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Septe 01-17-2008 05:30 PM

Mud emailing Imp system
I'm sure this has been solved. I've looked through various documentation and wasn't able to find anything specific in getting the mud or the run scripts to email him, not just the information that the mud is down but also to send him files as a back up. Can anyone point me to the relevant information or tell me how that can be done, if it can be done. I'm reasonably sure it can be done, I just don't know how to do it.


Lanthum 01-17-2008 10:09 PM

Re: Mud emailing Imp system
Here a few links I thought you might find helpful.

This one covers how to email files using the sendmail program: and the second link covers making and using a shell script: . I found both of these on some quick google searches. Just so you know: I do not use either of these two and have not really looked them over much, but on a quick cursory check they look like they should work.

I am sure there are other people here that are better at that kind of stuff than I that can look them over and see if there are any problems with them. At the very least - it might help you narrow down your google searches some more.

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