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Drealoth 01-07-2006 06:55 AM

So I've been checking out a ton of MUDs lately, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any good science fiction ones. Now, not really Star Wars - I'm looking for more of a William Gibson-esque world.

I'm sitting on an application for Cybersphere which looks really promising. Anyway, I'd love to hear any recommendations.

Thanks in advance.

WarHound 01-07-2006 07:29 AM

Including what you like in a mud might help us figure what you'd like. Are you a roleplayer, or a PKer? Stuff like that.

My own suggestion would be Brody's Otherspace.

Drealoth 01-07-2006 08:14 AM

I like RP and PK if they come together. I also really like levelless systems. Someething like if Deus Ex were a MUD.

prof1515 01-07-2006 12:35 PM

I've never been too impressed with science fiction MUDs because in the end they usually end up being more "sci-fi" than "science fiction" (for an explanation of the difference, I recommend an Isaac Asimov essay titled "The Name of our Field" which was republished in his last book, Gold).  It can be very hard to translate science fiction (or anything for that matter) into a good MUD concept because of the problems of catering to a potential pbase.  Too many people think Star Wars is science fiction and not fantasy.  *shrug*  Most of the time you end up with a gimmick-centered, poorly-conceived result that owes more to the makers of Godzilla than to Frank Herbert.

I'm trying to remember what my impression of Cybersphere was.  At first thought, I don't recall it impressing me, but I could be wrong.  Might have to try it again and see.

On the whole, not much out there in terms of serious science fiction in MUDs.  Good luck with your search though!

Take care,


Drealoth 01-07-2006 01:37 PM

Cool, thanks.

I've had huge arguments with my friends about Star Wars being fantasy (knights, sword fights, magic, I don't really see what the argument is...)

Science fiction seems to me to be something that MUDs could lend themselves towards incredibly well. Like real, hard science fiction. Maybe Cybersphere will turn out to be what I'm looking for. Maybe not. I can hope.

If not, I might just have to write my own.

DonathinFrye 01-07-2006 06:36 PM

Check out Utopia: Type Final - it is post-apocalyptic blend of fantasy and sci-fi... however, I will admit it is entirely PvP and not RP focused. It does boast an incredible level-less system, however. At least, I think so. : p

Also, you should take a look at Awakened Worlds. It is shadowrun based, which is a level-less system. It blends RP and PK very, very well - for an RP-focused MUD, that is. The PvP is straight-forward and not incredibly complicated, but it is quite sci-fi and enjoyable. I especially enjoy the quests the game has to offer.

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