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Flyer 01-24-2003 02:11 PM

I have only played MUDS a little bit and only non-roleplaying ones at that. I would like to give roleplaying a try but don't really know where/how to get started. Suggestions please?

crymerci 01-24-2003 02:39 PM

Well, to start with, I would suggest just looking among the roleplay MUDs listed here and seeing which one appeals to your imagination most. I'll put in a bid to recommend the MUD I play on, ArmageddonMUD, where you will learn to roleplay by following the example of some of the best roleplayers I've ever had the pleasure to play with. But choose a MUD that sounds interesting to you. It's easier to be creative when you find your surroundings inspiring.

Think about your character before you enter the game: what was their life like growing up? What are his/her hopes and fears? Strengths and weaknesses? I would suggest creating a character with a similar personality to yours to start with, then give them some interesting quirks, like a prejudice against dwarves, a fear of water, an addiction to sweets. Some people have better luck creating a character very different from themselves, but whatever you decide, make sure that it's something that is interesting to you. Sometimes you can only discover this by trial and error. What had seemed like a really neat idea may turn into a yawn. Don't be afraid to fail on your first attempts.

That goes for actually roleplaying once you're in the game, whichever game it is. Everyone was new somewhere once, and most games are fairly welcoming to newbies who show a desire to learn the ropes. So just stick your neck out and try. Interact with your environment, your equipment, other players and NPC's. Watch how other players roleplay, see what you like and don't like, and incorporate the good stuff into your own play.

Flyer 01-24-2003 09:57 PM

Thanks for the suggestions. I have looked at Armageddon...but somehow didn't strike me as a good place for someone who has never role played before. The phrase on your home page 'our standards are demanding' doesn't sound like a newbie friendly place....

Eternal 01-24-2003 10:48 PM

Actually, Flyer, it is and it isn't....

As far as an in-character perspective goes, the enforced roleplay and often-lethal, always harsh environment do not make life easier for the new player... krath, they don't even make life easy for the 4+ years players (like myself).

However, from an ooc perspective, you do have the support of a solid number of Helpers (players registered for the purpose of giving aid to newbies out of game) and just generally good-intentioned players.  I'd suggest that you check out Armageddon's General Discussion Board before making your fears keep you from what you might find to be a greatly enjoyable experience.

Admittedly, it's not for everyone, some people don't enjoy strict roleplay or harsh environments.  I do.  Drop me a line if I can be of any help, oh and I wanted to give you this link to a board post by another new player who was as intimidated as you seem to be.

Like I said, feel free to talk to me, any of the other helpers, or post any concerns you might have on the GDB.  I look forward to playing with you, and if not, I hope you find your dream game of the thousands out there.

-Eternal, ArmageddonMUD Helper

Flyer 01-24-2003 11:07 PM

OK...I will check it out further and maybe give it a try thanks for the feedback

Bastien 01-25-2003 03:50 AM

I came to Armageddon about 3 months ago. As a total newbie, I too was kind of nervous.

But I got over it. I watched and learned from others. All in all I fell into (and in love) with it fairly easily.

The miles of helpfiles are fairly esy to ready, and very helpful, the GDB is stuffed full of nice, knowledgeable people, and the Immortals and Staff are all great people. A good place.

Anyway, just wanted to give another "learners" perspective on Arm.

JilesDM 01-25-2003 08:30 AM

There is one caveat regarding this that I'd like to mention. On MUDs as difficult (permadeath, no newbie zones, etc) and unique as most good RP MUDs, you should be careful about your first few characters. I've often come across people who overdesign their first character, planning grand schemes of some sort, elaborate backgrounds, etc., and have it all go to waste because what they had envisioned for their character was horribly, horribly out of place (e.g., an Elf who grew up tinkering with magical artifacts, with ambitions to be a great archmage of awesome power in a low fantasy setting where maybe 3 magical items exist on the whole MUD). Until you understand the setting well, keep your char background vague, and your expecations for your character's future wide open (on Arm, your first few probably won't last more than 3-4 days each, unless it's gotten much easier in the past few years).

guru4u 01-25-2003 10:12 AM

Unforcanly the mud I play costs a pretty penny but the best roleplay eviorment

they haven't updated their page but inferno costs $20/month but is the best.

the thing I think that spearates from the rest is it's social envoriment

I found in many muds that there aren't alot of social interaction between players that aren't in the same "group", quite the optisit on inferno , people often ingage in conversation.

for those who don't like botging you can be a pure craftmen.
and another neat thing you gain some experience for just being loged on, so even when you just sitting around talking to friends you r getting something

if you can cough up that much cash another option to consider is dragons gate for $9.95/month(also gives access to other games) but the problem with it(reason , I quit) is the game is owned by mystic entertainment,creaters of DAoC, which is $12.95/month and has a larger player based.. you do the math, and dragons gate has a number of unimplented features, skills that have no function etc, like their going to get done any time soon?

one of the nice things common to both , they are two of the few "gentle" RPI(roleplay intensive) muds,yes they have enforcement, but they don't come off rude, elitist,degrading, that I have experienced in other RPI muds

in fact the first course of action in both muds is simply to send a OOC whisper to the offender, explain what the did wrong

Hossenfeffer 01-25-2003 04:13 PM

Flyer, I'd throw a vote in for Carrion Fields as a place to try out. I'm a diehard and have played that game off and on since like 94/95. The players run the whole gambit of roleplaying effort and ability. There are some that barely do a thing and are there just for a kill, but there are some that can really take your breath away with how deep they've delved into their character.

There's a place called "The Inn of the Eternal Star" that is the basis for a roleplay central cabal, the Heralds. Usually, you can go there for some guaranteed rp.

Roleplay is required, but it's not hard at all to meet whatever minimum is required. Basically, no OOC talk and keep a fairly consistent take on your character. You'll create a description of what your character looks like (fairly basic, but required) and then have a private "role" you can add to that only you and immortals can see. Allows for a huge spectrum of character choices.

Levels 1-10 you're safe from fighting other players. During that time you can use the newbie channel (The only ooc channel) and ask immortals questions about how to play the game. You'll find them extremely willing to help get you on the right track.

OnyxFlame 01-25-2003 05:58 PM

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