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Cerelum 06-26-2016 09:06 PM

Star Conquest.
Alright, so I'm not going to sit here and bash them too much. But I think Star Conquest is ran by people who enjoy screwing with players and here is why.

I have been playing their spiritual successor for a bit, Miriani, and didn't have any issues, so I figured I would come check out Star Conquest.

Well I'll admit I made some huge mistakes and got myself grounded (can't fly or basically play the game). I've been punished in other forums before and they say, you have 7 days of ban, or you can't do X for Y time.

Here they just tell me I'm limited to roleplaying, which if you've played the game, it's pretty damn near impossible if you can't fly from place to place or meet up with folks. Plus, I'm gonna be totally honest, as a new player, I really don't wanna sit around and play emote talking simulator 2000. I came to fly spaceships and develop a story off flying spaceships.

Well, they took away my ability to send in support tickets, my ability to send newbie messages and wouldn't give me a defined "This is what we want." other than, "Go roleplay." which is as ambiguous as it sounds.

Eventually get this chick lindsey gainem or something who runs the game to come talk to me again and this is how that conversation went.

The admin or host as they call them, jumps into my ship and proceeds to name call and insult my character as a person, not a player. Then tells me to tell her why I shouldn't be banned. I express some heartfelt regret for my actions icly and oocly and she then goads me and tells me that it sounds like I'm calling a girlfriend after a breakup the night before.

Then proceeds to ban me and ip ban my computer for their server.

Which honestly, if you wanna ban me, cool and good. But this is after three days of limbo, not knowing what the heck they wanted to see other than "roleplay" and basically wasting a lot of my effort and time.

So while I'm impressed with some of the systems over Miriani and think that honestly Miriani and Star Conquest should literally just band together and make a super game. I will hazard you that if you aren't the super friendly, emote all day roleplaying type or the tavern sitter type rp person. Avoid Star Conquest because once they turn against you, it's all downhill from there.

You can contact me about specifics if you want. I'll be writing a few reviews just so folks don't go through the problems I went through and waste the time and effort.

But aside from bad staffing, here are my pros and cons of this moo:


The ships are more varied than Miriani, in Miriani everyone flys pretty much the same ships with a few specialty ships. In Star Conquest, the ships are much more robust based on the organization you pick and your points.

The atmospheric scooping is more entertaining than Miriani's and so is the Asteroid Mining minigame where you have to fight off poacher drones from stealing your metal you're collecting from the asteroids. This is cool on a few axis, one you can haul asteroids in Star Conquest, and then mine them, so it gives a purpose both rp wise and practically to have people haul asteroids.


It's really ****ing grindy, expect to be salvaging and doing other menial tasks for quite some time to earn your industry points to buy new ships and such. Some of the requirements in points go up into the thousands and while there is a variety of tasks, it seems the best ones are solo tasks, so you're stuck in your ship by yourself grinding away at points.

Also, the cadet system sounds great on paper, but after you get a hang of the it's limiting. If you do play there, pick the standard pilot and just wait to get your background approved before you jump in the game, otherwise you hit the cadet limit of 25 points SUPER fast and you're stuck with a thumb up your butt waiting and waiting.

On that point, this isn't a game that has their character apps down like so many others out there, it takes weeks or months for a character app to be reviewed and critiqued. In fact I just got mine back after a week or week and a half basically saying it was too generic. They want you to write college level biographies about your make belief character to be able to become a standard pilot.

So if you're used to submitting a request and getting it back right away, well, don't be surprised on this game.

There is no OOC or CHAT channel in this game, only the newbie channel, so if you're stuck or having issues you have to use the support command which is a direct line to the admin, but the problem is, as stated earlier, they aren't about much or if they are, they aren't answering support tickets. So a lot of the questions you want answers to you have to search through mountains of helpfiles or veil it in a crazy ic way to get the answer.

I don't want you to think this is JUST because I got banned I'm doing it. Even if I was still playing today I would critique the game and it's leadership after all that I've been put through.

But if you do want to check them out. Here is their info link from Topmudsites.

Newworlds 06-27-2016 09:50 PM

Re: Star Conquest.
Hello Cerelum,

I have a staff member that is very fond of that Star Conquest and used to play it years ago. She did confirm some of your grievances, which is why I'm posting here. I do have just a little advice for you from an Administrator.

If you like the game like it seems you do and want to continue to play some day you should write the administration about your concerns as a player that is leaving. At least you won't burn a bridge. The worst thing you can do is belittle it here or elsewhere and make enemies of the administration as they likely won't welcome you back.

Since you left to this other game, perhaps next time just post the greatness about Miriani and leave out Star Conquest completely. I know you are just trying to warn people, but perhaps just say: I'm a former Star Conquest player which I had problems with (write me for specifics), but now I Love Miriani and here's why: etc.

Good Luck!

Cerelum 06-28-2016 12:45 AM

Re: Star Conquest.
Well, the ironic thing if you read both of their help files and websites. SC came first, shut down, then Miriani people started Mirani because SC was gone, SC came back and Miriani was already it's own thing. So honestly, I don't know why they haven't just reached out to one another and combined their games.

So as I said above, pros and cons to each of the games and if they had a baby, I think it would be near perfect.

But, honestly I don't wanna be that banned guy who says, STAY AWAY, like it's the plague, many people play it and many people enjoy it. I'm just warning to have a bit of caution when you deal with their staff or they will put you in a no win spiral like they did me the last few days. But I'm a mechanics and rp guy. So I can't just sit in a room and emote for hours, but I also don't want a hack and slash, I would say I'm fifty fifty.

I truly intend to follow up with them sometime in the future when they calm down and see if there is any way to play there again.


Which is honestly why I didn't like New Worlds. It had great rpers, but it did require a buttload of killing things to get to level X before you could be a peon or whatever level. I didn't like having to grind through all the training yards and such.

I did see some great RPers in my time there and even once think I got close to being recruited to be a thief, but the grind of killing things and healing and eating to heal. Just wasn't my cup of tea. I do hope that you guys keep developing the system though and if any of that changes. Make sure to post about it so people like me can log back on.

Lindsey 06-28-2016 03:19 PM

Re: Star Conquest.
Hello, I'm person that Cerelum is complaining about.

Rather than telling our side of the story, which would probably turn the thread into a "he-said, she-said" fight, we feel it would be informative to link to a thread on a completely different game's website.

The thread is old but we feel it is completely representative of Cerelum as a player.

WarHound 06-28-2016 04:02 PM

Re: Star Conquest.
Hah! That thread got very brutal. Well done Lindsey.

Cerelum 06-28-2016 07:52 PM

Re: Star Conquest.
That's from nearly a decade ago...

But as I said, I am not going to tell folks not to play star conquest, I'm just saying be careful of running afoul of this woman.

She pulled the main mechanic out from under me and basically told me to be everyone else's entertainment as all I could do was sit around emoting.

If you play a game that's main mechanics are around flying spaceships, you aren't there to act like you're playing a mush.

Cerelum 06-28-2016 08:00 PM

Re: Star Conquest.
Oh look she brought a cheerleader, how cute.

Newworlds 06-29-2016 01:36 AM

Re: Star Conquest.
Like I said before, it is best to work out these things one on one. Throwing garbage onto a forum ends up just being garbage on a forum. :p

B.A. 06-29-2016 05:55 AM

Re: Star Conquest.
Garbage on a forum!

WarHound 07-04-2016 09:55 AM

Re: Star Conquest.
This thread actually got me to try tar Command last night. I created an account and character, got into the Alliance rooms and I was reading the docs and considering which alliance to choose. The two rooms full of information that I saw were well written and the background seemed reasonable. The MOO code is one that is unfamiliar to me but not so alien that I couldn't figure it out. I've never played a SciFi M** so I was getting very excited.

I was abruptly banned with no explanation. I literally interacted with NO ONE. My email was valid. My name was unique but certainly not unreasonable.

I don't know what happened and haven't received a reply but it's not a great start on their end.

atltais 07-04-2016 07:19 PM

Re: Star Conquest.
Sorry about that, sounds like a staff member got a bit overzealous - the OP has been creating multiple accounts every day to disrupt the game (as well as harassing/mocking us via our support systems) and it sounds like you got caught in the crossfire. Can you send in a request to ? I'll send you a thing in PMs so we can confirm it's you.

WarHound 07-05-2016 01:45 AM

Re: Star Conquest.
To follow up, Staff at Star Conquest sorted out the problem and got me going. The players were extremely welcoming and helpful. I will be giving it a good shot over the next few days. Looks good so far.

Cerelum 07-07-2016 01:27 AM

Re: Star Conquest.
Funny thing is I haven't created any more account for days now, so they are so afraid I'm trying to sneak in they are banning legit players. Sad truth of the matter though is that with vpns, proxies and all the like, there is no way to ban people from playing a mud unless you take to draconian tactics like banning all new players with a gmail, yahoo, etc etc which just hurts you in the long run.

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