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Enzo 08-26-2002 07:23 PM

The Pattern's End is the best MUD I have ever played in the MUDing world. TPE offers great newbie help to help you along your way once you want to get started. TPE is based on a series of books by Robert Jordan. Reading the books will help you GREATLY in roleplay and ooc trivias and quests. Although it is not required.

TPE will start your life with a basic creation. You will be able to select what nation you are from, your class, weapon, some basic skills, etc. Players and immortal online will be able to answer your questions.

TPE offers many great things to keep players entertained for hours. It has the ability to reach level 101. At 101, you will be able to remort/reincarnate. Remorting allows you to gain special skills, and add a special remort-classes. There are many remort classes, so you will never be bored with leveling. You can become a level 101 Dual-Remort. From there, you will start gaining extension levels. Ext. levels will increase hp, move, or mana and make you stronger.

Skills and spells at The Pattern's End are also very fun to play with. Trainers spread amongst the various areas give certain skills or spells at certain levels. The trainers locations are secret, and never given away over public channels. TPE also offers skill trees. Meaning, you must have a certain skill at a certain level before you can gain the better skills. For exmple, sword at 100% before you can get Advanced Sword.

TPE also encourages Roleplay greatly. All RP is based off the books, so this is way you might wish to read the books. TPE starts the RP in different times of the books. Right before certain wars, great times full of heros, etc. Estimated Combat Ability is one of the things I really like at The Pattern's End. It is based off your levels and roleplay ranks. If you are a Dual-Remort lvl 101 Blademaster, you are one of the most powerful players IC'ly. If you are a lvl 5 blademaster, you are very weak. Leveling and RP are both linked toegther in order to become strong and powerful.

I have explained many things that seem great about The Pattern's End, but you must expierence them for yourself. Please come and try TPE anytime you wish. We will be ready and waiting for your visit, and possibly your addition to our Roleplay, or OOC enviorment. Thank you.

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