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Viwrathe 12-06-2005 07:24 AM

Time of Troubles is a Rom/Sunder/Rot mud with many additions. Theme is basic medieval with an AD&D Forgotten Realms influence and feel. We strive for class diversity while retaining balance. Our immortal staff is extremely dedicated, and we boast a near completely original world which is still growing daily. The players on Time of Troubles are extremely helpful and full of ideas, which us implementor/coders take into full consideration and most often find a way of working into the code in a balanced manner. We boast four competent coders, two of which are owners of the mud. We never have problems with coders not
doing things here, and will be expanding as rapidly as players permit. Time of Troubles is a pk optional mud, with many things for nonpk players, while maintaining an intense pk environment.

A VERY brief overview of some of our features:
(to see more, read "help changes" when you log onto the mud).

***30 selectable player races.
***8 selectable player classes: Warrior, Mage, Thief, Cleric, Ranger, Monk, Chaosmage, Elementalist. We also have 4 new classes currently in heavy development.
***An extremely user friendly built in map and configurable
mini-move-map system for easy navigation.
***Over 400 new skills and spells added, along with all the
classics being rebalanced and reworked for the class system.
***Numerous new functions and features too abundant to name. Encumberance, Chaotic spell effects, a D&D style feat system, player ran clans with wars, etc. We will never stop advancing.

Time of Troubles is an excellent mud only in need of a better player base. We have been open 6 months and things have been going great. The mud will continue to grow and thrive.

We hope to see you soon.

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