmir 11-14-2010 02:25 PM

Looking for RP mud
I have been playing muds for a long time. The type of muds I play are RPI muds and I am looking for a new one to play on. I currently play on SoI, but would love to find another.

The criteria is:
Level-less System
Class-less System
Ansi Color
Roleplaying Is Encouraged/Enforced
Skill-Based Training System
Skill-Based Equipment System
Crafting System
GMCP enabled (not a must but would be interested in playing on)

Also I would like the mud to be around awhile. One that will have players on it when I login. :)

Newworlds 11-14-2010 05:16 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Hi there. The only game like this I could recommend with confidence is Atonement RPI found at:
It is different than SOI, but has a good admin and world. Good luck!

darmir 11-14-2010 05:26 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Thanks for the reply, but I should have mentioned I don't want the mud to be SciFi. I would rather have a medieval setting or roman setting.

silvarilon 11-14-2010 08:10 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
You might want to check out "The Eternal City"
One of (if not) the longest running Roman-themed muds around.

Although you have to sign up for an account, it's free. (Just have your months trial account, then don't pay, and it becomes a "free account" - you can still play the game fully. Paid accounts allow you more characters, and a few other perks. I don't play, so I couldn't say how large the distinction between paid and unpaid is, but I get the impression it's not significant.)

I don't know if it uses ANSI color or if it's GMCP enabled. I do know there is a browser client that you can optionally use, and I believe that has color etc.

(Of course, I'd suggest my mud, since it's set in a Renaissance Italy setting... so, I suppose it's late-roman, late-medieval with aspects of both. But since it's a Furry mud, I doubt it's what you're after :) )

prof1515 11-14-2010 08:46 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Does TEC have skill-based as opposed to level-based equipment? For some reason I keep thinking they used level-based. I might be confusing it with another game though.

Fifi 11-14-2010 09:30 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Armageddon is not class-less, but give it a try anyway.

silvarilon 11-15-2010 11:34 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
I believe that TEC is entirely skill-based rather than level-based.

I think they have skill sets, which are similar to classes in the sense that you can make a thief by taking the thief skill sets. But I don't think there is anything stopping a warrior from learning pickpocket or other thief skill sets. And I don't think there is such as thing as "a level 5 thief", only "characters with a level 5 skill in pickpocket"

Also, I believe the skills are represented in general terms, such as "You are extremely good at pickpocketing" rather than giving specific numbers.

But take everything I say with a grain of salt. I've only had one day playing on the game, myself, and that was years ago. Most of what I know is from talking with their players and staff.


brytta 11-16-2010 12:04 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Armageddon will wow you on roleplay quality (comparable to Shadows of Isildur, though a little different culture), playerbase (bigger), and sheer adrenaline (it tends, I understand, to be somewhat faster/deadlier than SoI). I think the crafting system is less detailed than SoI's, but perhaps also less cumbersome. Training is skill-based. Equipment augments skills, and sometimes requires certain skills to be used effectively.

What it doesn't have:
- Classless system (though the classes are augmented with subclasses; there's a good variety).
- ANSI color.
I won't insult you by telling you that you shouldn't care about these. :)

darmir 11-16-2010 04:49 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
I have created a character on Armageddon. And to be honest one of the reasons I don't play it is because there is no ansi color.

This quote is taken from the Armageddon General Forum.
For me, I an not a newbie, but I like to see the text with some color to help organize what you see. Like room descriptions in green. People in purple. Object in another color.
This makes it very easy to distinguish different areas of the text. At a glance I can tell how many people are the room. How many objects I can use in my emotes. When the text color is all white, everything runs together and it isn't pleasant to look at if you are looking at the screen for some time. I know I can change the base color through my client or even add a bunch of triggers that change the color, but that is too time consuming.

As for GMCP, that is not a must have, and was something I would like to try so I can play with the data sent to me in my client.

The second reason I don't play is when I was on, the RP that I saw was scarce and when I did see it, the RP was terrible.

Justin534 11-16-2010 05:03 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Does TEC have a permanent death system?

Jazuela 11-16-2010 08:02 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Re: time consuming to add colors:

It's equally time consuming to change the colors, if the game forces colors on you that you don't like. So rather than force people to have "THESE" colors, they let players pick whatever colors they want in their client. The game supports ansi color, it simply doesn't include ansi color.

As for horrible RP, my only experience with "horrible" RP in Arm, was when I came across new players who were just getting their feet wet in the game. Often they had no understanding of the emoting system, and some didn't really "get" that when you're in a crowded room of people, and the room description says there's a bar, and tables, and people walking all over the place, that it's probably not the most appropriate place to type "sleep."

And on occasion I recall meeting the random new player who really didn't want to play Armageddon at all, but just wanted to show up and be googy and annoying. The whole "oh hai u got eq how do i get exp lolol" thing. I just assumed people did that on purpose to **** other people off. They never lasted long though and they were few and far between. I think I came across - three - in several years' time.

darmir 11-16-2010 08:23 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Well I am giving it another try, but one thing is I am trying to figure out how to set things up to my liking. Say the prompt.... It says you can set mana in the prompt but the %m doesn't work.

Also I created the character on Arm awhile back and don't remember his race or hometown, but I don't see that anywhere in the score..

I also wanted to ask question on the forums, and requested it to get approved but I've been waiting for almost a day and no response... That show terrible administration to me.

My last complaint about Arm, is not very newbie friendly. I am not a newbie to mudding or to RP muds, but there isn't any channel to ask question except ooc and when I did NOBODY answered. Come on people I understand the need to be IC but give a new guy to your mud a chance to understand it.

silvarilon 11-16-2010 09:52 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Yes, but it's not unrestricted.

From what I understand, you can find someone and beat on them, leaving them unconscious (or with other injuries such as concussion) - but you can't actually kill them.

Before you can kill someone you need to request a "PK Ticket" - if granted that ticket, you can then kill them. I'm not sure what the criteria are to get the ticket, it might cost something, or just require a good RP reason. I believe the intention is to minimize griefing while still allowing risk & permanent death.

brytta 11-18-2010 09:23 AM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Prompt- I set mine like so:
prompt %h/%Hhp %t/%Tst %m/%Mma %v/%Vmv %A %w %s >
You should get a mana display for %m based on your wisdom, but chances are that you're not playing a magick-user if you're new-ish?

You may have mentioned your hometown when you wrote your character's initial biography; you can check that with "bio 1". And in the login screen, you can display some information about your current character, including, I think, race...I don't recall the keystroke.

For OOC help, I highly recommend using the helper chat/question system: Doesn't seem to be anyone online right now, but it's Thursday morning in the USA. :D

For your forum account, log in with your MUD account on the web page:
and submit some kind of a Question Request: "Guys I can't get my forum account approved pls help it's for email and the username is MyForumUserName." I've set up several forum accounts over the years...usually it was quick, but one got lost indefinitely.

KaVir 11-18-2010 11:46 AM

Re: Looking for RP mud
I'm not sure I see the distinction. Obviously there are mud clients out there that allow you to apply colour to certain sequences of text, but that's a feature of the client - it has nothing to do with the mud itself.

I do think it's perfectly reasonable of you to explain to the OP that he can add colour himself using certain clients, but if Armageddon doesn't implement colour at the server end then IMO it shouldn't really be included as a feature in the listing.

The primary advantage of server-side colour is that it works out-of-the-box for almost all clients, and if it's configurable you can just say "all combat messages should be red" or "all object names should be orange" - that's usually going to be a lot faster and easier than trying to identify combat messages and object names from text sequences at the client end.

darmir 11-18-2010 03:21 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
I totally agree with KaVir on this. Armageddon doesn't really have ansi colour. If you do turn of the ansi colour switch in Armagedoon, the only thing that happens is they bold the white on a few, and I mean very few, word. I don't consider this ansi colour.

Myrdrid 11-21-2010 05:41 AM

Re: Looking for RP mud
Why not try Dark Isles? .

Set in a historical context closely related to around 15th century Europe, Dark Isles has its own defined religion, races and world history adding a fresh spin to a common theme.

It's been around for long enough to have an established mythos, code and playerbase.

Our crafting tree makes almost any item in game craftable.

Our PvP combat system is emote-based as well as coded, making combat more in-depth and exciting.

Friendly staff and players ensure that every question is answered efficiently and effectively.

Our roleplay enforced environment and class-less/level-less system ensures the full immersion of a player.

Regular plots and staff intervention creates an exciting and unpredictable roleplay environment, whether you are in the front line of a demon attack or simply fishing by a river.

'Your' excellent roleplay abilities are recognised and rewarded through their own point system (SP), opening up possibilities of special characters and rare races for those who are most deserving!


Port: 7000

darmir 11-21-2010 10:55 AM

Re: Looking for RP mud
A little to late.. I logged in last night and created an account...I had to leave but will be back today to finish up the character creation. ;)

Myrdrid 11-21-2010 04:36 PM

Re: Looking for RP mud
How crazy! Glad to have you with us! ^_^

Darren Brimhall 11-26-2010 04:57 AM

Re: Looking for RP mud

Ironclaw is largely the same way.

And trust me, it does come in handy for various things like earning an income. But to get lessons you need to build up your Learning Points, which incure at ten points per day, and to use the House NPC's you need an income to 'pay' the Teachers.

But all in all, its not bad.

Darren Brimhall

Dionae 11-26-2010 05:22 AM

Re: Looking for RP mud
I would recommend Geas. It has all of the criteria except for skill-based equipment system (All eq is useable by anyone regardless of skill) and probably GMCP because I don't know what that means. ;)

Check it out if you get a chance:

DarkIsles 05-26-2013 01:53 AM

Re: Looking for RP mud

The game is now located on port 8500.

Port: 8500

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