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rendekar 06-08-2011 11:13 PM

any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
balance/equilibrium based mud which is completely free. not free to play.

and rp-enforced. at least 10 players online at all times.. this is what I've been waiting for since 2005 and I call it home. any luck?

dentin 06-09-2011 09:42 AM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
Is "balance/equilibrium" a codebase, storyline, or a description of a well-balanced game? Your question is unclear.


SnowTroll 06-09-2011 01:03 PM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
I think he means the Rapture codebase, with balance and equilibrium timers between uses of various commands. i.e. an IRE style mud, but without the IRE trial version system you're playing until you finish learning your class skills by buying credits.

rendekar 06-09-2011 05:29 PM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
Yep, SnowTroll is right. I like the combat system of Avalon - Ire games etc.. When you take an action, you have to recover your balance and make your next action right after. But I don't want to play on pay-for-perks muds.

Though I like RPI muds to a large extent they have their flaws for sure e.g type kill and wait type combat.

Ghostcat 06-16-2011 09:39 PM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
Could always try Unwritten Legends.

While it's not called 'equilibrium/balance', there is the roundtime system.
Most combat-related actions and some non-com actions incur varying amounts of RT, during which you can't do anything else that would incur it. You can still talk and emote though, which makes emoted combat possible.

It's also not the 'kill orc', wait ten minutes, combat. You type out each attack, aiming at body parts, or using special abilities or spells.

It's an RPI, so RP is in force at all times.

Unfortunately, the player base is still rather small, especially during weekdays. We go from 1-3 during the day, to up to 20 or so during peak hours. The world is small enough, with one capitol city (And a few others that people mostly go to for fancy clothing or weapons), that you can generally find anyone playing, but still go off and do your own thing if you want.

Don't be put off by the application process, I've never heard of anyone being rejected. would love to welcome you, I'm sure :)

Trisagion 06-16-2011 10:22 PM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
Unwritten Legends is many things (which I will not list here), but it is MOST ABSOLUTELY -not- an RPI.

Unwritten Legends may claim to be roleplay-enforced, only.

Wade_Gustafson 06-17-2011 09:58 AM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
Be sure to check out Maiden Desmodus as well...


Ours is a balanced-based MUD with hundreds of skills, hundreds of quests that you get drawn into by actually conversing with NPCs, an estate creation system so you can build your own place to hang your sword, a mass-warfare system so you can command entire armies, and of course no room clones or childish descriptions used to paint the canvas of our original dark fantasy world.

And if you've tried Maiden Desmodus before but don't currently play there, come and give us another look. I don't want to outright spoil the big surprise before I make an official announcement, but we have made some major changes to the game that are sure to please everyone who has ever stepped foot on The Isle!

Newworlds 06-17-2011 11:53 AM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
While not in the games that I would normally recommend, since you have a specific desire I would agree with the above posters and recommend both and .

My first pick would be Unwritten Legends because of the system and style of play, however Maiden Desmodus does have a lot of quests and npc interaction that can be appealing to some.

I think either one will work for you.

Good Luck!

Ghostcat 06-17-2011 12:11 PM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??

I seem to remember a very long, very inconclusive thread over what, exactly, constitutes an RPI.

You have to roleplay, and that roleplay is backed up by staff interaction and plots.

Could be considered either RPI or RP-Enforced, I suppose.

I also forgot to mention the credit system, which you might dislike if you give it a superficial glance. Players can donate each month until the server reaches the total maximum of 100 dollars (running costs for that month).

This gets you credits, which only share a name with the IRE credits.

The only things you can get with credits are roleplay aids.
Custom items, containers, etc. Changes to inn room and personal descriptions as well.

Items altered or created via credits must have anything rare in the description provided by the player. Want a mithryl buckle? You must find shards of mithryl, or things made of such first. (I've found about three, and they're not the rarest of metals.)

All credit effects can also be earned from roleplay reward points. (In fact, you can get MORE stuff via roleplay points than credits)

ReanA 01-01-2012 07:49 PM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
If you're looking for the IRE experience, my best advice is to play IRE and stick it out. I never bought credits on my first character and, after time, was just as successful as the second character I made (and then spent $700 on). Playing IRE for free is definitely possible, even more so now that there are assorted opportunities for free credits out there. You can get a free credit a day for posting comments on articles, and while that won't get you everything you need within a week, you can still easily make 5-10 credits a day at lower levels and then around 50 a day once you really learn your way around.

If you're worried about being crushed in the PVP scene by pay-for-perks players, there's an entire religion (at least in the most popular IRE game: Achaea) based around PVP and I'm sure if you tried to learn from one of them in-game, pay-for-perks players wouldn't be as big a problem.

But if you're looking for a free IRE game with a good player-base, I don't think you'll find one. IRE games have the quality they do -because- they have pay-for-perks, heh. Good luck though! :)

dentin 01-02-2012 09:22 AM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
I smell astroturf.


Alter Aeon MUD

Newworlds 01-02-2012 11:24 AM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
Only because the Cowboys got POUNDED yesterday. Muhahahahahahaha!:D

KaVir 01-04-2012 08:20 AM

Re: any balance/equilibrium mud that is completely free??
I don't see the correlation, to be honest. I've seen low quality pay-for-perks muds and high quality free muds.

However it's a well-observed phenomena that "", and that also applies when it comes to mud development. That's why Diku players usually go on to develop Diku muds, LPMud players usually go on to develop LPMuds, TinyMUD players usually go on to develop TinyMUDs, and so on.

The same happened with Avalon, which (as far as I'm aware) was the first of the balance/equilibrium muds. There were actually three Avalon-style muds in development in the late 90s: Cardea, Orone and Achaea. But over the years since then I've seen many more.

Avalon is a commercial mud, and this has trickled down its family tree in much the same way as other design decisions. Achaea made the rather wise decision to follow the same pay-for-perks model that several other muds had started using, rather than sticking to Avalon's pay-to-play model, but it was still very much designed to be commercial.

You can see the same with newer balance/equilibrium muds as well - most of their developers seem to be former IRE players, and their muds tend to offer the same style of gameplay and payment model. So while you may well be able to find other muds with balance/equilibrium, I suspect you'll find they're all pay-for-perks.

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