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Chapel 06-23-2002 01:59 PM

Sheer curiosity spawned this poll, that and I'd never made one before. I just wanted to know what do people usually play? What types of character fit their personality? There are a million different names for subdivisions of the four basic classes up there. But essentially whatever you pick is one of the four up there.

If your class seems to have traits from more than one of the four basic choices, then which does it favor most? Paladins are both Warriors and Clerics but moreso warriors, war mages are mages, etc.


Dre 06-23-2002 03:42 PM

Quietude 06-23-2002 08:04 PM

It would be nice to see an option up there for non-combat character (ie smith, miner, weaver, politician, begger, merchant, farmer, healer. . .) I recognize that most combat characters can be fitted into one of those four categories or a combination thereof, but not all characters are fighters.

this space intentionally left blank

thelenian 06-23-2002 10:10 PM

I'd have to agree with Quietude on this one. While most of my characters do a bit of magic, stealth, swordplay, or a combination thereof, they tend to primarily be political wheelers and dealers. On the MUD I play on, it's very possible to be extremely influential and powerful without combat-oriented skills.

Chapel 06-24-2002 04:44 AM

Mnemosyne 06-24-2002 06:45 PM

Rytorth 06-25-2002 05:11 PM

Khan 06-25-2002 06:51 PM

I've never played anything other than a mage character. It's my favorite.

Realedazed 06-25-2002 09:06 PM

I always find myself playing in the Priest or Warrior caterogory. My characters are usually Paladins, Clerics or Rangers.

Sapphar 06-29-2002 12:56 PM

I agree with what folks said earlier - options for non fighters should have been included. Although the game I play is classless, unless you go the customize route, you do choose the basic type of character you're going to play and what you want to have the easiest time learning. And one of those options is to be a crafter, another a healer. So if this poll was intended to reflect class choices, not rp choices, I think crafters belonged in there anyway.

I would be interested in knowing how many folks do the non-combatant route. I know I find it quite facinating and enjoyable. Hell, I have characters whose most intense fighting moment was using the slap social. And they are as much, if not more, fun then my mage and fighter characters.


Enzo 07-01-2002 03:15 AM

Currently in my MUD, I play a warrior. This paticular time of the MUD changes the RP. I decided to be a warrior for this time. I was previously an Aes Sedai (Wizard/Channeler), but I felt like it would be too difficult to play as that type of character. Also, I couldn't be in the guild I wanted to be in if I had been an Aes Sedai.


Mandrake 07-08-2002 10:28 PM

Mage, haven't played one in ages, but that was my first love.

Aside,....why do folks always want to change the poll? The man gives us 4 choices.....if you do not fit, then why try and change the poll?


Alajha 07-27-2002 12:34 AM

Inty 07-27-2002 01:42 PM

I play psions, I like psions, especially psionic shapeshifters

Santrilla 09-18-2002 02:58 PM

Wenlin 09-24-2002 01:52 AM

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