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Vaelan 09-06-2010 01:13 AM

Inheritance MU project. We want you!
Hello Mudders far and wide,

I come to you at this time on this urge that has nested deep within me and grown to the point I logged in and took the time to write the following, right after finishing Brisingr for the third time:

All throughout my readings of the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, I have felt that there has been a marvelous and interesting theme concept for a MU right in front of my two, sharp eyes. I have found myself thinking how this could be adapted to a codebase, or how could this be coded in, or what would players enjoy the most and other such ideas simultaneous to my reading, distracting me more than once. Once or twice I recalled what was done with some Dragonlance MU*s and NarniaMUCK and I asked myself, "Why the heck not?".

I have played in more than 250+ MUDs, give or take in a period of 11 years and ventured into the unkown and profound world of Roleplay 4 years ago. My love for rich, detailed fantasy literature has existed even longer than that. I have played, administered, written, read and enjoyed that which we treasure and pay homage to and I have finally brought myself around to give birth to my own little project.

Right up to this point, I am at ground zero. I have the strategy but I have not yet started managing the logistics that make up the creation of a MUD and this is were you, the prospective staffer, come in.

Basically, this will be a Roleplay-Enforced, Combat, Crafting and Magic coded MU* with detailed areas for players to explore and NPC's as well as content with an enjoyable complexity, promising the player a thirst of exploration and interactive depth at every turn. Races with certain racial abilities, as well as player-run Organizations such as guilds, clans, cities and more!

Combat will offer players the opportunity to hone their skills in warfare and martial arts with various weapons. Skyrooms will be provided for Dragons and other flying beings and with that, we reach a new level of complexity combat. Take off and battle under the clouds, or above them, and land to recover.

Crafting will be made up of a myriad different options, be it from blacksmithing to farming, letting players choose their source of income. Forage anything edible enough from the forest or craft a make-shift tent in the ravaging Hadarac Desert to protect yourself from the elements.

Given the unthinkable magnitude of creating a Magic system under the laws established by Mr. Paolini, a Player will need to memorize in real life just as their character spends time studying the Ancient Language. A flexible energy system shall be put in place for those Eragon fans just hungering for the Arcane.

Riding, Seafaring, Traveling, The sky's the limit.

A roleplay reward system, both by players and Staff. Submit logs or ask staff to witness roleplay for Wyrda points you can submit for in-game bonuses.

I am still uncertain as to what codebase we will use, that remains to be managed.

As of the timeline for the world, I'm thinking of pre-Fall yet at which specific point in history I shall decide later.

To those interested in making a MU* worthy of Dragon Riders, Shades, Werecats, Magic and Wisdom:

Parhelion 09-06-2010 03:40 AM

Re: Inheritance MU project. We want you!
It's cool that you've already got a solid idea for a game. I would suggest being wary of using another's IP, however, or get permission to use it. It's an ethics thing.

It sounds like you've already got a good idea of how you want things to work. Good luck in your travels.

Milawe 09-06-2010 09:54 AM

Re: Inheritance MU project. We want you!
And for the sake of us old people, maybe an easier to read text would be nice!

Newworlds 09-06-2010 12:22 PM

Re: Inheritance MU project. We want you!
Reposted in a decent font for your and my sanity

All throughout my readings of the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, I have felt that there has been a marvelous and interesting theme concept for a MU right in front of my two, sharp eyes. I have found myself thinking how this could be adapted to a codebase, or how could this be coded in, or what would players enjoy the most and other such ideas simultaneous to my reading, distracting me more than once. Once or twice I recalled what was done with some Dragonlance MU*s and NarniaMUCK and I asked myself, "Why the heck not?".

I have played in more than 250+ MUDs, give or take in a period of 11 years and ventured into the unkown and profound world of Roleplay 4 years ago. My love for rich, detailed fantasy literature has existed even longer than that. I have played, administered, written, read and enjoyed that which we treasure and pay homage to and I have finally brought myself around to give birth to my own little project.

Right up to this point, I am at ground zero. I have the strategy but I have not yet started managing the logistics that make up the creation of a MUD and this is were you, the prospective staffer, come in.
Basically, this will be a Roleplay-Enforced, Combat, Crafting and Magic coded MU* with detailed areas for players to explore and NPC's as well as content with an enjoyable complexity, promising the player a thirst of exploration and interactive depth at every turn. Races with certain racial abilities, as well as player-run Organizations such as guilds, clans, cities and more!

Combat will offer players the opportunity to hone their skills in warfare and martial arts with various weapons. Skyrooms will be provided for Dragons and other flying beings and with that, we reach a new level of complexity combat. Take off and battle under the clouds, or above them, and land to recover.
Crafting will be made up of a myriad different options, be it from blacksmithing to farming, letting players choose their source of income. Forage anything edible enough from the forest or craft a make-shift tent in the ravaging Hadarac Desert to protect yourself from the elements.

Given the unthinkable magnitude of creating a Magic system under the laws established by Mr. Paolini, a Player will need to memorize in real life just as their character spends time studying the Ancient Language. A flexible energy system shall be put in place for those Eragon fans just hungering for the Arcane.
Riding, Seafaring, Traveling, The sky's the limit.

A roleplay reward system, both by players and Staff. Submit logs or ask staff to witness roleplay for Wyrda points you can submit for in-game bonuses.

I am still uncertain as to what codebase we will use, that remains to be managed.

As of the timeline for the world, I'm thinking of pre-Fall yet at which specific point in history I shall decide later.

To those interested in making a MU* worthy of Dragon Riders, Shades, Werecats, Magic and Wisdom:

SpiritSong 06-06-2011 11:35 AM

Re: Inheritance MU project. We want you!
Sounds interesting... and I do worry about the IP bit, I mean you could in theory do it. And good luck!
You have me curious how you're going to balance the 'Pre-fall era' (since there's not a whole lot know and only so much can be gleaned from the novels), with the "I wanna play a Rider like Eragon(who is arguable plot magicked to be the novel's protagonist).

Are you going to be allowing elves?

But overall the idea behind it is very well done and I approve-- I'll probably come play!

Orrin 06-07-2011 07:16 AM

Re: Inheritance MU project. We want you!
The thread is a year old and with no more posts about the mud I doubt much progress was made.

It's a fairly typical "I've got a great idea for a mud and need people to implement it for me" type post so I wouldn't be surprised if nothing ever came of it.

Personally I'd be looking for proven experience and/or detailed design documentation if I were considering joining such a project.

SpiritSong 06-07-2011 11:08 PM

Re: Inheritance MU project. We want you!
Now I am wondering how it even poped up on the boards if it was over a year old.

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