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Earendur 05-11-2005 10:14 PM

I guess this should have been posted here instead of on the Advanced MUD Concepts page. Anyhow, Project T is just the current name until a better one is found. It is pay-to-play, but I have every confidence that that just means the staff will be working that much harder to bring a quality gaming experience.

The concept is..crazy, exciting, original, thorough, and I've run out of adjectives so lets close with awesome. The two official staffers at the moment are Traithe (Head Administrator) and Edward Falconer (Head of Creative Design). Traithe has done some amazing things to SoI's code in my limited experience, and he's building the whole thing from the ground up with C++. Falconer has some awesome ideas, and I'm actually planning on assisting him with storyline and world building.

The project is still in the early planning stages, but there's already been a huge reaction to it, lots of people are making suggestions for the concept, and currently, the discussion board is part of the SoI forums (until a separate website is created). I have to say it somewhere, Traithe is tinkering with ways to turn this MUD into RPI meets Hack & Slash. The MUD will not truly be either, but will hopefully be able to offer in depth roleplay and an exciting system of combat.

Traithe and Falconer are still toying with the flat-rate/month fee, and I believe there are multiple approaches to the financial aspect of this venture. You can already see a few snips of the plot that were posted by The Genius (Falconer) and some of the basic mechanics of the game posted by The Genius2000 (Traithe). Check it out, if you're interested, they're accepting any suggestions via the public forum I linked above.

Ilkidarios 05-12-2005 08:26 PM

So what exactly IS Project T?

Traithe 05-12-2005 10:30 PM

It's the tongue-in-cheek name I adopted for the new commercial MU* project I'll be working on, to be replaced - hopefully soon - when Ed and I can come up with a more suitable permanent name for the game and the company behind it.

I believe the forum Earendur linked to in his post is the open area where we've asked people to drop suggestions, comments, questions, etc. If you're interested in finding out more in terms of what "official" developments and decisions have been made so far, check these links out:

The Code:

The Company:

The Realm:

The Storyline:

It's all fairly nebulous at this early stage, though the groundwork is coming together pretty nicely so far.

Anyway, hope that helps.

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