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Darren Brimhall 08-26-2010 10:47 PM

Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
Well, our Master has decreed that the language the Game will be built on is the Java code called BlueJ (or BlueJay).

Have any out there had any experience playing with this code? If so, what can be expected from it in actual Game usage and what Games, if any, use it?

Thank you,

Darren Brimhall

Zeno 08-26-2010 11:22 PM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
BlueJ is an IDE isn't it? Not a programming language.

Milawe 08-27-2010 10:23 AM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
Hey, Darren,

I make this post with extreme caution because I have no knowledge of what you plan for your game or game design.

I can't help you with BlueJ except to tell you that it's a Java IDE, and to point you to this . You will have to talk to your coder about your plans and build towards it together. BlueJ seems to be an object oriented environment. That seems to be a positive.

Be sure to discuss your game design ideas with your coder, and then you're going to have to trust him/her. We can't tell you much because we have no idea what you're planning for your game, your driver, your server, etc.

My main concern is that you've posted several times asking questions about what your coder has decided. That makes me worried that you do not feel that you can trust him/her. Perhaps it's time to sit down and have a long discussion about your goals and expectations and to have your coder tell you if he/she can meet those and what the realistic expectations are for what he/she can code. I'll warn you that you will have aspects of your game design that are probably not practicial to implement via code. It's easier to dream big than to code big, but listen to your coder's explanation. Then, you have to trust your gut. If you don't think that you can trust your coder and you second guess his/her suggestions and applications, then you might need to part ways and find someone else who fits your vision better.

I am not a server-side coder myself. I know enough to build areas and do basic commands, so I have to rely on my coders and the trust I have in them very heavily. I've managed to team up with people who can also explain to me in layman's terms where my designs become impractical. The best thing you can do at this point is to research and read about BlueJ if that's what you guys are going to do. They have a dedicated webpage, so you can glance over it. I don't mean that you need to LEARN BlueJ, but you can take a look and familiarize yourself so that you can understand where your coder is coming from. I've done the same with PIKE when our coders decided to go with that. I still get lost at times, but I can mostly follow along enough. Familiarizing yourself with BlueJ will also begin to help you design the game with basic knowledge of what can be accomplished. You and your coder will be happier.

You seem very earnest about your project. I wish you the best of luck and wish I could offer better advice than this.

Darren Brimhall 08-27-2010 10:28 AM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
To my knowledge, which comes from the Project Leader (Da Boss) its what she is learning to build MUD's with in her Computer Science Class--the final for which is building a MUD

Its an Interactive Java program...

should be interesting, but I'm just as much in the dark as you are about its usage in MUD creation.

Darren Brimhall

Darren Brimhall 08-31-2010 09:37 AM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
um...I need to clear up a few things..

First off, I apparently 'jumped the gun' with reguards to BlueJay. BuleJay is only a learning program, the actual game will use either Eclipse or Netbean--or amybe we'll stick with BlueJay.
I appologize for this jape...

As for my questions Milawe, well we're putting together the Staff and Player's Rules for the Game and I felt it would be a good ideal to 'pick' the minds of more experienced players than myself as to the best way of playing a MUD--and to avoid the quagmire that Castle Marrach has become.

Rest assured, credit will be given. Infact, Da Boss likes the suggestions offered so far as they keep us on the driection we want to be on; creating a Game where the Players can not only have fun but where they can also stretch their imaginations as far as they want--but be advised its a medevil setting, so plan carefully.

We're learning in ins and outs of MUD's...And any advice and assistance would be very appreachated.

I thank you all.

Darren Brimhall

Gatz 08-31-2010 01:51 PM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
Just to clear things up, BlueJ isn't a language or a variant of Java. BlueJ is an IDE, like Eclipse or NetBeans or Visual Studio. You can write Java in any of those IDEs or with Notepad and just compile it on the command line. An IDE will help you with things like Intellisense, which can show you method definitions and such.

However, all that said, BlueJ is great to -learn- Java with and specifically, learn object oriented programming with. It provides a very nice UML diagram like setup to show you how classes interact with each other, but once you have the basics down you are better off using something else, Eclipse is pretty popular with most Java devs, myself included, use it.

BlueJ won't offer you really any assistance in creating a MUD. The best thing it can do is show you what a template Java class is, and once you get slightly more familiar with Java, you'll be deleting 99% of what it auto-generates anyway and putting in your own code. When I used BlueJ, it didn't offer the level of customization that I wanted and that is why I switched to Eclipse. It sounds like your head programmer might be learning Java herself and so for awhile, BlueJ might prove useful, however MUDs are complex beasts and eventually the tools BlueJ offer you are not very useful to you.

I'm not trying to knock BlueJ, in fact I really love it as a teaching tool for beginners but I feel the average person grows out of it and the help it offers isn't needed anymore. Depending on the skill level and comfort level of your head programmer, she might want to check out CoffeeMUD, which is a MUD engine implemented in Java. When I checked it out last, it was really amazing, but was so big it was daunting. I also know Sun (pre-Oracle buy out) was working on a special game framework for MMOs called Darkstar, which was supposedly used for the Star Wars MMO (before it got shut down). I know you want to make a MUD, but really there is no reason why an MMO framework wouldn't work for a MUD.

Good luck with your endeavors, I think Java is a good language for MUD Servers, hopefully this doesn't start a flame war, and I hope you and your head programmer enjoy working on a MUD together!

Newworlds 09-01-2010 01:22 AM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
I don't think so. You seem vastly experienced beyond the rest of this in this obscure IDE so your insite is appreciated.

Darren Brimhall 09-01-2010 10:19 AM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
Thanks Gatz, its a learning experience for both of us--and I'll pass along what you said about BlueJ.

For the others whom I've pestered here (not to mention put up with my anti-Marrach rants), I want to thank you for your understanding in what I'm becomming apart of...

Its my hope that Eternea succeeds where Marrach failed.

Thank you all.

Darren Brimhall

Newworlds 09-01-2010 03:44 PM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
You are very welcome Darren. Everyone rants once in awhile so don't feel bad about it.

Gatz 09-01-2010 04:34 PM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
In my opinion, it never stops being a learning experience, and that is part of the joy of programming in general. I hope you guys have lots of fun working on your MUD server, make sure to let us know when we can hop on and start to see some of it.

Milawe 09-03-2010 09:43 AM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
I hope that I didn't give you the impression that your questions were annoying or pestering in any way. I really like to see good mud projects succeed, but I've seen so many fail over the years. My advice was given in good faith based on the experience I've had with developing different types of games and basically coming from your position. (I am a game designer, writer, and builder. I know basic code but not enough to write a mud on my own.) I have to rely on real coders to actually code my games, so I feel that I'm very much often in the position that you're in now.

Anyway, as I said before, rely on your people because you know they're good people. Try to learn as much as you can about the language you're working in just so that you can be a better designer. And I wish you the best of luck on your project.

Darren Brimhall 09-09-2010 01:19 PM

Re: Any Experience with BlueJ (BlueJay)?
Thank you all.

We hope to have things squared away, and a test run started by this time next year.

In the mean time we're assembling the rules and twiking characters. I may post progress for your comments/criticisms.

Personally, I'm slowly weening myself from Marrach--with my feebled mind fighting every moment. But its hard to look upon a game that was fun ten years ago and see it now as a corrupt, stagnate pool that's more 'private club' than game.

Then again, there are better things (and other games) to do than that place. And I use it as reference as what to avoid with the Game I'm helping to build...

So there's some good after all comming out of this.

Again, I thank you all.

Darren Brimhall

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