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Fern 06-04-2006 05:23 PM

Any of you webmasters experienced with setting up and managing a multi-blog base?  (Any player can post to his own blog only; multiple blogs available via index pages).  Any guidance, cautionary tales, recommendations?  We're currently in a Python environment, possibly moving to Ruby on Rails.

Keldar 06-04-2006 11:02 PM

Just out of curiosity - what kind of a "base" are you using?

Fern 06-04-2006 11:34 PM

The website is built in Python - the game itself is based on ROM.

We have no 'base' for the player blogs yet - that's why I'm seeking ideas and recommendations now.

Keldar 06-05-2006 12:18 AM

Ah, I was somehow under an impression that you already have something working and just need recommendations on additional features, security, and whatnot.

Since you are already using Python (and need a blog) I'd recommend - it's all pure Python, and at least as simple to set up and maintain as RoR. A blog base in it should be a walk in the park, as long as you already have authentication and CSS figured out.

One more specific recommendation: if you do go with Django and want tags for user blogs, then the
app looks excellent. AFAIK, all documentation is in Russian, but the source should be straightforward enough. Plus, there are some example code snippets . Haven't tried it myself, but the looks very cool.

Fern 06-05-2006 01:04 AM

Sounds like exactly the information we needed.. thank you very much!

isagalaev 06-07-2006 02:49 AM

I hope I'll manage to translate TagsField into English on weekend. The app seems to be popular :-)

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