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Abram-sev 03-18-2016 12:48 PM

Midkemia Online: March Featurette!
In March, Midkemia Online is featuring its unique instanced bashing ground: The Lost Barony!

The Lost Barony's history is tied to the early years of the Kingdom of the Isle's expansion into the West. Bosania, as the West was then known, was in a state of disarray following the withdrawl of the Empire of Great Kesh, with only a few cities along the coast (known now as the Free Cities) managing to retain some semblance of order.

The Kingdom of the Isles, noted the withdrawl of the larger Empire and an expedition under the leadership of Nicholas conDoin, the youngest son of the reigning King, was mounted to bring the provinces in under the Kingdom banner. While mostly successful, the expansion was sullied somewhat when the Kingdom came under attack from the indigenous Moredhel, Goblin and Troll populations. As the populations were pushed into more and more remote areas, like the North, the Kingdom began setting up border Baronies in order to solidify border lines and suppress the local populations.

Though most of the Baronies still exist, one was known to have fallen in the early years after its creation. The Kingdom has sent several groups to find out what happened over the course of the last few centuries, though no parties have ever returned from the trip. Lately, though, rumors have been spreading of a Barony lost to the mists by some arcane means, and intrepid adventurers have been able to start mounting their own expeditions into the Barony. Curiously, however, despite many expeditions have begun to return, there is no consensus on even basic things, like the layout of the castle or disposition of forces or magics kept within.

Those with sufficient strength, will and gumption who wish to try their hand in an expedition need simply to acquire a Summons to the Lost Barony and make their way to officer assigned with guarding the path. Many riches exist within the Barony for those capable of plundering its halls!

Be sure to log into and take part in a world of unique depth and roleplay!

SlySven 08-11-2016 12:01 PM

Re: Midkemia Online: March Featurette!
However given that Midkemia-online is being switched off on September 9th 2016, you may have missed the boat to taking part in this...! :rolleyes:

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