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Crystal 08-13-2002 10:53 PM

I've been building my MUD for well over a year now, and have been hosted with GenesisMUD during that time. And I have no problem with their packages or anything, except that you can NEVER contact them.

It's been almost a month, since I've e-mailed them with a simple question and no reply. I don't think they've ever answered any of my e-mails, and frankly, I'm getting really annoyed.

I've looked through some other hosts, Kyndig, Wolfpaw, Betterbox, but I wanted some input from people with more 'hosting' experience than myself.

In your opinion, who is a good host and why? Who do you suggest?

smadronia 08-14-2002 01:07 AM

My fiancee and I have had our mud on both Betterbox and Kyndig. Of the two, I'd choose Kyndig, they have better servers and support.

Every time we've had a problem they've answered out e-mails in less than 24 hours. They e-mailed us not that long ago to tell us we had a possible security problem, and that evening someone who worked there logged into the mud to make sure we'd fixed it. They send us billing reminders well ahead of time, and if it's close to the due date and you haven't paid they e-mail you and ask if you still want hosting. If they adjust pricingdown, they'll give you a credit back on pre-paid months if that happens, and if it goes up your pre paid months aren't charged the increase.

What I like best about Kyndig is the customizing of your package. Betterbox doesn't let you do that, and we had problems with that. We were pushing the ram limits on our package, and we didn't need all the stuff the next step up had. We had been told we could just pay extra for more RAM, but we never got an answer on it. With Kyndig we didn't have that problem.

Orion Elder 08-14-2002 09:26 AM

I've had experience with a few hosts, so far. Mainly from working on friends' MUDs with them. BetterBox, MUDs R Us (I think that was the name), Arthmoor, and a few others.

Out of all of those, the one I'd recommend is . (a website, not a MUD) has been hosted with Arthmoor since the creation of it, and I've not had a single problem yet, and Samson has never seem to have the least bit of problem in helping me out with getting something working properly. I also know a few people who are hosting their MUDs with Arthmoor, and I've never heard any complaints.

If you happen to need a list of MUD Hosts, you can find a list at MUD Planet, under the Hosts section. As far as I know, MUD Planet has the largest list of MUD Hosts out.

Brianna 08-14-2002 10:48 AM

I would suggest

Lance is quick to respond to any questions or problems, his prices are reasonable, and there is very little downtime from the server as whole. Any scheduled downtime he notifies you in advance.

I would happily recommend his server to any mud.

Brody 08-14-2002 02:27 PM

I'd recommend . Relatively new, but the rates are great and they're very responsive. Just moved OtherSpace to them in July.

tresspassor 08-14-2002 02:33 PM

I highly recommend Wolfpaw

I've used wolfpaw for the last 1 1/2 years for my mud, all i can say is they've been really really great!

I've used their support system quite a few times and have gotten quick responses.

With a few very important issues I've given them phone calls, and usually Dale will answer and walk through the problem I'm having right there and fix it while i'm on the phone.

Xanferious 08-14-2002 02:53 PM

i would go with kyndig or xidus, is what i use and never had a problem with em but hey thats my 00.02

Belgarath 08-27-2014 11:37 PM

Re: Your preference on a MUD Host
The MUD that I play hosts theirs on HostGator. Although a friend of mine was recently recommending DreamHost.

Zivilyn 08-28-2014 12:31 PM

Re: Your preference on a MUD Host
I used Wolfpaw for ages, Dale's great there.
In fact we moved there from Mudservices (*wipes a tear*) in 2000.
Even through a mud split and other servers I came back to him and had great service.
He's mainly doing more Virtual hosting and dedicated machines now, but still has some mud hosting.
We ended up moving to a Virtual machine with linode while I was away on sabbatical (divorce etc), and are still there mainly due to price.

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