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Keljorian 05-09-2002 01:28 PM

I will take the names out for the sake of the newbie =-).

"Where do I go level at?" newbie
"Um... The newbie school." Keljorian
"Where's that at?" newbie
"North. Didn't you read the room your in? Welcome to the Newbie School." Keljorian

"What's a mud and how do you play?" newbie
"Hit Alt-F4" Keljorian
*newbie hits alt-f4 then signs back on*
"This is fun!" newbie

"I've played on these things before... what do you call them rots?" newbie

Wenlin 05-10-2002 02:22 AM

there has been a weird epidemic of least 3 newbies have done it.

newbie gossips: n

smart people gossips: just n will work, since go is gossip.

newbie gossips: w

Me, being a mage, gates to newbie and tries to explain.

me: Just...n will work, nothing else is needed, you can go west twice (without the go) to get to the newbie school, that'll help.

newbie gossips: w

Me: just west, do it twice.

newbie leaves west, goes east, goes west twice (yay) but he still has to go north to the school, 2w was the entrance.

Me: good, now north to get inside and read the room descriptions.

newbie proceeds to experiment with east and west without saying a word. There was someone else present that was trying to help, we almost decided it was an imm trick; a wandering mob just made to look like a newbie.

We couldn't push him though (pk action) I think we eventually got him in the school...but it was mighty hard

melopene 05-10-2002 03:35 AM

Orion Elder 05-10-2002 03:39 AM

Newbie: "Wut's a noobie?!"
Us: "Someone new to the game with little understanding of it."
Newbie: "O! So ur a noobie?!"
Us: "No, you are."

My only thought? "Take your own advice."

Newbie: "WUt U meANs I gOts 2 spAK ENILSH 2 Play hERe, IME SPEEKin Enlish!"
Us: "No, you're speaking gibberish."
Newbie: "Wut iS GibBERISH?!"
Us: "Nevermind."
Newbie: "I DUN mINd!"

My only thought? "You left out 'have a' in that last sentence."

Wenlin 05-10-2002 03:51 AM

Melly! Someone just asked that 5 minutes ago! That's cheating, you gotta put it in a quotefile first, then onto TMS!

And anyway, that's a valid question, I had that problem until I dreamt that I was in a world full of strange letters, all of them I, D, S, O, M, U, A, T and N

To this date, I have no idea what it means

Shao_Long 05-10-2002 02:41 PM

Dionae 05-10-2002 09:17 PM

You say, 'Just go two west, then follow the rooms north to learn about the basic commands'
Newbie says, 'ok'
Newbie leaves east.

Newbie gossips 'to bed'

Newbie asks, 'Why are you teaching me?'
You say, 'Cause I'm nice'
You snicker softly.
Newbie says, 'I see'

Newbie gossips 'i have been fighting the practice dummy for 2 days'

Newbie question 'Could Gretan get another newbie pack?? I melted alot of his stuff in the arena with this hammer I didnt know it did that'

Newbie question 'what does torpor do?'
Someone answers 'puts someone to sleep'
Someone quotes 'Newbie slumps over in a torpor.'
Newbie answers 'I used it on myself'

melopene 05-10-2002 09:23 PM

TheDemonMaster 06-08-2002 12:58 PM

Alexei 06-18-2002 02:39 PM


thelenian 06-20-2002 06:02 PM

%%> % color
%What ?
%> % colour
%What ?
%> % l
You stand now in the plane of existence to which all souls come before they
take on the mortal form, and to which they return when the form finally deserts
them once more. The plane extends out in all directions from here, before
disappearing into the extremities of the void. One thing catches your gaze
above all else in this formless existence, a great pool of light that radiates
strongly out into the darker regions, and for some reason you feel that your
destiny lies here. It is well lit here.
%There are no obvious exits.
%a sign, and another sign.
%> % help color
%The following help topics might have what you seek:
% % * set term% % % % %
%% set term
%Your terminal type is not set.
%Available terminal settings: ansi, vt100.
%> % set term ansi
%Usage: set to
Ya gotta have the 'to' in there, or it just ain't gonna work!
%> % l
You stand now in the plane of existence to which all souls come before they
take on the mortal form, and to which they return when the form finally deserts
them once more. The plane extends out in all directions from here, before
disappearing into the extremities of the void. One thing catches your gaze
above all else in this formless existence, a great pool of light that radiates
strongly out into the darker regions, and for some reason you feel that your
destiny lies here. It is well lit here.
%There are no obvious exits.
%a sign, and another sign.
%> % set term to asni
%You can set term to: ansi, vt100.
%> % l
You stand now in the plane of existence to which all souls come before they
take on the mortal form, and to which they return when the form finally deserts
them once more. The plane extends out in all directions from here, before
disappearing into the extremities of the void. One thing catches your gaze
above all else in this formless existence, a great pool of light that radiates
strongly out into the darker regions, and for some reason you feel that your
destiny lies here. It is well lit here.
%There are no obvious exits.
%a sign, and another sign.
%> % set term to asni
%You can set term to: ansi, vt100.
%> %
%> % asni
%What ?
%> % set term to asni,
%You can set term to: ansi, vt100.
%%Raven tells you: 'a_n_s_i'
% reply Thanks
%That person is not in the room.
%> % set term a_s_n_i
%Usage: set to
Ya gotta have the 'to' in there, or it just ain't gonna work!
%%Raven tells you: 'stands for American National Standards Institute'
> % set term to a_s_n_i
%You can set term to: ansi, vt100.
%%Raven bows.
> % l
You stand now in the plane of existence to which all souls come before they
take on the mortal form, and to which they return when the form finally deserts
them once more. The plane extends out in all directions from here, before
disappearing into the extremities of the void. One thing catches your gaze
above all else in this formless existence, a great pool of light that radiates
strongly out into the darker regions, and for some reason you feel that your
destiny lies here. It is well lit here.
%There are no obvious exits.
%a sign, and another sign.
%> % tell raven Thanks
%That person is not in the room.
%%Raven says, 'ansi... a N S i'
%Raven says, 'not asni'
> ez
What ?
> wz
> % set term to a n s i
%You can set term to: ansi, vt100.
%Raven shimmers into visibility.
% bow
%You bow.
%> % say Sorry.
%You say, 'Sorry.'
> force newbie to set term to ansi
%Terminal set to ansi.
> % say First time here.
%You say, 'First time here.'
%> % l
You stand now in the plane of existence to which all souls come before they
take on the mortal form, and to which they return when the form finally deserts
them once more. The plane extends out in all directions from here, before
disappearing into the extremities of the void. One thing catches your gaze
above all else in this formless existence, a great pool of light that radiates
strongly out into the darker regions, and for some reason you feel that your
destiny lies here. It is well lit here.
%There are no obvious exits.
%a sign, and another sign.
Raven the troll.
%> %Raven says, 'No problem.'
%Raven grins trollishly.
> % beam
%What ?
%> % smile
%You smile.
%> % l
You stand now in the plane of existence to which all souls come before they
take on the mortal form, and to which they return when the form finally deserts
them once more. The plane extends out in all directions from here, before
disappearing into the extremities of the void. One thing catches your gaze
above all else in this formless existence, a great pool of light that radiates
strongly out into the darker regions, and for some reason you feel that your
destiny lies here. It is well lit here.
%There are no obvious exits.
%a sign, and another sign.
Raven the troll.
%> % say Color!
%You exclaim, 'Color!'
%> % hop
%You hop like a frog.
%Raven grins.
%Raven says, 'Read the signs... they'll get you started. Good luck.'
% l
You stand now in the plane of existence to which all souls come before they
take on the mortal form, and to which they return when the form finally deserts
them once more. The plane extends out in all directions from here, before
disappearing into the extremities of the void. One thing catches your gaze
above all else in this formless existence, a great pool of light that radiates
strongly out into the darker regions, and for some reason you feel that your
destiny lies here. It is well lit here.
%There are no obvious exits.
%a sign, and another sign.
Raven the troll.
%Raven waves.
%Raven melts into a shadow and is gone.

Alaire 06-20-2002 07:16 PM

On an rp enforced mud where pkilling is possible, but the society is seriously against murder or killing in any form:

The silly, braindead newbie says in Towskish:
'Where's all the stuff to kill???'

Kyrie 06-20-2002 11:01 PM

TheDemonMaster 06-22-2002 08:39 AM

Heres another good couple of lines:

[Newbie] Why can't i get any exp from this mob?

[Immortal] Cause the mob does not like you?

[Newbie] Why doesn't it like me?

[Immortal] Take a look at yourself.

Newbie looks at himself and shakes his head.

[Immortal] Go put some clothes on!

Enzo 07-01-2002 03:03 AM

A newbie says, "How do I RP?"

That alone stand for itself.


anathema 07-22-2002 12:00 AM

Newbieline: "I just accidently broadcasted a message on the Satai Guild line, what do I do?"

Alice 10-10-2002 02:41 PM

[newbie] Ming: help im dying of thirst and cant figure out how use my canteen.
[newbie] Gwenyth: open it.
[newbie] Eagleon: Get it from your pack, open it, and drink.
[newbie] Ming: how do i get it from my pack ?
[newbie] Gwenyth: take canteen from backpack.
[newbie] Ming: its open and i can see the canteen.
[newbie] Ming: no its in the satchel.
[newbie] Gwenyth: ok, take canteen from satchel.
[newbie] Ming: i tried that it didnt work.
[newbie] Gwenyth: erm...
[newbie] Dia: drop satchel, get canteen from satchel, open canteen, drink from canteen.
[newbie] Ming: ok
[newbie] Ming: some woman just took my canteen !!!

Santrilla 10-16-2002 03:07 PM

John 10-26-2002 09:30 AM


Here is my only newbie quote from an RP enforced mud:

newbie says in sirihish "I'm starting to understand this IC/OOC thing"

Dionae 10-27-2002 05:49 AM

I just found this really cute...

Someone asks, 'how do I become uninvisible?'

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