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Azhon 01-17-2003 02:27 PM

I am having difficulty finding another mud to play on. My current one is currently in a rut, but I cannot find anything better.

The top ones on the site either have RP (ugh), either too much ansi colour or too little, or most aggravating of all, require you to type out the name of the mob in full.

I'd prefer a smaug type mud(apart from Realms of despair)  with a decent playerbase, or perhaps a pure pk mud.

Any suggestions?

Myra 02-02-2003 01:49 AM

You might check us out, I'll be honest we just went to no pkill on a trial basis due to a lack of players using the pkill command. However at the end of a month, we are going to re-evaluate where we are at. We are primarily hack n slash, with lots of quests, some color, we hope that its logically used, and you don't have to type out the mob name in full. Beware having the game confuse it for the title of antoher mob though, and be sure to use the consider command. We are smaug based. I encourage you to check us out.
Escape from Destiny is our name, let me know what you think.
Hope to see you on,
Myra 2020

Mason 02-02-2003 11:48 AM

You can also try Medieval Times at . Connect to 8500

Klered 02-03-2003 10:38 PM

Perished Lands might be what your looking for...

Wenlin 02-04-2003 03:21 AM

The Jungle!

Well, it's got a lot of ANSI color, but its somehow pleasing and unpainful to the eye. ROM, not SMAUG, and no typing full mob names...

cow_gone_mad 02-04-2003 10:32 AM

currently rp is not needed or encouraged, cuz we are in a beta stage
so we are hack and slash atm

Epstein 02-12-2003 02:09 AM

I THINK I emailed you from here, but I was just learning how this board works.

You might want to check out Overdrive: 5195

It's not PURE H&S (i.e. there are a lot of quests and mini-quests), but the combat is pretty complex and descriptive.

It's also pretty newbie friendly. We just installed a newbie academy that pretty much tells you all need to know to get started.

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