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Brnt 03-16-2010 08:10 PM

Getting FMud to work
I'm trying to get the FMud application up and running and having a problem with it not properly connecting to our mud and returning 'Unable to connect: security error'.

Due to limitations on our host, I was trying to set it up so that the flash policy file was served on a port other than the standard 843, but not on the same port as the mud itself. Now it says that the latest editions of FMud can handle specifying the port in which the policy file is to be served, and I can see the request from FMud being received and returning the flash policy file, but FMud won't connect.

Has anyone else been able to accomplish what I've been trying to do? Any suggestions?

Orrin 03-16-2010 09:21 PM

Re: Getting FMud to work
If the policy file is being requested and served correctly then it may be a problem with the policy file itself, or possibly your host has a master policy file which is overriding it.

What is the url where you have FMud embedded?

What does your policy file look like?

Brnt 03-16-2010 09:41 PM

Re: Getting FMud to work
policy file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy "">
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
<allow-access-from domain="" to-ports="2222" />


I'm pretty sure the host does not already have a master policy file. I've tried all sorts of variations on the allow-access-from domain all the way to "*".

thanks for the help

Orrin 03-17-2010 04:35 AM

Re: Getting FMud to work
I can't test it because that url is giving a 404 error.

At the very least the domain should be "" if that's where the client is hosted.

Brnt 03-17-2010 01:28 PM

Re: Getting FMud to work
Sorry, this is the link:

noodles 03-17-2010 04:58 PM

Re: Getting FMud to work
While I had no intention of using FMud (I tried the latest version on Windows), I tried it with my MUD. I set up the policy to allow connections from any site, on the port my MUD was on. I started up the Python server to serve the policy file. I then browsed the included web page (modified for correct port number (3000) and addresses ( and tried to connect.

The policy server said it served it successfully. But the client would not connect due to security problems. Now, I gave up here, no big loss as I was just playing with it.

However, the weird thing is and I suspect this is on Flash rather than FMud, regardless of a lack of correct security policy being available the client still seemed to do a queer partial connection. It wasn't every time I tried, but it was often enough, that when the connection attempt was getting nowhere and I disconnected the attempt in the client, that the MUD server would crash because it detected a disconnection before it fully processed the connection. It was like it was no longer going to try and connect, but while cleaning up it opened the socket to immediately close it.

Anyway, ignoring the queer pointless connect/disconnect, I noticed the comments on the FMud site indicated someone else had the same problem with the policy not working on Windows as well. I tried all the other solutions given there.

Orrin 03-17-2010 05:31 PM

Re: Getting FMud to work
It's certainly possible there are issues with flash security policy or sockets on Windows servers, but as I don't use one the client isn't tested on Windows (from a server perspective).

As far as I can see from the Dragons Den link the policy file is not being checked, so I'd double check that your embedding page html is correct (you have a space in the params tag would could be an issue) and also that your firewall is allowing connections on the port you are serving the policy file.

I just did a quick test on my own server with the policy file on a non standard port specified in the embedding page and it appears to be working as expected for me.

Sombalance 03-18-2010 07:05 AM

Re: Getting FMud to work
I haven't played with FMUD, but I did write a flash client a wee bit ago and I recall getting the policy file handled by the game server was a pain in the butt.

Basically, the client probably does a call to loadPolicyFile that makes a connection to the game server to recover the policy file. Once it retrieves the file, it closes the connection and then uses a call to connect to do the actual game connection. That is two separate connections that have to be handled.

The loadPolicyFile call expects only the policy file to be returned. If anything else is returned, it fails. So, if you have a welcome banner that is displayed when players first connect, that might be sent along with the policy file, which would invalidate the policy file. Your server should see something like <policy-file-request/> sent when this connection is made.

I got around it by having the game server listen on a second port. It only sends the policy information on the first attempt when it receives the policy-file-request. On the second connection (to actually run the game), I send an immediate tag to the game server that lets it know I've already received the policy, and that triggers the welcome message and starts the normal game login process.

I do a few other things that made sense at the time to handle all flash connections through an alternate port. In theory, you can probably handle the policy request to one port and still use the main game port for the actual playing connection.

Here is a snippet from the flash client that I worked with.

raistie 06-16-2010 03:03 PM

Re: Getting FMud to work
Hi all, i get the same :

Then it FMud tells me unable to connect: security error.

my policy file is as follows

i changed the master-only to "all"... both did not work.

my page for that is

Orrin 06-16-2010 06:16 PM

Re: Getting FMud to work
From the FMud README:
Your policy file needs to have the www subdomain for if that's where you are hosting the client.

raistie 06-17-2010 06:04 AM

Re: Getting FMud to work
thank you Orrin! you are a saver!

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