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Drealoth 01-04-2006 10:53 PM

As a long time MUD fan, I've finally decided that it's time I sat down and started coding for one. I'm a 20 year old first year university student majoring in applied mathematics. Currently I'm in Japan on an internship developing software in Java (mostly JSF stuff ... bleh) for Epson.

I would prefer to develop in C++ or Java (actually, I'd prefer to develop in Haskell but that's not going to happen...) and I know enough Perl and Ruby to get by in a hackish sort of manner. Lately I've been looking through the CoffeeMUD source code and slowly learning about how it works, but I'm always willing to learn something new.

So that said, if anyone has a MUD going and they're looking for a coder I'd love to help out, or if there's a builder out there looking for a master of the dark arts to team up with I'd be game for that too.

Drealoth out.

Taisen 01-09-2006 11:59 PM

Hi. I just saw your post and I am interested in starting a mud but I myself do not know how to code. I know how to build and am currently a builder on a mud that is down again. I have a few people who can build that are willign to do this with me but only two know how to code and one is not sure if he will help me with this yet. The other only knows some code.
If your interested in doing a mud with someone contact me. Thanks.

ISMud 01-21-2006 12:11 PM


I sent over an e-mail earlier as I'm not too sure how often you check this forum. Anyways, I'm currently in the process of making a mud using a java client (which in particular hasn't yet been selected). There's a wealth of documentation regarding the game already in place and some building has already been done but what I'm lacking completely are coders.

If you're interested, please e-mail me at if you're interested or have any questions.

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