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d00s 01-27-2014 03:01 AM

Help us improve the start-up process!
Hi fellow Mudders

I am an immortal on the MUD Deeper Trouble, a Tolkien themed Hack'n'Slash mud.

During the last few months i have worked hard on getting new players to our precious MUD.
The campaigns have been somewhat successful and we have gotten a few new players who have expressed that they love DT.

However! My reason for writing here, is because i have a sense that something in our start-up process might be off.
More than 90% of the new created characters never get past level 1, and nearly 100% of those never even leave the room they spawn in ..

I hope for YOUR help to tell me why! We want to improve and we will listen to any advice we can get.

I can recommend that you read this before you log on. This is most likely what the new players will see when they try.

You can write me over PM or answer here. I hope for constructive critisism and answers that will show us which direction to evolve in to become more newbie friendly.

Thanks in advance, to the helpful few who want to spend time on this for us!

-Daeva, Deeper Trouble


Port: 4242

ForgottenMUD 01-27-2014 04:04 AM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process!
PM sent. I believe I have found the issue.

d00s 01-27-2014 04:29 AM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process!
Thanks alot for your great advice! ..

I will form them all into suggestions for change immediately ..

I would love input from more if possible! .. Anyone who care to spend time on this? :)

Parnassus 01-27-2014 04:21 PM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process!
Well, there's MY problem right there! I hate DT's and just seeing that associated with a mud just scares me to pieces. I've noticed a tendency for muds to avoid or soften dts and I'm all for that.

I'm sorry that this probably sounds really rude and facetious, but I'm sure we all have associations that keep us from enjoying something that would otherwise be enjoyable.

d00s 01-28-2014 02:23 AM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process!

Eh? .. What do you translate DT into?

KaVir 01-28-2014 05:56 AM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process!
He's almost certainly talking about , which are commonly abbreviated to "DT". I'd be like reading a post which stated "I am an immortal on the MUD Primal Khaos, a Greek mythology themed Hack'n'Slash mud ... we have gotten a few new players who have expressed that they love PK" and assuming that "PK" stood for Player Killing (which would be unfortunate if you hate Player Killing).

Regarding the original question, it's pretty widely accepted that the vast majority of newbies quit within the first few minutes. It happens everywhere. While that certainly doesn't mean you shouldn't try to improve the newbie experience, it also doesn't necessarily mean you're doing anything wrong.

d00s 01-29-2014 01:58 AM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process!
Right .. so when i say that new players love DT, i obviously meant that they love Deeper Trouble

To your answer to my question:
Well, if that's what i end up with, i guess thats alright.. But even the first login i had who answered me, seemed to have a clear opinion of what we were doing wrong :)

Freela 02-06-2014 04:28 PM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process!
I type in the above site info into my mud client and it said not found

d00s 02-10-2014 03:12 AM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process!
Did you use the info in my initial post?

Freela 02-15-2014 06:50 PM

Re: Help us improve the start-up process! port 4242 got it now. Not your fault. Problem was I haven't hit the "New" button in the mudclient before entering your name. For some reason the mudclient absolutely requires I do that

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