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Soleil 06-30-2006 12:41 PM

Medievia V is here!

From a distance you behold our world. Peaceful, beautiful continents resting like gems set within an aquamarine sea. Come closer.

To the east, you see a battle waging on the seas. A ship is locked in battle with a giant sea serpent, the crew frantically manning the guns and striving to hold the ship together in face of the onslaught.

Many miles to the north, in another part of the sea, several clans have gathered their strength to do battle against the Khrait, a mysterious, powerful race that has recently begun to invade our lands from Afar, in the first skirmishes of war that will change the face of Medievia.

In a few parts of the world, life continues almost serenely. Clans prepare to build their businesses; traders venture between the great cities of our land in endless search for profit; dragons soar through the sky, bearing adventurers out to hone and test their skills, in the hopes of becoming worthy of the title Hero.

But look closer still, at our faces. See the anticipation, the fear and excitement, as each one of us faces the fact that the struggle we're engaged in will determine the destiny of our entire world, and of each of our souls.

Gold and glory, battle, adventure, triumph, defeat, Good, and Evil... all await anyone with the strength of spirit to come forth. Our history is being written. Are you strong enough to join us?

Do you dare enter?


Medievia has been around since 1992, and has never stopped growing, evolving, and becoming better, and we're one of the largest gameworlds in existence! We have it all, and then some. Our maps are unparalleled, using beautiful miniature graphics provided by our own fonts. Our zones and wilderness are immense and interactive, and it's all watched over by our greatest achievement: a sophisticated artificial intelligence module we call the DungeonMaster.

The DM allows history to unfold. Everything you do, wherever and whenever you are, is connected, and is watched by the DM. The storyline continues to unfold, and YOU are a part of History. Join us!

The_Disciple 07-01-2006 12:48 AM

I have to say that I think the "Do you DARE enter?" bit ruins the ad.

The rest of it is a really cool and well-written advertisement, and you're to be commended on that... but, man. You have all this great, flowing description that does a fantastic job of drawing the reader in, followed by one cheesy line that most twelve-year-olds playing hack-and-slash D&D in their parents' basement would have too much maturity and creative style to utter.

Next time, lose that and it makes the whole thing that much more engaging.

Fifi 07-01-2006 02:56 PM

Um... never mind.

Note to self, think then post, not post then think. Sorry if my post upset or embarrassed anyone.

GuruPlayer 07-03-2006 01:12 AM

Players new to mudding...BE INFORMED...before you try this MUD read these links:

Soleil 07-03-2006 06:26 AM

And read this one too:

cratylus 07-03-2006 10:34 AM

See also

I think it's natural to see oneself as not "the bad guy" when
one's intentions are not malicious.

However, it is possible to do wrong with purity in
one's heart, and yet it is still a wrong.


cratylus 07-03-2006 11:23 AM

I'd like to clarify my post. Apologies for double posting.

I don't have an axe to grind against anyone. I'm not a
Medhater...I've never talked to any Medievia people, never played the game, and have no veted interest in Diku or Diku code.

I don't feel agressed in any way, and I have no interest in flaming.

However, I do feel compelled to respond to Soleil's post. It
points to a URL that contains information about Medievia, but
also contains fundamental misperceptions about what
a Diku mud is and what the obligations of such a mud are.

It is a simple fact of copyright law that a work which is
derived from a copyrighted work is a "derivative work". Even
if Diku were translated into Mandarin, and not a single word of
the original code remained, and it was then turned into
a PS3 game, and then made into a movie, and then novelized in
German, that German novel would *still* be a Diku derivative

That's just the law. That's how it works.

Even if not a single snatch of Diku/Merc/Whatever code was
left in Medievia, the fact that it began as a Diku derivative
makes it a Diku derivative to this day. That's just the law. That's
how it works.

I don't even need to go into detail about who has found what
evidence in Medievia code. That's not necessary. All I need
is to point you to the very same URL Soleil posted, and that's
all you need to know that Medievia is a derivative work,
is therefore under copyright to the original Diku authors, and
is subject to Diku license.

The rest is chaff. Hands waved in front of your eyes so you
won't see the man behind the curtain. It wouldn't matter even
if Diku were 10 lines of code and Medievia were 10 quadrillion.

Medievia is Fruit of the Poison Tree. If Medievia doesn't
abide by the license of the copyrighted work from which it is
derived, it can fairly be called a copyright violator.

I'm sure Soleil and everyone else there is a decent,
hardworking person who means no harm. I myself have
run afoul of copyright law by accident. The right thing to
do is to immediately address it. I saw I was wrong, and I
immediately worked to fix the problem. I speak from
experience when I say I understand it is embarrassing and
frustrating to find that you're the Bad Guy, when all along
to were just trying to do the right thing.

But accepting reality is the first step, and I hope
that's something Soleil will do.


DonathinFrye 07-03-2006 12:02 PM

I'd like to encourage no more responses to this post dealing with either Medievia's legitimacy or ventures into their copyright handlings.

Any new users who are curious about Medievia - go to the links posted above by both Guru and Medievia. Be an informed player - then make a decision. The decision is whether or not you are going to attempt to play Medievia - some people love the game, some people hate it, some people hate what it stands for, some people could care less. Inform yourself and then decide. There are plenty of other threads here that deal with Medievia and DIKU Licensing - I've been an active participant in them.

This thread, however, is an Advertising thread to let new players know of the release of Medievia V. Guru did a service by posting a couple of informative links, and Soleil rightfully posted one of her own.

Let's let sleeping dogs lie there, with this thread. If you want to know more about Medievia, just search the forums for threads about the MUD. That's all I've to say. This thread's served its purpose, it doesn't need to live in longer than necessary.

the_logos 07-03-2006 12:12 PM

Congratulations on Medievia V, Soleil!


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