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Myra 03-23-2017 02:27 AM

Escape from Destiny
We are a old fashioned MUD that has been up and running for a long while (since 1995) We, the owners, took some time off to have a family and careers irl, but now have found ourselves with time to play and update some things on our MUD. We have a few players who check in now and again, but are hoping to attract some other people who want to try out a new place and have a little fun exploring a new world. The MUD offers a whole variety of races, classes, professions (available at higher levels), and multi-classing available for some as well as a large detailed world to explore. Each race has their own homeland too. We have a facebook page, Escape from Destiny, that we check often. If for some reason you have a question or problem in game, and can't wait for a note or email to go through, you can always message on there, and usually Myra will get back to you within a day or sooner. I just figured to advertise and maybe get some more activity for those that are there.

Happy Mudding! OH YEAH! Here's our address: 2020

Myra ;)

******************** Our actual description of the MUD below *****************

Escape offers both a challenging environment for more experienced mudders as well as a constructive learning environment for newbies.

The immortals work hard to be informative and helpful whenever possible without being overbearing or affecting game balance.

We have taken basic Smaug coding and made heavy modifications to several different aspects of it. With a unique multi-class system as well as a broad array of race/class combinations combined with a group based combat/experience system, we have tried to promote all of what we feel are the best aspects of mudding in general.

We do allow level restricted player killing, but a bounty system will allow players to take action against each other where the game will not allow them to.

We welcome any comments which can be made via a note to immortal within the mud, or via email if that is easier.

We hope you can enjoy playing in the world we are creating,
The Staff of Escape from Destiny

************************************************** ******************

Myra 05-02-2017 08:12 PM

Re: Escape from Destiny
We have recently added Deurgar as a new race since the above post. Soon Svirfneblin will be offered. Several new areas have been added as well. (You cannot see them from the area command, as they have yet to be explored)

For a limited time, I am offering membership into two of our existing clans for a reduced fee. They do not have leaders atm but there are clanhouses and several other perks available. There is a nominal fee and a reduced level requirement in order to join them and utilize the benefits of.

Check it out: 2020

We dusted off and updated our website at as well.

Thanks for your time!

Myra :)

Myra 05-06-2017 11:11 PM

Re: Escape from Destiny
Probably the most we've done in awhile, but now we just added Svirfneblin as a playable race. They are clannish but have some pretty incredible natural abilities and bonuses.

We've been having some nights set aside just for playing. Our first one was Friday and we had quite the showing of people stop by. You can find out about more nights by logging in or checking our facebook page.

Carry on. :)


Myra 05-21-2017 07:01 PM

Re: Escape from Destiny
Well, all our hard work has paid off and we have a small but dedicated group of players now. Its small but they are
all very helpful. We have added some new bits of code and several new areas since I last posted. This coming
week I will be having a special for all new characters. If you log in and try the MUD, there will be a new beginning
piece of equipment available in the academy that you don't usually get. A note will be written in the MUD with details.
This will only be in place until after Memorial Day.

Port: 2020
facebook page:

Happy Playing! :)

Myra 05-26-2017 03:03 PM

Re: Escape from Destiny
Been so much fun, seeing more and more people every day. I think and hope they are having fun as well.


For the next week -

you can refer a friend (they should probably at least give it a chance and make it out of the newbie academy) but we'll give you either a free equipment rename or a "resonant" enchantment, your choice. I'll check ip's to make sure its not someone
who isn't new. If they are an out of date player and come back because you asked them to, well that will count as well. Only one reward per person.

All standard rules still apply for renaming. (ie nothing that won't make sense) The resonant enchant is one that is within the same level of the item so one of the best you can get.

Hope to see you on! You can post a note to immortal or talk to them to claim your reward. (mostly likely me, Myra)

Port: 2020
Facebook Page:

Happy Playing! Have a great weekend!


Myra 06-04-2017 07:55 PM

Re: Escape from Destiny
Just added in two new mining areas for people to play in.

A Dwarven Mining Operation out of our North Peak Mountains
and an expansion of the Svirfneblin Mine out of Tjornhelm.

Still having a bunch of fun visiting with and playing with new people. We appreciate all those who
have come by. If you are looking for a fun place to play, this could be it. It's not easy but to quote one of
our players...

"I like that I've been playing for years and I still discover new things all the time.
You really have to explore, the game isn't laid out for you and you can choose your own direction."

Hope to see you online!

Myra :D

Port: 2020
facebook page:

Myra 06-23-2017 03:29 AM

Re: Escape from Destiny
Added in a new race tonight for people to play, half-orc.
New area for sea-elves to play in.
Several other small fixes have been put in as of tonight during our reboot.

The helpful item (cloak) at startup was very popular so I re-instituted it as well.

Thank you to all who have come to check us out. A couple have stayed and we really enjoy having you here. Thank you for your comments and suggestions too.

Port: 2020


Myra 07-06-2017 04:37 AM

Re: Escape from Destiny
Over the years, two things have been consistently told to us. 1... we have an amazing MUD and 2... that it can be very difficult to play if you haven't played here before. We have decided to finally try to solve #2 in a fashion.

Now's the best time to come try us out, or invite your friends. For the first time, it will be easier than ever to begin a character with us. You will still have to use the CONSIDER command and you should probably try to listen to what it says (ie, don't come in a a level 2 and try to kill a level 11 or 15 mob), but the game will be very lenient on newbies up until level 10. It should give a bit of a boost and allow people a chance to learn the ropes. :)

This may be a temporary solution, but you can come try and see. Let us know what you think.

As always, we have made some improvements and added a few more areas and commands since my last boost. We have also added a facebook group so our active players can offer help and advice to any up and coming players. So far, even if they aren't playing, they have been very helpful and nice to all who've posted questions.

Port: 2020

Hope to see you there!


Myra 08-24-2017 03:51 PM

Re: Escape from Destiny
Well we are still here and adding new, fun things weekly (cept when we went on vacation :p)

Recently added some new commands and training halls for all the various races to hopefully assist with newbies and accessing equipment. We have a couple regular players and others that are willing to help answer questions on our facebook group.

Most exciting is the opening up of our fighting arena. We have had it closed off for years due to its ability to crash the MUD. We debugged it and got it up and running along with our hiscore list for best gladiator.

If you are looking for a fun, responsive place, come check us out!


Escape from Destiny
Port: 2020

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