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dbiron1977 10-04-2008 09:25 AM

World of Inferno
Wondering if anyone remembers this game. It reopened up maybe 1-2 years ago. Not sure what happened to it?

Does it still exist?


Will 10-04-2008 11:24 AM

Re: World of Inferno
Wow. Someone remembers Inferno.

I shut it down a year or so ago.

It still exists on my HD. =)

dbiron1977 10-04-2008 11:33 AM

Re: World of Inferno
It was my favorite MUD. Now that it's gone, I can't get into another one. I've searched but just can't find one similar... Any suggestions? Will it ever open agian?

Will 10-04-2008 11:35 AM

Re: World of Inferno
I'm in the process of building a new game.

dbiron1977 10-04-2008 11:47 AM

Re: World of Inferno
You coded inferno? Well when will your new game be up?

Any recomendations for other games?

Will 10-04-2008 01:07 PM

Re: World of Inferno
Gonna be a while.

WarHound 10-04-2008 08:33 PM

Re: World of Inferno
I loved Inferno. :(

Looking forward to your new game, Will. If you need any help, say the word. I would be happy to build a little, though coding is beyond me.

Mabus 10-05-2008 04:26 AM

Re: World of Inferno
I played Inferno. Loved the spell system.

I could play that game again!

Will 10-05-2008 07:13 AM

Re: World of Inferno
Thanks. I'll keep you in mind for when the time comes.

We're a ways away from building, though.

Newworlds 10-05-2008 02:33 PM

Re: World of Inferno
Perhaps list out what the features were that you enjoyed so much. Surely with hundreds of muds in operation there is one that is similar. The admins and players here seem to be well versed in even the most hard to find systems.

dbiron1977 10-05-2008 06:04 PM

Re: World of Inferno
The combat was great -- You didn't just type kill <mob>. There was stratergy to combat... It was not auto. The people that played, and the RP was great. It was unique, most of the muds I've played beside inferno are all the same, the corse system. I don' t like automated combat.

Newworlds 10-05-2008 07:07 PM

Re: World of Inferno
Can you describe the combat a little more. Maybe an example of what you did. I have heard of a few games with combat systems that are turn based and not auto.

Most players in Roleplay MUDs are normally fun to play with so that shouldn't be hard to find. In fact, I'd say the reason for MUD popularity is the excellent communities and playerbases.

dbiron1977 10-05-2008 08:26 PM

Re: World of Inferno
Well it's been almost over a year since I played but I will try to briefly describe combat. Each room was a grid, you would advance or retreat, depending on the reach of your weapon. You would type say <slice> then a counter would appear for 3 seconds depending on your stats and the weapons stats. There was even a crafting and mining system. It was the most complete system I've played on. All flushed out... sorry I can't offer more... it's been a while since I played.

Mabus 10-05-2008 08:34 PM

Re: World of Inferno
From what I remember, you would "engage" the target (or they would engage you, if aggro) then you would both advance until you were in range of the attack (weapon/spell). Different weapons were best at specific ranges, so you had to try to stay in the best range for your weapon. It also utilized a "balance" system (kind of a timed combat). I could be wrong on some of this, as it has been a while.

I have always been a fan of non-auto, timed combat with range systems, so I enjoyed it more then "kill mob". Not saying auto-combat does not have its pros and upsides, I just prefer non-auto personally.

dbiron1977 10-05-2008 09:28 PM

Re: World of Inferno
Mabus you have any recomendations for non-auto combat? For an RP MUd?


Mabus 10-05-2008 10:15 PM

Re: World of Inferno
Sadly, not many.

I think games use a timed system. uses a timed system. I think wants timed combat, but I fear they may either take quite a long while to reach alpha or end up vaporware (I hope not, looks like some great ideas).

I have been planning on heading that way (timed non-auto combat) with the game I am currently coding, and have been working on several systems on my home machine for the purpose. I have not yet changed the game code to force this form of combat, but have done some live testing (and re-thinking/redesigning...), but we are likely to head that way in the future (the never ending "real soon now" future).

Perhaps others could provide lists of games that use timed non-auto combat. I know I would like to find a game as fun to play as Inferno again.

Will 10-06-2008 05:29 AM

Re: World of Inferno
I have to confess, I've been involved in online text gaming since the late 80's, but I haven't played a lot of MUDs. I cut my teeth on GEnie: Stellar Emperor, Orb Wars and Gemstone. I moved on to Legends of Futures Past and then Inferno was born. So almost all my experience lies in pay-for-play. As a result, I have no exposure whatsoever to "automatic combat." Combat in Inferno was based on timed commands. We called our timing mechanisms "roundtimes" instead of "balance," although there really were no "rounds." You swung your weapon or prepped/casted a spell and incurred a "roundtime" for your action.

Combat in Shadowfall (in development) is similar, but is crit-based instead of damage-based, which makes things much more fast and furious. I find that one of the greatest downfalls of MUDs is advancement centered on killing stuff where killing stuff is a boring grind and eventually becomes a process of client-side scripting. It turns characters into auto-advancing robots, takes players out of the game and destroys role-play (hard to RP if you aren't at your keyboard, or at least paying attention). The developer response to this is usually implementation of policies that prohibit scripting. I think that's a crock. The better solution, IMVHO, is to design advancement mechanics that make players not want to script. EG: player vs mob combat that's fun. This is the direction I'm moving with my new game.

Will 10-06-2008 05:56 AM

Re: World of Inferno
PS: I'm building on a custom LambaMOO core and am always looking for creative people to join me. Drop me a note. :)

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