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elektrisk 04-21-2009 05:11 PM

Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
I want a MUD that doesn't have a long creation process, PK optional, at least a pbase of 20, and one that I can just jump right into and grind for hours. Thanks.

nasredin 04-22-2009 03:37 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
You should definitely have a look at ArcticMUD.

Yesterday when I logged on there were 110-130 players on-line (and that's real human players sitting at their keyboards - we have policies against completely automated bots or multiing and we do enforce them).

The MUD exists since 1992, our code is tested and fully operational. New features are added often, but one at a time. The theme of the world is Dragonlance, the continent of Ansalon is huge (hundreds of areas, >25 000 rooms) and has a lot of places to explore, riddles to solve and treasures to loot. Certainly, there are some big and nasty Ancient Wyrms waiting in their lairs for food... err... for a group of brave adventurers.

Recently, we added additional support to help the new players, when prompted to create a new char indicate that you're a newbie in Arctic. Don't hesitate to ask the immortals for basic help or just post your questions on our forum.

You may choose the career of a warrior, a mage or a thief etc. Each of our 10 classes is different with unique skills and spells which leads to different playing styles. Some classes have paths: a scout may choose to be a mountain scout or an ocean scout, a paladin may advance to a Knight of the Crown, a dark knight that serves Takhisis well may become a Knight of the Lily.

Arctic is famous for unrestricted pkill and devastating clan wars. When not fighting each other, the clans come to the most difficult zones and fight the toughest mobs to get points to be used for enhancing their castles.

Certainly, there is much, much more but the post already gets long. Visit us and see everything yourself!

prof1515 04-22-2009 07:00 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
There are plenty of MUDs that would be a waste of your time. The trick is finding those that aren't a waste of your time. ;)

There are probably dozens if not more that meet your general requirements. Have you tried the search engine?

Newworlds 04-23-2009 03:31 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
Amen, brotha.

You can only get quality game time on NW with all the things you want:

Tons of Players.
PK if you want it (don't roleplay into it if you don't)
Fairly short and simple creation process depending on your experience at Muds.

The beauty of the game is that you can get into serious indepth roleplay with numerous other players or just go it solo and adventure and quest on your own, but I'd opt for the multiple player adventuring else why play a multiplayer online game, right?

Jazuela 04-24-2009 08:25 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
Did you even read what he was asking for NW? He wants a game where he can just show up and grind for a few hours. Nowhere did he mention ANY interest in roleplay, whatsoever. Your game, which you constantly advertise and remind everyone, is roleplay REQUIRED and ENFORCED. Not optional. It is not for skill-grinders. Therefore, it's definitely not for the OP. Also, "just show up" implies that he is -not- interested in having to understand the world history, or the current events, or the mover and shaker PCs in the game. He's looking for a H&S with PK optional. Your game is not a H&S.

Delerak 04-24-2009 09:56 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
Haha, there's like 200 muds that meet his requirements.

Go to mudconnector and stop being lazy, OP.

Newworlds 04-25-2009 11:09 AM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
You are absolutely right. Elektrisk, you are not allowed to log onto New Worlds Ateraan. Don't even try to log on because Jazuela will tell us if you do and I'm serious when I say we will find you and charge you a hack and slash service fee.

WarHound 04-25-2009 12:04 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
Seems that Jazuela wasn't saying anything like that.

She was pointing out, correctly, that you seem to throw your game up on any thread you can, no matter how far off the point it may be and regardless of the op's specified criteria.

Anjanas 04-25-2009 12:44 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
I'm just browsing the forums and it seems to me that offering your own game to a searching Mudder is a common and helpful thing to do because I've seen it done in the past by many, including, if memory doesn't fail, Jazuela herself. Why she tends to be so vicious towards others is beyond me but perhaps she feels threatened is some way? Regardless, the intentional flame wasn't warranted and I, as a frequent forum user that gathers information here, doesn't feel it was necessary. Have a nice day.

WarHound 04-25-2009 12:52 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
No one cares if you advertise your mud. By all means, do so. But throwing your game out there EVERY TIME regardless of given criteria is assinine and makes you, and your game, look bad.

Newworlds 04-25-2009 01:00 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.

"Every Time" in Bold and Capitalized is a very firm statement. Please show me how NWA has thrown up an advertisement on every thread and more, show that each of these supposed 100's of times NWA does not fall into the criteria.

I really take offense at such global statements that have zero bearing in truth. NW only posts replies to search requests that the requests falls under the game's criteria. Even then, most of the times we list all of the areas that meet the requested criteria.

Your post, Warhound, is false, rude, and unbecoming of a community where we are trying to build comraderie.

Jazuela 04-25-2009 11:31 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
So, are you offended by yourself? Because your reply to the OP here, was a reply a search request that does -not- fall under your game's criteria. And it is definitely not the first, by a longshot. Also, Warhound's point is valid, regardless of his overly broad statement.

You have a habit of responding to posters searching for games, offering yours, even when the poster lists some criteria that contrary to what your game offers. You've done this many times. There might be someone looking for roleplay optional with saves on exit - and you'd say "well ours is required, but we save on exits and you want that too so come join us!"

As far as I can tell, the only reason you ever post at all, is to bump up your *account name* and therefore your game name, to the top of the "most recent threads" list on the main topmudsites page.

Delerak 04-26-2009 12:23 AM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
Who cares, Jazuela?

It's quite obvious that NW has no standards, therefore he can post in all of these crap threads for equally crappy players. If he had any standards for roleplaying he wouldn't put his mud in this thread. The difference between an RPI and the rest of the Mud's is this exact standard, yet everybody else calls it elitism.

Newworlds 04-26-2009 02:48 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
Question for the day.

Should I respond to the 12 year olds or ignore their immature rantings?

Anjanas 04-26-2009 03:20 PM

Re: Searching for a MUD I can waste my time on.
Not unless you want more bickering from those children.

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