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Robiwan 04-20-2002 12:17 PM

Wow, the posts changed...I guess a new system was installed? I just said hello a few days ago on the other one...
Hi everyine, I'm Robiwan. That is the shortened version of my Fraternity name, RobiwanKenobi, Jedi Master. I didn't pick it...but the One who did was a Huge fan of some movie or another involving fabulously large spacestations, or was it a small moon and a laser? Anyway, The force was with me when he chose my name... Anyone out there in a college Frat? ::waves::

I've been in RPGs since I was umm...11? And that makes it um...Math hurts...17 years? Anyway, I recently moved 100 miles, and lost all my RPG buddies (90 minutes both ways is a bit long of a drive for a game) So, I'm turning to MUDs...I had a friend recomend MUDs, and wow, Here is a board specifically aimed at helping me find some. I was worried that MUDs would be expensive, until I realised I was putting $20 into RPGs every time a new book came out...a few hundred a year, it turns out. I've Gamemastered GURPS, Mechwarrior, Robotech, and a few others. It always seemed like I was the only one willing to GM. NOW, I see about these MUDs, where a round of combat takes seconds instead of 15 minutes, and I don;t have to be a GM? Wow. All those books get to stay on the shelf. I think I'm in love. Of course, I like to do reading, and such, and RP is a huge factor for me. I have been reading reviews, and am now trying them out. Sure, I'm lost in each, but hey, they sure are fun. It is a whole lote easier than learning how to factor target size, movement, range, and the accuracy of your weapon, then when you get to shoot...Oh, I'm going to have such fun. Hopefully my RPG experience will transfer over well.

Thanks for being here!

funkalicious 04-23-2002 11:19 AM

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