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Shao_Long 05-12-2002 05:23 PM

Kyandra 05-12-2002 05:51 PM

I've learned to enjoy Merk Diku muds and their decsendants. Those which i have seen that cost money... well, I can spend it better on a good book.

Yes I have played pay to play muds, and probably will never again.

Wenlin 05-13-2002 01:57 AM

Shao_Long 05-13-2002 09:21 AM

is it so hard to understand ?
the question was pretty clear i think..It was 'do you think imms who get paid work better then imms who dont get paid?'

Jazuela 05-13-2002 11:32 AM

It wasn't clear at all. You asked, "to pay or not to pay?"

To pay WHOM? Since this is TopMudSites, and not TopIMMSites, I assumed, naturally, that you were asking whether or not we thought it was a good idea to pay to play a mud.

But since that isn't what you mean, I guess there's no point in me voting because I don't care if a game owner is paying his staff or not. It has no effect on me, unless I'm paying the staff for the privilege of playing the game.


Shao_Long 05-13-2002 04:27 PM

well..if im so unclear..

Will you play a pay to play mud and what are reasons :
#1 no
#2 yes,cuz imms should be rewarded
#3 yes,cuz you dont care,cuz you can easily afford p2p

Gad 05-13-2002 05:00 PM

I thought the question was clear enough. I think that IMMs should work primarily for the love of the MUD, but if they are paid to do something they love I think they will do an even better job of it. I would gladly do my job for free, but then I would have to devote a large amount of my time to making a living some other way. By being paid to do something I love I'm able to focus a good chunck of my time on it and do it very well rather than it just being a hobby.

I also have found that I enjoy MUDs with few IMMs. I'm not sure there is a correlation between the number of IMMs and how much I enjoy a MUD, but the ones I enjoy the most have few IMMs and some of the ones I've hated have a seemingly endless supply of them. Having few IMMs makes a better fit if the IMMs don't have to spend time earning money some other way.

Jazuela 05-13-2002 06:05 PM

Well in that case, I still won't take the poll, because you didn't include a "none of the above." I am currently paying to play a game. I don't pay because I like paying, I don't pay because I think IMs should get paid. I pay because the game I really love playing charges for the service. Nothing more, nothing less.

Wenlin 05-14-2002 12:06 AM

Aeledius 05-28-2002 10:20 AM

I choose not to pay for the basic reason of: The MUD isn't making any money, I'm not, and as such, neither should my builders. They don't do any more work than me, or any more important work than I do, this is not to say that they don't do work, or that it isn't important, just that mine is just as (I'm the founder and sole coder).

I think once we get to a point where the game is generating funds, greater than the cost of upkeep and we are turning a profit, I shall then look into paying my builders, admins and other staff, and myself. I have resolved not to take any money myself personally until I can do the same at least for the higher ranking staff. All procedes now go straight to upgrades, paying for the line, and hopefully buying a domain name when we get enough.

From what I understand tho, that is a major undertaking and there is a massive amount of red tape involved, especially since I don't have a single builder from the same country as me.

Just my thoughts.
James Meyer
aka Aldyn, Creator and Founder of Aeledius

Dre 06-18-2002 05:24 PM

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