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Hardestadt 01-11-2005 09:16 PM

Hi all,

I feel like exploring what is new out there in the mud world, and checking out a few places. I'd like to find 100% custom muds out there to check out.

I don't like Dikurivatives, LP, ROM, etc usually no matter how much the codebase has been changed. In my time mudding I've only encountered one mud which breaks this rule, with that being Dartmud.

If you know of a custom mud or one that is so drastically changed that it can't be recognised as originating from a free codebase, please let me know. I'd also like to know about ones from commercial codebases too, and I'm not scared off by pay to play games.



Cierel 01-12-2005 09:07 AM

I'll start with a few old discussion favorites that I'm sure you've run into before: , , , and . I hope that, no matter what opinions of them may be floating around, everyone can at least acknowledge that Rapture is not a derivative codebase.

KaVir 01-12-2005 11:03 AM

Hardestadt already runs a Rapture mud - I suspect he's more interested in gathering fresh ideas from other types of mud.

the_logos 01-12-2005 02:48 PM

Yeah, he is, though I'll point out that running a Rapture mud is kind of a meaningless statement when it comes to design. As it's an engine, not a codebase, it dictates virtually nothing to you about design. You could use it to make anything from a MUSH-style mud to a pure monster bashing game to a text-based RTS.


gth 01-12-2005 04:25 PM

is a heavily modified codebase (be sure to walk outside into the wilderness, too).

I can't comment as to whether it's sufficiently modified to satisfy your desire for unrecogniseably ROM/Diku etc. - I haven't seen anything similar in the limited number of other muds that I've tried.

Aminaka 01-12-2005 04:31 PM

And a very fine engine it is too. So I've decided to call it a day with the whole mud thing, after a year and a half of playing and (occasionally) building on a couple of games that utilise this engine, viz. the vampire one and the fluffy new one. And I don't care. And you don't care. Because we're all cynical, hard-hearted nihilists or something.'s a Post Script of sorts.

Over the past few I've also doodled with ROM, danced with DOT, shook it on down with SMAUG (Yes, I know, these are codebases. Right. Got it) and a couple of others, but really, and with the greatest of respect to everyone who works their balls off bringing us their own mud magicks, Rapture muds are just too slick to refuse, in preference to anything else. Jolly good and hurrah and all that. Can't say I actually enjoyed these games, on the whole in a purely OOC sense, but my...Rapture? Bloody nice. Especially the OLC.

Anyway, it's been fun. All power to you, Matt and everyone else who slaves over their mud creation for all our benefits -thanks for the ride.


<on the Perennially Drifting Off Topic I.D>

the_logos 01-12-2005 04:42 PM


Just to clarify again though, our OLC is not a part of Rapture. It's written using a combination of the Rapture scripting language and PHP.

Good luck with...whatever. =)


Hardestadt 01-12-2005 05:48 PM

Thanks, after checking out their website this is the sort of thing I like. Its nice to see a mud I haven't played before with less than 15 classes and races. I'm sick of seeing everything from dragon to pig as viable choices, ugh.



dwomble 01-12-2005 05:50 PM

Not sure if this'll meet your criteria but you could visit .

It's LP but with its own lib written from scratch and there's nothing stock about it at all. If you find another LP like DW it's probably because they're using the DW mudlib or a derivative thereof.

Murpe 01-12-2005 09:44 PM

Take a look at Tormented Soul, a 100% Java-based RPG currently in development. Its running the Novel to Life game engine (GPL-licensed JavaMUD game engine as a base also has a number of code modifications including MPI libraries and the MySQL Connector-J interface as well) being developed by my small business, .

Tormented Soul Website:

-- Michael

Kelthan 01-12-2005 11:02 PM

I cheked out the website concerning the Rapture engine about nine months ago. I fairly drooled over the documentation. But I thought it had a five-figure price tag? (or thereabouts) How in the world are you guys getting your hands on this? (Other than Matt's great games - I know, he created the engine)

I've been using CoffeeMud by Bo Zimmerman. The man is dedicated to bug squashing and enhancements. A while back I brought up a few things that were beyond our coding capabilities. Poof - We now have a bare framework to go classless/leveless and more importantly to us, we can get a system of persistance in place.

In my opinion, has got to be one of the most fleshed out (free) codebases available. For RPI style (please, no RPI debating) I highly recommend the SOI engine released by Traithe not too long ago.

I've been working with CoffeeMud for over a year now, but would love the opportunity to take a peek at Rapture, the website certainly piqued my interest.

the_logos 01-13-2005 01:39 PM

Well, Hardestat and his partner bought a license to Rapture, and while I'm not really sure who Aminaka is, it sounds like she was a builder on one of our games.


Yui Unifex 01-13-2005 07:54 PM

What's especially nice about it?

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