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Orion Elder 08-26-2002 11:56 PM

New flames thread, because the last had gotten big. Have fun.

Wenlin 08-27-2002 01:59 AM

Xanferious 08-30-2002 04:31 AM

lol thats funny....

Santrilla 09-08-2002 08:19 PM

Flames. Why do people bother?

Forums are designed so that like-minded people can share their views about stuff. They're not designed for spam, moaning about other people's spam, moaning about people moaning about you, or anything that derives from this. If you want that, go find a chat room to do it in. Leave the forums for those of us who use them.

Btw, i'm not expecting (or indeed looking forward to) any flaming replies to this. Just thought I'd give a little of my personal insight.

GenmaC 10-05-2002 12:44 AM

I'd call it blather, rather than "insight". The internet is not a place for "like-minded" people to "share their views about stuff".

The internet is a source for information (some of the time), and a place where your opinion can be submitted and argued.

Too many people think the 'net is some namby-pamby place where everyone should get along.

Guess what? Want harmony, then go focus on pulling your real life out of the gutter. The 'net is not a place to build castles in the sky.

TG_Nek 10-05-2002 12:51 AM

I generally find most "haters" are the ones that need to pull their real lives out of the gutter, so they're not so frustrated that they need to rant on those of us who like having discussions - and indeed, getting along.

But, as said, the net's for everyone.  Haters, pacifists, twinks, megalomaniacs, beauty queens alike.

[edit add]

Tho, I believe San was discussing the Forums. Not 'le net.

GenmaC 10-06-2002 07:56 PM

Yes, but the point is more valid for the 'net as a whole, since individual forums aren't really obliged to be as open as the internet in general.

It's always really sad to see a bunch of mealy mouthed ignoramuses sucking each other off and then banning anyone who DARES venture an opinion that doesn't validate their existence...

Sylvado 10-06-2002 08:51 PM

You learn a lot more from dissenting opinions than you do from posts in agreement.

TG_Nek 10-06-2002 09:04 PM

Uhm, I think the question posed was "Flames, why do people bother?". Not "can't we all agree all the time".

It is possible to discuss things without flaming. Where even people who disagree about topics can discuss them and "get along" while they do it. I believe modern culture has defined this as "debating".

Its that whole "free speech" thing those early Americans were so big on. The kind without censorship - heckling.

Y'know, really? Why bother?

Wenlin 10-07-2002 12:12 AM

Well, I don't know about you guys, but Orion told us to have fun, so I'm gonna have fun!

Okay, I'll go play Quake3 now...that's fun....

Ingham 10-07-2002 03:32 AM

Jazuela 10-07-2002 08:14 AM

Maybe so Ingham but the genuinely evil dude wouldn't risk breaking a fingernail killing or desecrating. Instead, he'd manipulate his victims into begging for the privelege of doing it themselves.

-She who can't spell privelege right without a spellchecker because it looks misspelled no matter how she spells it.

Ingham 10-07-2002 10:58 AM

Reason 10-07-2002 09:32 PM

I think this is the best place to put this because by the time I finish it'll probably be pretty insulting.  I just want to ask that you don't judge DR by Seraphina, she just has an addiction to posting.  Her goal usually seems to be to stir up trouble and then try to come out looking innocent while everybody around her argues about the idiocy she posts.

She disrupts the DR boards constantly but hardly ever to the point of getting her posts removed. I notice she started out here doing the same thing, writing long posts that are totally off topic and either break rules are walk the line of it.  I stopped reading the DR boards because of the bs posted by her and a few others, I hate to think I'll have to give up reading these too.  Please don't encourage her.

I've been reading these boards for a long time, over a year, and this is the first time I've felt the need to post.  I just wanted to say  

Dellica, go home!  Nobody here cares about your kid, how wonderful you are or your wonderful ideas about how to cheat the system without breaking official rules.

Sylvado 10-07-2002 11:51 PM

Now we see the difference between a discussion and a flame. The previous post is nothing more than a personal attack (flame).

Reason 10-07-2002 11:57 PM

It my be a flame, but it's on topic. If you read the name of the folder, it is Flames. What's your point?

Sylvado 10-08-2002 09:37 AM

Never stated that your post did not belong here. There was some discussion about the difference between  a flame and a debate. You just provided a good example so I used it.

Lovelorn 10-08-2002 11:08 AM

:groans: I can't escape it anywhere, they are everywhere I look! :pokes all the DR players now on board:

To be on Topic...

To flame or not to flame, that is the question.

Typically I think the difference between a debate and a flame session has more to do with the posters themselves.  A true, lively, interesting debate can be derailed by one person coming into it and throwing that first flame.  Then, the other posters often respond in kind (even if previous to that they were eloquent and debating points intelligently)...  That is where the Debate quickly falls down into the flaming abyss of hell. I'd love to see, just once, everyone in a good debate totally ignore the flamer that just came into it.  Flamer doesn't get the desired results which is to derail the discussion, and the interesting debate continues with intelligent reparte.  :nods wishfully:

Reason 10-08-2002 07:45 PM

That was a lovely post lady moonmage, but it doesn't seem to serve any purpose that I can see.  There was no discussion for me to interrupt, and I have no desire to debate with someone who posts only for the attention it'll get her.  

You really don't know what you're talking about, I got exactly the results I wanted.  I said what I had to say without disrupting any boards since that is what this one is for.  I don't expect her to change, people have tried to shut her up for years. I don't want an argument, there's nothing anyone can say to change my opinion of her and her warped view of gaming. I don't need the attention, or I would have been posting a long time ago.

What I would like is for her to just go back to the DR boards and post her drivel there, but I know that's not likely.  I'm more than willing to just post my opinion and ask people not to think that all DR players are the same type of person.  Some of us are quite content with following the rules and don't need to try to find ways to get around them to get ahead.

I may not have written the nicest post, but at least my flames are open rather than white-washed like those in the previous post.  My daddy always said that if you have something to say, say it.  What did yours tell you, if you hide the insults well, nobody will realize you're doing it?

Anyway, have a nice night.

Lovelorn 10-09-2002 06:24 AM

Actually I was in no way responding to your post at all, flame or not.  I honestly was merely surprised to find some DR players posting, chuckled a bit to myself, then responded to the topic at hand with my 'general' opinion.  Tsk, Tsk.  BTW, my daddy always told me if the shoe fit, to wear it.  In this case it seems I can't even get my big toe to fit it comfortably.
I've no desire to whitewash a thing, as a seasoned board denizen, I can assure you of that.

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