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Bloodline 12-27-2005 11:57 AM

I'd like to invite all of you to visit Dead of Night. It is an excellent mud if you like to just hunt, or if you like to rp. Plenty of help for those new to the mud or mudding in general. Immortals are helpful and open to suggestions. A mud client, DoNClient, is currently available and is constantly being improved.

If you are looking for a good mud or even just a decent client to use, check out these links.

Smith 12-27-2005 12:09 PM

As the lead Immortal for the Dead Of Night, I'd like to build upon Bloodline's invitation.

With the initial releases of DoNClient we have added a forums section to our web page where people may contribute to the discussions shaping both its creation and the Dead Of Night's recreation as well. If you have played the Dead of Night previously you might be interested to hear that we are still here after 10 years and that work has begun on a backwards compatible rewrite (9 years without a pwipe and no intention of changing that).

This is your chance as a player to help shape a new face for the Dead Of Night, and I hope that you will take it up.

Smith 12-28-2005 09:24 PM

Just thought I would add another note to say that I have put a freely available 1 month trial licence for DoNClient up so you can use DoNClient with your favourite muds.
After that runs out, if you're still not sure whether you want to donate towards the effort put into making it, drop me an email and I'll send you an extension licence.

calarus84 12-29-2005 02:06 PM

To add to Smith's note about the imm's being helpful, there are also regular players that help out as well, called newbie helpers. All of us are around quite a lot and would be glad to answer any questions you might have about the game, rules, races, classes..stuff like that. Most of the newbie helpers have been playing the mud for a few years and know just about everything there is to know about it. This mud is a very newbie friendly mud. Seeing as PK is restricted, it doesn't happen much and newbie's vary rarely get PK'd. So come check us out, we'd love to have you!

SaitoDoN 01-03-2006 04:21 AM

I was going to add my two cents in on Dead of Night. I've been playing there for almost 9 years intermittently, and the first thing that comes to mind is the versatility of the class system and the community. For the Class system, with unrestricted multiclass systems and a 127 level cap, you've got alot of class/race combos you can try out that all play very differently. Even with some of the original classes, people have come up with combos that are amazingly successful - even more so with new classes.

Secondly, the community at DoN is amazing - players will range from just beginning to people who were around at creation. Coming back and seeing old friends and enemies was great, and watching the pace of change now is incredible.

I've been at DoN close to 9 years, and I guess I'd just like to invite everyone to check out why I haven't felt the need to look elsewhere.

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