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Justin534 11-15-2010 03:43 PM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
ROFLs @ twinkiness

Delerak 11-15-2010 04:45 PM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
I played a Borsaili slave that had about 20 days racked up on him and I think he worked out just fine. I think the problem was current PCs being enslaved and valuing "freedom" so much that they would just retire instantly. I think that's a cop out though and if you're unwilling to take the consequences of things you do with your character you shouldn't be playing an RPI.

Bakha 11-15-2010 06:17 PM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
The slave role did work out fine for some. For others (and not just bad roleplayers), it was a miserable experience. I remember at one time the staff disallowed people to even special app to play slaves because the role could turn into a boring and even unplayable one even for players who actually wanted to play the slave concept.

We're pretty off track with the discussion on slavery, though. I still maintain that much of the perceived degradation of RPI quality is nothing more than the age old "kids these days suck" from the old guard.

Delerak 11-15-2010 08:08 PM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
Fair enough I respect your opinion. But you can't deny the fact that RPI's (or Arm if you prefer), have changed their policies so much that the old ways of playing are gone. A perfect example for Arm is that Staff never animate clan NPCs anymore. All of the communication with the "uppers" of the clans must be done through update e-mails. To me this detracts from possible roleplay opportunities which really drove Arm a few years back. As much as I disliked Halaster, when I as in the militia and he jumped into the Red Robe templar to roleplay with us I loved it. It's that interaction that the mud really was about I think. Sending in OOC updates about IC happenings just seems so.. degrading to an RPI.

prof1515 11-16-2010 08:06 PM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
Armageddon is in a way an anomoly in that pattern but that's because Arm has always had a bipolar nature in regard to RP. On one hand you have excellent RP that goes on in the clans and the like. On the other hand, you have aspects of the game, the "out of the city"

It was this staff attitude which always relegated Arm to the bottom of the RPIs on my list. Even if it contained the best RP out there, that was offset by the presence of people who didn't RP at all. Think of it this way: if half the students in the class get 100% A's on their test and the other half get 0% F's, the class average is 50% which is still an F, not a C average. While Arm was so black-and-white 50/50, the non-RPing PKers definitely brought the average way down.

By contrast, I never had that experience on the other RPIs for a long time but over time saw more and more of it. So perhaps because it was possible to always encounter that on Arm, nothing may have changed but it definitely did elsewhere. I first saw it while on SoI and frequently voiced my dissatisfaction with the "more players is better" philosophy if it meant easing tight controls on strict RP in-game. I really saw the decline on HL which coupled with my health problems made me dread more and more logging in and playing. I made one last effort at it and I knew going into that evening that the outcome would probably determine whether I'd stick with the game or walk away forever. As it turned out, I walked away forever and with good cause: the sort of attitude you mention above.

If Arm has indeed begun to crack down on such behavior then that's a great achievement on their part and a worthwhile indicator that they're not succumbing to the problems other RPIs have faced in regard to lower standards. Kudos to Arm!

My comment wasn't directed solely at FiFi but rather a reminder that in any circumstance one must keep several questions in mind regarding the perspective of any comment.

Justin534 11-23-2010 08:25 AM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
I've seen a lot of posts where people tend to say that MUSHes have very little in the way of code. I found this interesting as my experience with MUSHes is that they have very deeply coded systems. Especially, when looking at something like

Very well said. For me it seems that some MUDs use code to completely replace the GM rather then supplement the GM. The game ends up looking and feeling like a game and less like an experience. Everything you do feels like you the player did it, but your character didn't have much to do with it. I think often times code is used to the detriment of creating a rich immersive RP atmosphere, and creates an environment that, even though OOC forms of communication have been eliminated, the experience feels very OOCy in itself.

Agreed, I've yet to understand why RPI's completely eliminate global OOC channels with allowing the option for them to be toggled on/off. In my experience OOC forms of communication haven't done anything to hinder RP, as long as it is established that OOC communication is strictly OOC. Global OOC channels have, in my opinion, also helped a great deal to create and foster an overall MUD-wide sense of community among players and staff. I think it also helps with lowering any degree of resentment that might arise between players as it helps to draw a clearer line between the players and their characters. With OOC communication its possible for a two player's characters to be mortal enemies, but allow the players to be buddies on OOC terms. If you get rid of OOC communication any resentment that arises encompasses both player-player resentment and character-character resentment.

edit: yikes these forums confuse me half the time...this post was in response to a post near the beginning of this thread, which before logging in looked like it was more recent.

HAL 12-01-2011 08:38 AM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
Definitely an interesting perspective! I guess I've gotten used to the DIKU variant of emotes and speech code, so that I find natural and flexible. I have attempted to play Armageddon on occasion, as I keep hearing interesting things, and their emote system continues to keep me at arms length, unfortunately. I see where you are coming from, however.

This is an interesting perspective. I've found that the majority of our players would find it incredibly jarring for someone to OOCly talk about something else in the middle of an intense scene. But then again, we have a live chat that is available outside of the game for players to use.

I do agree with you, that people who want to cheat will do so outside of the game where they are less likely to be caught, and the folks who try and learn the code and other OOC intensive bits about the mud suffer for it. We had some trouble players who knew the combat code left, right, backwards and forwards, coordinated OOCly, and we had to deal with the results.

I find that forums, chats, and other OOC resources help raise the barrier between IC and OOC, simply because people are so aware of it. You chat on the forum as a player, you play IG as a character, if you blend those, there are penalties. Information as well is limited as to what can be talked to on the forums, but having things like, "Event at 12 noon tomorrow to hunt X," is perfectly fine.

I've had the same experience with staff Alts. I've never seen a staffer that can do a completely 100% job at keeping their character experience outside of their staffer work. We allow staff alts, but restrict them to a low level, and really avoid them becoming any sort of clan leadership.

I've been in the same boat when looking at MUSHes, the lack of code makes it hard to imagine playing them, for me personally. Though I keep hearing fantastic thing.

Newworlds 12-03-2011 01:44 AM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
Hey HAL,

You do realize that post was over a year old and in the midst of a long topic? Took me awhile to even find out who you were replying to and why.

HAL 12-03-2011 11:50 AM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
I was not aware, apologies for necro-ing a thread! Ah, I saw the month date, but not the year.

Reading more deeply into the original posts, it's actually a surreal experience, as now I'm the game director of Atonement.

Newworlds 12-03-2011 11:21 PM

Re: Veterans of Roleplay Intensive MUDs
No worries. Congrats on taking over game direction on Atonement. If memory serves I believe Atonement is the only game of that genre I would consider recommending.

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