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Omera 02-03-2008 02:49 PM

Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
I am looking for a MUX/MUSH/MUCK/whatever that doesn't have enforced permadeath. There should be people to RP with all the time, because sometimes I get bored from having too much time on my hands (weekends). Also, I don't want to submit a character app with a wall of text for a biography.

Ide 02-03-2008 05:10 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Sorry Omera, I can't think of a place that really fits your criteria, except maybe for some adult themed mushes. Try Shangri-La. Supposedly it has the most players and you don't need a big app for a character.

Omera 02-03-2008 05:24 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
No erotic roleplay please.

Ide 02-03-2008 05:45 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
If only.

Seriously, maybe Road To Amber then? It's pretty much full consent I believe, so your character wouldn't have to die if you didn't want them to. They've been averaging 50 players or so.

bytre 02-03-2008 06:38 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Ancient Anguish is "whatever" (lpmud) which is always busy, ~60-80 players peak times, ~30-40 low times.

Character death results in the loss of one level, you can always recover from a death.

RP if you want to, be yourself if you want to, whatever your preference. Character creation requires your playername, a gender, a race, and if you want to see new user training or not.

Fizban 02-04-2008 10:54 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
That's not the same at all, your mud sounds like it accepts roleplaying whereas they sound to be looking for something heavily roleplay-centric.

Newworlds 02-04-2008 01:26 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Well, if you will consider a MUD, come on by NW. There is permadeath (in very limited moderation, basically you have to be a complete jackass to be permadeathed), but mostly just standard resurrection and no level loss on death. There is however a lot of roleplay since we are roleplay enforced and many people to roleplay with. You might do well as a merchant or a cleric of the light if you are not seeking very much combat and more roleplayable situation.

Just yesterday a rogue held auditions for a play at the grand theater in the main town and the Druids had a huge event on the benefits of nature and someone was murdered and a ship was sunk at sea. So, you can see the entire gambit of roleplay and combat are available.

Come check it out! If you play for a week and do not thoroughly enjoy it, you won't have to pay a single dime.

Good luck!

Threshold 02-05-2008 12:34 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
You might want to try Threshold. ~100 people online with required RP and no permadeath (unless you choose it for RP reasons).

Brody 02-05-2008 08:30 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Necromundus has permadeath in the sense that, well, you're already dead when you start the game. It's a MUSH, with an RP requirement, so you do have to submit a brief biography for your character - at least 250 words. However, there's no real theme knowledge requirement. Technically, your character could be coming to the afterlife realms from any world or time. 3005

Check out the Necromundus section of the OtherVerse Wiki at

Omera 02-05-2008 05:24 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Like I stated in a previous thread, I'm 13 (14 actually since my birthday was last month)and the mods or admin might find out my age and than I'll be banned from the game.

Muirdach 02-06-2008 01:41 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Especially if you told them directly, huh? ;)

From my experience, many of the games that enforce RP or have heavy RP systems will have some kind of age restriction. Partly I imagine for legal reasons, partly because they want mature players. Good luck with finding one to suit you, though.

Omera 02-06-2008 07:08 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Age has nothing to do with maturity, and anybody who thinks otherwise is ignorant. If an adult somehow can't RP comfortably around somebody who's 14, than they can kindly stop RP cybering in a public place ingame.

Muirdach 02-06-2008 07:41 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Actually, most people who play MUDs to cyber probably wouldn't care if a 14 year old was watching.

Not going to argue, and I'm not saying that this policy is good, bad or indifferent - simply that it's something to take into account when choosing a MUD, and from my experience within this genre of games, that is often what other MUD admins tell me when we talk about the reasons behind our policies. I'm quite happy to have players of any age, and you're quite right that a 14 year old player can be a great deal more respectful and a better member of the community than a 30 year old who gets drunk and plays for a laugh, or whatever. Just, right or wrong, many MUDs in the category that interests you will have that rule.

Not saying that you should ever break a rule like that, of course (and certainly not Threshold's ;)), but sometimes we have to be pragmatic about these things. If you find a MUD that interests you but also has that rule, it might be worthwhile e-mailing the game admin and asking why they do that, and if there's any way for it to be waived or something similar.

Jazuela 02-06-2008 07:45 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Spoken like a true teenager. You prove the point rather than defend against it, Omera. Maybe you haven't gotten to that part of Anatomy/Physiology yet, where they study the brain. Or maybe you just need to watch a little more Dr. Phil. But age definitely -is- related to emotional maturity. There is a sizeable allowance for extremes, but even with that allowance, a 12-year-old will not have the brain function to understand consequences and logical reasoning, as a 20-year-old. A 14-year-old will not be mentally or emotionally capable of comprehending the possibility of traumatic episodes 20 years in the future, as the result of chosen behaviors today. It's just how the brain develops, and it is why there are age limits in the first place.

Ide 02-06-2008 10:39 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Spoken like a true adult.

Omera, I wanted to add a few more mushes that seem to be good these days, although they might be smaller: Victorian Reverie, Haunted Memories (both World of Darkness), and The Greatest Generation (WWII sim).

Omera 02-06-2008 09:37 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
I could honestly give a crap less what the ignorant mind thinks of my age. Also, would you happen to have any degrees in biology or psychology Jazuela?

Xerihae 02-07-2008 08:04 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Please stick to the topic at hand, i.e recommending MUSHes etc for Omera to try out. Any discussion of the definitions of maturity should have its own thread somewhere else, probably The Break Room.

Omera 02-07-2008 04:43 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Thanks. That should get the thread on topic.

Newworlds 02-09-2008 10:46 AM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Actually, I think it killed the thread. We tend to enjoy bending the topics and talking smack about maturity levels. As shown in the "Art of Successful Forums":

"...and when you want a thread to stay live and active, intensly read with numerous responses, it must have a topic that is controversial, discussion that is agressive, and prose that has fire and ice." -ASF

tavarilyn 07-08-2008 11:44 PM

Re: Are there any MUX/MUSH/MUCKs that are active 24/7 and don't have permadeath?
Omera -

I'm glad to see someone here mention a MUSH as an option. I'm new to these boards and play MUSHes only, as I've never been able to get into MUDs. So I'll give you a list of place I've played where Fighting/Combat is only an option and never required. All scenes between you and anyone else are roleplayed and there are extensive HELP and NEWS files to get you started out. Chargen is typically small and player-oriented, offering a "way around" if you're familiar with MUSHes and their command structure.

Elendor - Elendor is a MUSH based on JRRT's Lord of the Rings. It is set in the time period of the War of the Ring and is HUGE, both in player-base and rooms. Many of the cultures from the books are available for you to become a part of. This MUSH was created back in 1990 and has been growing ever since. On average, you can find anywhere from 30-100 people connected at any given time of day. You can connect there as a Guest character if you would like to view/experience the MUSH viscerally but not be an active part of it. Address: (webpage), (MUSH connect)

Beleriand - Beleriand is a MUSH also based on JRRT's universe of Middle Earth. It is set about 3000 years before the War of the Ring in what is known as the 1st Age of Middle Earth. If you are familiar with the Silmarillion, that would be the time period in which this MUSH is active. This game is much smaller than Elendor by about 1/2 to 1/3, but most of the players on Bel have at least some tie to Elendor in some way. We're in a rebuilding phase and could use good, solid, active players who want to help out. Address: (webpage), (MUSH connect)

PernMUSH - Pern, commonly called "NC", is the "Elendor" of Pern-based MUSHes. It is based on Anne McCaffrey's Pern novels and is set entirely on the Northern Continent (hence the NC designation). Here there be Dragons! There is an active set of Searches going on, usually one every few months, so no matter when you join, you can usually get aboard Search (if that is your interest). If Dragonriding isn't your cup of tea, the Holds and Halls would be _more than happy_ to have another Crafter or Holder to add to their ranks. Even the Weyrs recruit non-riding personel. Not to put to find a point on it: there's something for everyone here. Also featuring a large playerbase. Also a long-standing MUSH. One of the few that has AM's permission to run. Address: (website), (MUSH connect)

A few parting thoughts. This is a small list of the MUSHes I've played on over the last decade and a half. A great deal of MUSHes get a bad rap here because they are entirely player-driven. These three sites in particular have a lot of great people, a lot of HELPFUL people who are interested in getting new players up and running. If you (or anyone!) happen to have questions about MUSHes that are listed here or not... please ask. :> Thanks again for your time!

Tavarilyn @ Beleriand, Taelyn @ Elendor, Dhinara @ NC

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