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Rathnor 07-30-2004 11:36 PM

Been a big fan of the site/forum lurker for forever now, was just wondering if it would be possible to:

1. Add a some way to tell if a mud is commercial on the info page for each mud. I don't have a problem with commercial muds or anything, but it would be cool before I go to the site to find out if it's pay to play or rewards giving money or something. I'm just crazy poor and I'm sure other people are too, and if we could see that a mud is commercial before going through what sometimes amounts to half of the sites documentation, it would save at least a little time.

2. Maybe put up a limit on how many reviews a single person can write in, say, a week or so? Like 2? (If there isn't such a limit already) It's just that recently the reviews have been clogged with a few people who seem to log into a mud for a very short period of time, then post a flame review, which gets followed up by half the muds playerbase making rebuttal reviews. Which brings me to...

3. Maybe have a rule against addressing other reviews in your review. I mean, it's supposed to be a review, not a discussion board...that's what THIS is. I'm not saying that if a player of a mud sees a bad review they shouldn't give their own opinion, but that that opinion should be a genuine review in itself.

Anyway, great site, has been very helpful for years, and I hope it continues to be so.

dragon master 07-31-2004 05:45 PM

In response to #2, that is a nice idea but people would just submit multiple reviews with a different name and easily get around the rule.

I agree with your third idea though. It gets annoying when you see a whole bunch of reviews on the same day and they are more arguments between reviewers than actual reviews of the mud in question.

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