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Newworlds 01-09-2018 01:43 AM

The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!
A massive week long event ushered into a complete new era of New Worlds Ateraan.

That's right, complete player wipe!

With massive New Areas and a chance to join 100's of new players at the beginning of an epic new era on Ateraan called: After the Fall of the Guardians.

New Worlds Ateraan has been around for almost 20 years and is considered a TORG or Text Only Roleplaying Game. The roleplay is intense, deep, and enforced. The players are serious roleplayers and are excited to join you as the story line is epic (see next post for the story line history).

When dozens of players died in a massive invasion during the Return of the Warlock (see link below) the stage was set for the new beginning. Over a 100 players started in the last two days. Join us and you can also be at the beginning to help create the future of our novel.

See you there!

Link to the Return of the Warlock post:

Newworlds 01-09-2018 01:47 AM

Re: The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!

Azarias 01-09-2018 02:00 AM

Re: The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!
It's been a bit of a ride, I actually came back because of the player wipe and have really been enjoying it so far. Everyone seems re-energized and with being able to take on a new face with a fresh start was the perfect way to make a comeback. If there was a time to give the game a shot and stop on by now would be it.

ShadowsDawn 01-09-2018 02:13 AM

Re: The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!
I fully admit, I had been burned out on the game for years. All I did was idle and listen to what was going on when the itch reared. I had tried repeatedly to get back into the game, even rolling a second character to play for a bit before retiring them once again. Things had gotten stale. However, I will admit that the news of the playerwipe saddened me somewhat. I always hate losing a character I've played for years.

I was skeptical that there would be excitement for the game after the wipe, but I had an idea of something I wanted to try and she just latched on hard. Thus I rolled up a new character and have dove in. It has been a lot of fun. Most everyone is back on the same level. Everyone is helping each other out, even in the harsh city of Darmahk. People are out socializing rather than just staying with their own familiar circle. The wipe actually did some good and helped revitalize the game.

Hopefully this wipe continues to bring new life and brings a new era to the game that I enjoyed so many hours playing previously.

Remmy 01-09-2018 02:17 AM

Re: The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!
The event was a blast and a great way to end the last era. And with all the new people and things going on after the wipe I'm really looking forward to seeing how things play out.

Salif 01-09-2018 02:23 AM

Re: The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!
I paniced at the thought of a playerwipe. I thought that I would never be back.

Then today I created a character. The newness, the freshness of it all is wonderful.

For me the best thing is not having baggage and nobody else having baggage. I don't know if I'm interacting with someone who was once my character's mortal enemy or their lover. And it's great!

There are new areas, and everyone is on the same relative level right now. It's a great time to get in! None of that "I'll never catch up" crap. Do it! Come give it a try! There's more people on now too, an exciting time for Ateraan!

medkev13 01-09-2018 02:31 AM

Re: The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!
After playing the same character for several years, I had felt it was time for something new and fun, and this wipe was exactly what I needed!

Losing a long-standing character was sad, and I have yet to find closure on her story...but the energy and excitement of bringing the world anew has overshadowed what sadness I might feel for the loss. There are new things being added to the world/mechanics that make everything like it was completely new! I definitely recommend joining, whether you're brand new or coming back from leaving the game.

Theas 01-11-2018 01:09 AM

Re: The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!
I had put several years into my old character prior to the player wipe and I along with others had mixed feelings over saying goodbye. When it was all said and done I began to realize it's like starting a brand new novel in a series of books I enjoy. I can say now that it was a good thing and I look forward to each new moment in the new Era. My compliments go out to the cook and all his hard work!:o

Ssolvarain 01-11-2018 11:43 AM

Re: The Era of Change - Complete Reset of New Worlds Ateraan!
"I too had a <insert issue here>, but then I came back, and <insert exuberance here>."

There's only one break in that pattern above. You should learn how to shill better, guys.

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