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Xerihae 01-01-2011 02:37 PM

Hello All!
Not sure how many of you remember me, but as 2011 has rolled around and it's been a while since my last check-in I thought I'd post this anyway!

Hope everyone is good and has had a great/relaxing/exciting/astounding (delete as appropriate) christmas and a good new year. Mine was nice and quiet, which is probably what I needed this year so that's all good.

Since leaving TMS as a mod I spent a fair amount of time working as a site/forum admin for a clan I helped set up on Earth & Beyond back in 2002, that now spans multiple games. It was an interesting few years with many a site re-design, but I recently stepped down from the position as I felt the community was moving in a direction I could not support, so I have left it to others who are more "onboard" with what is going on to continue the good work.

I'm ashamed to say I haven't played a MUD for years... I've been thinking about it recently though! I currently have an active subscription to Star Trek Online and while for all its flaws it can be fun, it makes me miss the days of actual RP in an online game that I just don't seem to have found since my old MUDding days. I wonder if any of you other old farts out there feel the same...

Anyway, just a hello to let anyone who does remember me know I'm not dead yet, and I hope you're all continuing with your love of the genre!

Kind regards, as always,

Newworlds 01-01-2011 07:30 PM

Re: Hello All!
Hello Xerihae!

I remember you. One of my favorite moderators if I remember right. Welcome back!

Milawe 01-04-2011 05:39 PM

Re: Hello All!
Welcome back, Xerihae!

Xerihae 01-09-2011 11:22 AM

Re: Hello All!
Ahh, two familiar names! Glad to see you're still haunting the place :)

shevegen 01-13-2011 11:25 AM

Re: Hello All!
I feel partially the same way, although i still play MUDs.

I think the classical MUDs were heavily and negatively affected by how computers evolved.
I am thinking here of World of Warcraft and similar games. These kind of replaced MUDs or affected them mostly negatively.

Then I have also noticed a decline in the coding languages. LPC for instance is too cumbersome compared to i.e. Python or Ruby. You invest too much time in this pseudo C language...

What I resent the most is the loss of great roleplayers. People 10 years ago went to great lengths to portray their characters. Enter 2011 and not so much is left of these players anymore ... sadly.

I'd wish there would be good roleplayers aggregating somewhere again.

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