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Terloch 07-24-2004 01:15 AM

As a disclaimer, this log is highly offensive and sexual in nature, it's the torment of two people caught having mudsex and pretty much the entire immortal staff screwing with their heads...

This is about 8 years old or so, but still amazingly funny, don't be drinking anything when you read it...


Ntanel 07-24-2004 01:31 AM

I read the first twenty-five percent. The commentary was amusing, I had tears in my eyes it was so funny. It stopped being funny when it became violent, hense why I stopped reading it.

So my question is, do these people know you have posted this log? There are some serious ethical issues otherwise.

Gemini 07-24-2004 03:34 AM

i forced myself to read the whole thing, and while i sadly did find it amusing, that is abuse of power in the worst form!! so what, shes a slut, hes a dumb teenager, big deal. you people are sick and i sure as #### hope youve since had an administration change or something.

god, i cant even find words to describe my disgust at you people. you give all imm a bad name. ironicly, i no longer share that tarnish title, as i stepped down earlier today... i feel better about it now. thanks, you sick *******

Ntanel 07-24-2004 04:11 AM

Sadly, Gemini is correct.  Though, the logs were still funny up to the fighting. However, now I feel a bit bad myself for finding them funny. Then again do I believe kids should not be engaging in such adult activities online and those who do deserve any public redicule for being stupid.

Molly 07-24-2004 05:11 AM

I got to agree.

Any Imms who spy on players that are having mudsex are just sick.

Imms who spy on their players just out of boredom or to make fun of them should be kicked from the Staff immediately. Preferably they should never be given the ability to snoop. That is a command that should be reserved for the imp, to avoid any abuse. Of course if it's the imp that abuses it, what can I say? Stay clear of muds like that.

Mudsex is pretty cheesy in itself, but that's definitely not an excuse for the abuse and breech of privacy.

That said - here's a link to a really funny piece of cybersex. It's old as heck but still hilarious. And hopefully not a genuine log - I think someone wrote this up, but the name of the author got lost over the years...

prof1515 07-24-2004 08:02 AM

Jeez...where to begin?

First of all, sounds like your game's a pretty pathetic one if that's the quality of your staff. Not quite sure who was more immature, them or the players involved. Player immaturity can be expected from time to time, but staff should at least be better than that. They seem to be little better than troglodytes.

Plus, just from the combat text I read, it doesn't look like a very impressive game code-wise either. Mostly stock DIKU? For the sake of all involved, I hope this game got a decent coder at some point (in addition to even semi-decent staff)

I'm amazed people play games like that. The players themselves seem like they're not too bright either, both through their actions and their choice of MUDs. Hopefully all involved have retired from the MUD community and returned to their trailer parks, caves, barns, or whatever rock they crawled out from under.

I'm just glad I never played a MUD like this. Though in all regards, I can't see why I, or anyone, would.

Take care,


Caris 07-24-2004 08:14 AM

Not the worst example I've ever seen. Imms on H&S Diku-ish games are typically fairly rowdy and immature. I was a head builder for way too long on a similar mud--there, this behavior would have been frowned upon, but people know that there IS no privacy. Having mudsex in such an environment is a bit like having mudsex at your friend's house while at a party--you kind of expect a bit of good-natured ribbing sometimes for being so lame. This was a bit further than good-natured ribbing, but in general sentiment, not that far beyond the pale. Moreover, the Midknight kid seems to know the imms are like that, and he STILL had mudsex there. It took 2 (or should I say 8?) to tango.

I do want to comment that had the immstaff known the participants were underage, they really shouldn't have let them have mudsex, but 8 years ago we weren't as aware of such issues.

So: Overall, rowdy and disrespectful, but not TEOTWAWKI.

You see now why I don't play H&S, really, anymore. It's very hard to find a game with professional-acting immstaff.


Pris 07-25-2004 04:01 AM

Oh, please. The stupidity shown by the imms in that log can be found anywhere. Don't insult those of us who work on H&S muds by comparing them to losers like this. This isn't a H&S issue, this is an abuse issue.
I happen to work for an H&S mud that I guarantee demands greater quality control, professional standards, balance and world connectivity than whatever roleplay mud you work for.


P.S: I'm sure someone will take issue with my above comment and want to prove me wrong. Feel free to PM me with you mud address so I can log on and compare for myself. You don't have to do it here, this thread is close enough to swerving off topic without more posts like mine...

07-25-2004 08:20 AM

I have to pile on and say this is an excellent example of imm abuse and unethical behavior.  That you'd actually post a private log is further evidence that in 8 years you haven't learned anything.  Well actually the 8 year claim is even more dubious considering I have a hard time imagining how someone could NOT figure this out.  The log ain't offensive for the reasons that you think it is.  It's offensive because you're a retard.

Sanvean 07-25-2004 01:37 PM

I'm appalled that you would think it cool to do that, and even more so that you thought it was cool to post it.

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