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ebonySCYTHE 04-08-2009 04:24 PM

Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
I made a post on Mudconnect's Forum as well, but I wanted to check and see what people had for suggestions here as well.

I've been out of practice for a long time now, working on college and, well... work. I actually have a summer off this year and I'd love to find a place where I can dive in and have some fun again. A text game I used to play rather adamantly was DragonRealms. The game had plenty of ways to customize my characters, the combat was immersive and the skills my character could developed were vast(and not only combat based!). However, this game is pay to play... and I'm a college student.

I'm really picky, because of DragonRealms most likely. I've tried a lot of free MUDs and lost interest relatively fast for numerous reasons. To get the the point, here's what I'm looking for, roughly in order of what matters to me most:

-A game where I can describe my character in depth (short desc, long desc, history, etc).

-Plenty of unique objects, clothes, tattoos, jewelery to build my character with. I hate going into a mud where everyone has the same 'glowing cloak' or whatever. A crafting system would be AWESOME, where you could get to a level of experience allowing you to make some customized objects or a GM event where they'll make something customized for your character. I liked Aetolia's choices in objects for example.

-A game with an excellent community, obviously. I can stand a few pricks, that's for sure. But I won't stick around with a bunch of people that won't stay in character.

-A games where I can pop on and off without being penalized. For example, on Aetolia the clothes disappear after a period of time even while logged off. I'd log on after a tough semester only to be naked and poor again. If it were set up to disappear after a certain time while logged on, I wouldn't feel so alienated.

-Thus far I haven't been to a MUD where I have actually ENJOYED the combat. It's always 'kill mob/player' and you throw skills at each other. A text game I really loved the combat in was the p2p DragonRealms. It was tedious, but I've never enjoyed player vs player except for in that game. It drew me in. If I'm going to enjoy making a combat based character, like I did in DR, I'd like for the game to have such a fluid combat system.

-Leveless/classless. I feel awfully restricted when I can't make a hybrid of my character. As far as levels go, it's too often that other people are just absorbed with gaining levels when there are levels around. If there is a game with levels that doesn't encourage mindless leveling up, I'd have no issue with it. DragonRealms had levels, however the guild determined whether or not you could level up depending on you experience in certain skills (such as your primary weapon, evasion, survival skills, etc.).

-A game where eating and drinking isn't inhibiting. I'd rather role-play eating and drinking honestly.

I guess I can't think of anything else for now. Really, I'm open to genre so long as I can make my character unique. I'm desperate for help in finding that perfect RP Mu*; I miss all the fun I had years ago. If anyone is willing to point me to some options, I'd be so grateful! Especially since you spent all that time reading through this painfully long post!

Thanks and if I don't get back to you right away it's because I'm at work or in school... I will get back to you though!


Xine 04-08-2009 05:05 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
Eh... well. I can tell you I've looked in a lot of places for a good RP MUD, and still am not sure I've found one. This MUD, so far, seems pretty unique and I was greeted with RP as soon as I joined. Though.. since then the Player base has been minimal.

The combat is very different and unique, even challenging. It has "zones" within the room to move forward or back in combat. You can use ranged weapons or spells when you're not right next to the monster, or melee weapons for when you are.

I -think- you can add a history if you'd like. But I don't think it is required. It is a level-based MUD but I haven't seen enough of the player base to know if they're level mongers. And I haven't had "You are Hungry" "You are thirsty" every five seconds on my screen, which is way nice.

It might be worth a try to look into, I"m hoping the player base will be more than what it is now... otherwise I guess the whole point of an RP MUD would be lost.

Aalynor's Nexus
port: 2000

Brody 04-08-2009 06:27 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
Check out OtherSpace, if you're of a mind to try an original-theme space opera MUSH - 1790.

Or, if you're into a more free-form character background with optional MUD-like activities, check out Necromundus - 3005.

Good luck in your quest!

Trisagion 04-08-2009 07:51 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
Oh, I can feel your pain. It is sometimes so difficult to find a new mud when you really didn't want to leave your old one in the first place.

I'm going to suggest for you to give a go, as it meets most of your criteria. I say most, because although there are levels and classes, you -can- hybridize quite easily. In fact, most folks do hybridize their characters as, like any mud geared towards creating a believable (and enjoyable!) roleplay environment, this makes for well-rounded and 3-dimensional characters to interact with. I can state without any qualms whatsoever that we can offer you everything else on your list. Even down to the combat style, which I believe is almost identical to what you're used to from DR, having browsed past that link you provided (top-notch idea, btw. Allows us to see what you're looking for at a glance).

If you do pop over to check out the mud, be sure to introduce yourself and the community there will be glad to answer any questions or address any concerns.

Best of luck with your search!


Leech 04-08-2009 09:03 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
For all RP, really, I'd suggest you try Armageddon first. I never got in to it, but honestly, I can suggest it because it gave me a sort of... 'booster shot'. Saying that, I mean it got me into some heavy RP, and I got my sea legs back.

However, the MUD I will suggest to you is Dark Isles. You can describe your character quite well there, with a short description, a longer addition to that short description (a blue-eyed man with brown, shaggy hair), and then you can make an epic description that will appear for all to see and get an idea about how your character might look. Unless of course they are concealing their face. :P

Crafting is certainly in Dark Isles, and a restring command allows you, once well trained in your profession, to recreate the descriptions of any item you might create.

The community is phenomenal, and if they aren't, you can completely silence them with optional commands, and if they STILL aren't, then the staff would probably chop off some appendages... virtually, of course... heh... hee...

Absolutely no penalties for logging off for extended periods, or any periods really. I've experienced that on Aetolia, and it was quite frustrating (hard for an outlaw rogue Syssin to get clothes!).

The game is levelless, and classless. I believe the only spot that Dark Isles can't satisfy you at is combat, for NPC vs Player combat is automated on the MUD, while PC vs PC is taken in turns and RPed out. It's really interesting, and I enjoy it because it gives me the chance to imagine this badass scene in my mind, instead of just seeing "You hit blank. You may do so again. DO IT NOW!!". Instead, my opponent gets to try to chop off my leg, or as a Wolfkin, gnaw it off, while I'm frantically screaming and trying to stab them in the blasted eye.

So, if that sounds like your cup of tea, the homepage of the MUD can be found at and that's where you'll be able to find the connection info, plus theme and general information.

ebonySCYTHE 04-09-2009 12:05 AM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
Wow, thanks everyone; I really appreciate the response I've gotten here. So quick to the draw!

I'll definitely check it out. It's frustrating for some when the player base is small, but so long as they are creative people I'm not bothered by the idea. After all, most of my life was spent role-playing stories with only my brother.

I've seen this one a few times before so I'll give it a try. The Wiki page is helluva confusing however!

Sounds like a good fit, thanks! As I mentioned, I can deal with classes and levels so long as they are done well.
I'm curious to give the combat a try as well!

I think you won me with that line alone! I'll check it out!

Thanks for all the thoughtful replies everyone! If anyone can think of another game in the hundreds out there that seems like a good fit for me, I'd surely appreciate any more suggestions!

Wik 04-09-2009 04:40 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
Ignore the Wiki, re: OtherSpace. That's all old info. Go to and look at the link at the top called OtherSpace. Click on it for all you need to know about the theme. Hover over it and go to races for all you need to know about our races. After that, you're 9/10 there.

Bane147 05-10-2009 02:21 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
I suggest you check out the post I made about Star Conquest. The battles are very intricate, and require you to move about in a 3 dimensional grid in order to get to and keep up with your enemy. The starship battles are definitely anything but boring. Expect multiple components of your ship to need upkeep on repairs while you pilot and use your weaponry. Ships are anywhere from one person to four person at the moment. (as the plot arc develops expect even bigger ships)

Archbaron 05-11-2009 12:25 AM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
I definitely suggest you check out the post made here:

It's an amazing game that should fit your tastes. See you there!

Threshold 05-11-2009 10:12 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
Threshold fits everyone of your criterion except the leveless/classes. I feel, however, that with the religion and clan systems (which tend to be far more important in the game than one's class), you can indeed be a hybrid character. The religion and clan systems are extremely open.

The community is really hard to beat. After 13 years, we have members that now have 2 or 3 generations of family members playing. I cannot even count the number of people that have played for 10+ years and consider Threshold more like a tight circle of friends than just a game.

Delerak 05-12-2009 12:49 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
Depends on your definition of roleplay really. Obviously from the responses here, everybody has a different perspective on it. Because myself as a Roleplayer wouldn't play half the Muds that were recommended to you.

Brody 05-12-2009 12:51 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
So, Delerak, beyond that helpful response, why don't you share your definition of roleplay AND make a recommendation of SOME KIND, since that's what the OP wanted? :D

Delerak 05-12-2009 01:03 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
We went over this extensively:


It would take far too long for me to try to define it. It's not even Roleplaying to me because that term has been tainted over the years and years of misuse of it. It's more like acting. Roleplaying means so many different things to so many different people.

Hell Diablo is considered an RPG. So are plenty of other games, the word is simply misused and it's also misused in the Mud community.

Delerak 05-12-2009 01:05 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
Since you wanted recommendations I'll give you a couple:

This one is in BETA but still worth looking at:

Newworlds 05-12-2009 07:27 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
I would have to agree with the above. If you want serious roleplay with excitement and fun, go with Threshold. It meets all of the criteria except for the level less and classless, but as stated it takes care of that in clans and religions.

I've never been a big fan of "stated" leveless systems because when you really play them it you are leveling in skills or money or some other method, it just isn't called "leveling" but the same aspect of leveling is there.

So go Threshold for a quick tour, you won't be disappointed. There are other good rp games as well, but many of them are halfway roleplay or overthetop roleplay that tend to be more like a MUSH than a MUD.

My final recommendation is to give each game listed here 12 hours of gameplay and see which one falls into your mode of fun. Narrow that to 1 to 3 of them after the 12 hours and give those a few days. It is worth it if you are looking for a real home.

Delerak 05-13-2009 02:47 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
I disagree with this for the fact that many muds have a much longer learning curve than others. RPI's definitely require much more time dedicated to learn the subtle intricacies of staying in-character, permadeath, the extensive canon, and on top of all that the community itself being a pain in the ass.

Newworlds 05-13-2009 06:49 PM

Re: Suggestions for a RP MUD/MUSH/etc.?
If the system is good, 12 hours is pleanty of time to decide whether you like a game or not. System functionality, style of movement, requirements for eating, potions, channels, spam, roleplay, borgability, powers (both initial and potential), learning curve, are all things easily notable in the first couple hours of play.

I can tell if a game is my style by the time I finish creation and spend an hour or so in the environment. I'm not talking about a full review of features or depth of experience, I'm only talking about pure functionality, style, and basic features. If you don't like those, you should jet out within that first few hour period. If you are intriqued, then go for the couple of day experience (I mean couple of days in terms of game time, not real days. 48 hours could comprise 2 or 3 weeks playing depending on your availability).

Delerak has some good points for some games. It may take more time to determine whether a game is viable and I would leave it up to the player to decide the amount of time and the game in question. For some players it may boil down to whether you like a prompt or not and what is on the prompt.

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