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Delerak 10-08-2003 08:48 PM

I am looking for anyone who is extremely good at coding willing to help me with my mud which is far from completion, Darksun. It is obviously based after the popular forgotten realms setting Darksun, and is already hard-coded to have perm-death, sdescs, backgrounds, and a lot of other things, however it is missing huge key features that I want it to have. Such as psionic combat, and a very detailed psionic system, a better magic system, and better combat, and many more things. I am running SwordQuest on Linux, and can host it, but I can't get others to connect, so anyone who knows Linux is helpful too, e-mail if you want to help me with this very ambitious, but difficult project.

-Delerak (

Delerak 10-13-2003 07:39 PM

I have the mud online finally. It is no where near ready for operation but I do have a solid frame for where I want to go with it. Here is the address and port for anyone wanting to look around for now, and this is going to be an RPI mud. port 5500.

Coders are what I really need, mainly because I want this to be a very advanced mud, which is already is with a lot of the features I have it in so far, either way, thanks.


Traithe 10-13-2003 08:35 PM

Hmm... never as easy as it looks, is it?

Delerak 10-13-2003 10:21 PM

A lot easier then I thought it would be. Considering I know nothing of any coding language but am so far doing alright with it.


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