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Jenred 02-25-2003 11:55 PM

Set in the land of Kirganthis, Feudal Realms is an entirely original MUD based on, but not limited to the standard fantasy genre. The name of the MUD describes the relative time period. The Feudal era of the mythical land of Kirganthis.

With this frame to guide it, Feudal Realms is a vast land of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, Faeries, Trolls, Halflings and Minotaurs.

Set on a post-war continent, the world of Duchies, and Baronies struggles with in-fighting on a day-to-day basis, each wishing to cut its chunk of the kingdom overseen by a distant and fading king. With the touches of evil still lurking in the bowels of the realm, wars and feuding are common.

No flavor of character is looked down on as long as they fit in with the theme. You'll find no immortal sun-stalking vampires, or any such nonsense, or robotic swordsmen wielding light-sabres.

The game offers a unique clan system. Instead of joining the typical Mages or Knights guild. The game offers 'Noble Houses' and orders. From the two prime duchies, to their outcasted and rebel little brother tirome. To the smaller vassal baronies to the vile clan of ogres and goblins in the norther mountains.

The game also offers several unique and originally designed classes with the same familiar names.
Warriors - Rangers - Knights - Thieves - Clerics - Druids - Necromancers - Mages - and Alchemists.

The game is RP-based, no OOC chat channels for those that appreciate it, but with a newbie question channel to help those get acclimated.

The game is constantly in development, having expanded in leaps and bounds the past year. Reaching high online counts of 90, with 100s of areas, and 1000s of items to use and exploit. Having served as a builder I can say that things are always rolling, if maybe a bit slowly, and new suggesstions and ideas are always taken.

There is an optional pk system for those thatd wish it.

Feudal Realm's also supports a large craft system. From mining ore to smelting it to making great weapons to the smithing of gold into fine pieces of jewelry. There are many many crafts to learn and use to your benefit. As well as a system in the works to do several common menial tasks from fishing to farming.

A helpful, if somewhat small immortal staff monitors the game and keeps things in shape, as well as the original owner and creator.

All in all Feudal Realms is a good game. A nice mix of the same comfortable fantasy that people know and love, set in an all original world with many great original features.

Those interested can stop by the website at :

or come play the game at:, port: 4444

Thanks for your time.
Builder and Player Dave

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