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Chaykin 04-11-2005 07:40 AM

I know exactly how it can be when you're looking for a new mud. They all start to look as one and the same. Glowing text swims before your eyes, a homogenous sea of sameness. Hey, you could swear you've been in this inn before with its thatched roof and jovial barkeep...oh wait! You have been...on the last mud you tried and the one before that. Hey, look! This mud here lets you ELF! Just like the party of oldbie elves who swilled their ale and departed noisily without so much as a glance or a welcome for you, the new guy just looking for a new home.

I'm here to introduce you to your new favorite mud: LegendMUD. What's so great about it?

Legend is all original, with nearly 50 distinct areas written from the ground up. The writing within these areas is simply the best I've ever seen: atmospheric and visceral, with rooms and mobs whose acts actually transport you to another place.

Legend's theme is history as it was thought to be. This means that while our areas are based on places like Ancient Greece, the Black Forest and World War I France, all of the myths and legends of those places are fully intact for you to interact with. You'll encounter the beautiful and mysterious sidhe in ancient Ireland, come toe to toe with the vampire king Vlad in medieval Romania, and play a baseball game in the 19th century steel mill city of Pittsburgh.

You'll also learn skills relevant to the era in time that you came from. If your origins lie across the desert in the mystical city of Agrabah, you'll find yourself learning powerful magic. Start in the heavily garrisoned German city of Kleinstadt and you'll have training as a mighty warrior at your disposal. Or begin in the more modern Port of London, and you'll make use of guns, cars and planes, and the modern skills of a surgical doctor.

We've been around for over 11 years and have a consistent playerbase, so there are always people around to adventure with. We don't force you to slog through any annoying newbie can jump straight into the action! But if you find yourself confused, our players are always willing to help out a patient newbie who's willing to learn!

Love the excitement of PK? We've got that too as an opt-in feature, and our pkillers are always ready to welcome a newcomer into the melee. Legend's complex and rewarding fight code makes Legend's PK scene much more than a matter of bash bash kill...real strategy and cunning are needed.

If immersive RP is to your taste, we've got tons of tools at your disposal for that as well. More than 200 socials and over 200 toggleable moods allow you to express yourself in any way you can imagine. Unique descriptions and strings are allowed, to customize your appearance and your equipment to take on any look you can think of.

Try LegendMUD today...five days is all we ask! I guarantee that by then, you'll be hooked!

Address: 9999


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