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Newworlds 09-02-2007 02:33 AM

A Night of Etiquette
Greetings and salutations my friends (or enemies as the case may be):cool:,

As I've grown accustomed to some of the personalities and traits of the people who do most of the posting, I'd like to know from each of you what you think good etiquette or "bad" form is when it comes to posts.

Sometimes, in a heated battle of numerous posts, I find myself wondering if I should let a thread of thought play out before interjecting my two cents which may cause the thread to take a 90 degree turn. Othertimes I see someone make a post and I hold back from replying as I feel like they had the last word and I should allow it to reside on top for a time.

So I ask, if you make a long post or a reply, does it bother you if I or someone else snaps off a quick one liner that seemingly takes the glory of your post? Is it etiquette to wait some time before replying?

What bothers you personally about the way people post here or the flow of reaction? Are you offended by being called out or critisized? Does argument bother you? Or only when it seems like it is for the sake of argument?

Anyone, anyone, anyone....Bueller? (and does that type of "lightening with humour" bug you?)

Muirdach 09-02-2007 03:10 AM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
Just some general thoughts, not specific to TMS:

Personally I find myself holding off posting a lot. I always ask myself before I post anything, whether what I'm about to say is relevant or necessary. Sometimes I find it useful to write out a full response, realise that whatever it was that drew my attention isn't worth escalating, and not post it. I think that a lot of the "bad" kind of arguments happen because people won't give up unless they finish on top, especially on the Internet where there's basically no harm in carrying on. So we end up with those constantly escalating threads that go back and forth because no one's willing to just drop it and take a little loss for once. Give a little, take a little, you know? What annoys me is when someone sets themself up as some kind of crusader for freedom or something, and refuses to drop it until all of the natives are converted.

Then again, I'm very much someone who won't say what they really think unless they know that no one will get upset by it, unless it's crucially necessary to say. That's part of why I'm happy with the moderation here, because if forced to make a choice, I'd rather lose out on some of the technical skill and information if that's what it takes to have a more civil community.

Jazuela 09-02-2007 08:56 AM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
Well since you asked :)

Sentences and paragraphs, with some attempt at the appropriate punctuation, is appreciated. I'm not too anal about spelling since not everyone is a native English speaker. But again, some attempt at correct spelling is a good thing. "Chat-speek" should be outlawed from every media of writing in the known world, as far as I'm concerned.

Attempting to stay on topic is a good thing.

If you've made your point, and see that people have responded to it with a rousing disagree, you can try making it once or twice more in the thread. After that, just acknowledge that everyone thinks you're wrong, and go play in another thread. Saying the same thing over and over to prove a point that people already got the first few times makes you a troll, not an intelligent debater.

Don't **** off the mods, unless you genuinely don't care about getting warned or banned. And - if you -do- **** them off, and get warned or banned, don't come ****ing and moaning and griping in the forum about it. You knew it was coming, and you got what you asked for.

Keep PM conversations in PM, unless you have the other person's explicit permission to bring it here. If you do bring it here, include the entire PM and not just snippets; remember none of the rest of us can check back to verify if it's in or out of context.

Don't post in a thread that hasn't been used in two years, just to say "I agree!" for the purpose of getting your game link mentioned in your sig. That's called spamming.

Don't justify poor behavior by nitpicking the policies. Just because the policy doesn't explicitely say, "You may not threaten to find someone's house and mail-bomb them with exactly three hand grenades" doesn't mean you can threaten them that way and claim the policy didn't say you can't so therefore you can. The best way to prevent this sort of thing, is to pretend you are an adult who doesn't have anger-management issues. What would an adult who doesn't have anger-management issues do? Do that, instead.

Lastly, always laugh at my posts. Out loud. It's good for you, and your mom will be proud.

tricky 09-02-2007 12:23 PM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
Quotes without a reference bother me. Quoting the whole post when only responding to one point also bothers me. This is probably my biggest peeve.

Reactions are what makes us. They are part of life. Throughout all history people have reacted in many different ways, some have brought laughter, some have brought insight and .

I don't care if people are offended by me. This post may offened you. What I hope it also does is to make you think.

Arguing for the sake of arguing bothers me. The thread ends up as a circular argument with no point to it killing off the original point.

Personal attacks should also be taken to PM.


Newworlds 09-03-2007 05:25 PM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
Tricky, Jazuela, and Muirdach,

Thanks so much for your insight. I found the comments both enlightening and constructive for future posts. I hope others will also enjoy your constructive advice.

Molly 09-05-2007 11:42 AM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
People who take virtual games and the internet in general too seriously bother me. Even if sarcasm generally doesn’t go down well on the net, I agree with Jazuela that taking some time-out to chortle over the stupidity of certain phenomena usually is a good habit.

Posters who don't know when to stop arguing bother me, since those mega long threads, with arguments going around in circles and becoming stupider for each lap, eventually get so boring that I want to scream.

Posts that are mostly flamebait bother me, since they generally achieve what they are trolling for, and then we end up with another one of those mega long, boring threads.

Animated discussions, healthy arguments and people disagreeing with my opinions, (even in a heated way), don’t bother me. After all, that is what a Discussion Board is all about.

Threads and posts that contain nothing but fluff bother me, since they add negatively to the signal-to-spam ratio.

Certain topics bother me, since they have been hashed and rehashed so may times that my instinctive reaction on spotting one of them is – ‘Oh no! Not again!’ Still, I can understand that those topics sometimes rise again, because they never were resolved, and because new board members aren’t always aware that the horse has already been beaten to too death many times.

Allegations or insults directed at groups of people bother me, especially if they are meant to disguise an attack on a specific poster.

Direct personal attacks bother me a lot less. At least it is clear then what we have to deal with.

The recently implemented moderating rules don't bother me, unless for the fact that it seems that collective attacks are still acceptable, whereas personal attacks are not. I actually caught myself resorting to collective allegations lately, to avoid getting my post deleted, and there seems to be something infinitely wrong with that discovery... :)

Jazuela 09-05-2007 12:22 PM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
Molly wrote (in part): I agree with Jazuela that taking some time-out to chortle over the stupidity of certain phenomena usually is a good habit.


I'd like to point out that nowhere in my post did I recommend taking "time-out to chortle over the stupidity of certain phenomena usually is a good habit." I didn't hint at it, I didn't suggest it, I didn't imply it, and I certainly didn't write it.

That's something that bothers me - when people misread what I write, and respond to what they decided I said, rather than what I said.

I recommended that people laugh at my posts. MY posts. Not "the stupidity of certain phenomena." Not your own posts, not someone else's posts. My posts. I recommended it, because I'm funnier than the rest of you, because as I said, it's good for you, and because your moms would be proud.

I mean c'mon - take ONE inane, silly quip on a post, and turn it into flame-bait (the stupidity of "certain" phenomena, implying something specific, written by someone specific, who is stupid, thus inciting a veritable forum-riot)...and Molly has the audacity to say that flame-baiting bothers her? How can she live with herself then, I ask? No wonder her posts read like the tirades of a sexually frustrated jilted other woman. She does the things that bother her.

Love and kisses,
Me - taking it out of context since 1993

Molly 09-05-2007 01:30 PM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
I suggest you read the first part of that point you just blew your top over.

Newworlds 09-06-2007 10:52 AM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Jazuela was just being comical and facetious. And then, maybe you were too, which could bring up another thread: Sarcasm, Can you Get It?

By the way Molly. Very good points as well. Thanks!

Newworlds 10-08-2007 05:58 PM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
Coming back to Etiquette. I have another question and wonder what folks thought about it. Is it bad form to post a "good luck" or "congrats" on someone's obvious "advertisement" post, thereby superseding their post for those who view posts in dated order (reversed order)?

DurNominator 10-09-2007 04:34 AM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
If it's very personal message that has little or no value to people besides that particular person, you might as well send a private message. I don't know what the TMS forum policy is, but this would seem like a sensible option if you feel unsure.

Newworlds 10-09-2007 11:12 AM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
Sounds good.

Milawe 10-10-2007 04:24 PM

Re: A Night of Etiquette
I guess I will post a public "Congrats" or "Good job" if I feel like the announcement seems pretty exciting to the muds, its players, etc. I didn't think about the fact that it bumps other threads, though, just that it's a public display of support for another mud. I kinda feel like it's the same thing as when someone posts a "Hello! I'm new at TMS!" I just post a quick hello, so that the person who posted knows that their post was read and acknowledged.

How do we prefer to handle announcements from other MUDs? I honestly don't care if some announcement gets bumped a few times, but I can see why others might not care for this.

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