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Nodeka 08-21-2007 09:39 PM

What does "Free" Mean?
EDIT: This originally began as an ad for Nodeka and grew into a discussion on the definition of "free" in games. With the blessing of the original poster I have moved it into its own thread -- Lasher.

KaVir 08-22-2007 07:14 AM

Re: Nodeka
Ah, nice. I think that's a good move from a (player vs player) competitive perspective, as I was always rather wary after reading reviews like this one:

I can't seem to activate the extended map can I view it?

Ide 08-22-2007 10:24 AM

Re: Nodeka
I'm at a loss here. I've never played Nodeka or read a review for it. Looking at the website and the list of features in the OP, this looks like a very cool mud, one I would definitely try. Reading the review that KaVir posted the link to, this looks like a mud I will never try (not just because of the donations mentioned -- the review seems to disparage the areas and quest system as well). Since this is a promotional thread anyway, maybe the OP can respond to the review?

Nodeka 08-22-2007 07:11 PM

Re: Nodeka
You do not need the extended map to play nodeka it is playable and enjoyable with the normal map. The extended map is simply a conveinance for your donation.

The extended map is a feature that requires a 2 dollar donation for a month or a 20 dollar donation for the year.
Basically the extended map is a much larger version of the normal map.

Nodeka 08-22-2007 07:22 PM

Re: Nodeka
Nodeka used to require donations for remorting- it no longer does.
Yes you get roleplaying points for donating, there is talk of removing that- however nodeka is not a RPG you do not roleplay. Roleplay was tried and removed- however something had to be done with the points that were awarded for people who did roleplay at the time. Currently roleplay points come from questing and player killing.

Practices can be bought with platinum( the games currency ) or sun stones( reward for donation also awarded via Player Killing/questing ), statistics can be increased via sun stones as well- which can come from questing/player killing as well.

We currently have been having lots of 'mud events' and many more are planned for the future.

As far as area's go I can't argue there are some boring and honestly lame areas. Nodeka however generally has thought out areas that have a story with them.

Come check us out, you will get hooked and love it. Nodeka is always growing, sometimes the changes come in small steps, sometimes in huge steps.

I am more than happy to answer and posts left here. And yes this thread was to bring attention to nodeka, but not in the "omg we so rock come playz" more of the "Hey everyone that always wanted to play nodeka but refused due to donations, guess what- come play!"

As a PS: we have been donation free to remort for quite a few months now, now that it has been a while I felt it was time to share on a global scale.

Nodeka 08-22-2007 07:25 PM

Re: Nodeka

Here is a game review,

Search here for many others game and personal:

KaVir 08-23-2007 04:15 AM

Re: Nodeka
Ah, then I misunderstood your original post - by "100% free to play" I assumed you meant that 100% of the content could be earned or accessed for free (i.e., without making purchases). Otherwise you could have just argued in the past that the mud was "100% free to play" on the basis that you don't need to remort in order to play and enjoy the game.

As someone who is interested in competitive play, being able to compete on equal footing with paying customers is important to me - but far more important still is that I at least have the potential to earn everything that a paying customer can buy. That's what I thought you were suggesting, and thus my reply.

Once again I really wish we could all come up with some standard terminology for the different payment methods. If pay-for-perks with payment required to unlock certain features is "100% free to play", what do we call pay-for-perks where everything can also be unlocked through normal play? What about muds where there is a registration cost, but where you can still literally play for free? Or muds where there are no costs at all? No wonder the newbies get confused.

Nodeka 08-23-2007 07:29 AM

Re: Nodeka
Everything except for the extended map can be unlocked via normal game play.

In fact you can function and player kill without the map at all and be on the competitive edge- but that would require some dedication and not all are up to the task. In the end it boils down to a larger overhead map as a reward for those that help to keep Nodeka running.

cratylus 08-23-2007 07:44 AM

Re: Nodeka

If I understand you correctly, this is a PK mud where you are
at a PK disadvantage if you do not donate money. Is this correct?

If so, it seems disingenuous to suggest it is free.


Threshold 08-23-2007 01:45 PM

Re: Nodeka
Well there are all sorts of things that give advantages, aren't there?

Some people have a ridiculous amount of free time.

Some have a multi-game clan they use to slaughter in PvP wherever they go.

I know very little about Nodeka, but it doesn't sound like this enhanced map (or the other perks) are grossly overpowering. Most of them sound like they are things you can get in game by other means.

So I don't think it is disingenuous to call it free. But again, let me give the disclaimer that I have never played Nodeka and cannot say this for certain. I am speaking only of my general impression.

rendekar 08-23-2007 04:23 PM

Re: Nodeka
it looks like donate-mandatory game turned into a donate-accepted or donate-enforced. :p

whichever, good luck with the changes :)

Nodeka 08-23-2007 04:35 PM

Re: Nodeka

That is incorrect. Donating doesn't give you a PK advantage.

cratylus 08-23-2007 05:15 PM

Re: Nodeka
I misunderstood then. My bad.


Nodeka 08-23-2007 05:58 PM

Re: Nodeka
The only way donating really allows you to "get ahead" is when you donate on others for ingame payment. Which can happen on any game- The ingame rich selling ingame currency/items for real life goods( in this case a monetary donation )

Its essentially a get rich quick scheme- and it takes quite a bit of donating on others if you want to speed to the top( not to mention time.)

Im more than happy to discuss with anyone if they have questions, comments, and/or concerns.

Newworlds 08-23-2007 09:30 PM

Re: Nodeka
Just observation.

I believe most players tend to think that any advantage whether it be through registration, donation, or extra perks for donating time to create, etc, is always viewed as "unfair". The trouble is, Games aren't meant to ever be perfectly fair and can't be.

It is impossible to make any game online completely fair. To do this you would have to restrict online "time" on the game to each player to an hour setting like 2 hours per day (as stated by Threshold, some people have a rediculous amount of time to play), you would have to limit typing speed by all players to say 40wpm, else it would be unfair because players type faster, you would have to limit vocabulary, because those with a high educational level have an unfair advantage in an rp environment, or mathematical advantage in a meta-gaming environment.

In short, nothing is fair so the best we can do is make it fun.

rendekar 08-24-2007 12:58 AM

Re: Nodeka
a mud that offers no in-game benefits(in-game items, house, skill boost, unlocking extra areas) via donations is a COMPLETELY FREE mud and gives the most fair-gaming's that plain, simple..

if a player(all players) is doing all his/her deeds ICly, doesn't put any real life scent into his/her character and if s/he has the right to have more free time in real life and that's quite fair and nothing to do with the game itself.

Newworlds 08-24-2007 01:51 AM

Re: Nodeka
What you are saying is simply an "opinion" just like mine was. Free can mean any number of things. Completely Free means that you don't pay to play. That can mean, completely free for 30 days, completely free for a year, completely free for forever. Just because a game is completely free, doesn't mean it cannot have benefits for those who support it.

This is an age old argument I've seen on many forums including many Mud's personal forums. Your game is Free if one can play it without paying upfront. Otherwise it is pay to play. Neither represents a better environment, however, I will say from past experience (over 10 years of playing and progging a variety of games), if a person never pays for what they play, they take zero ownership in it and many times end up having a lack of respect and responsibility both for the game and their character.

While NW is free, I admire many of the games that do have registrations and have a good solid players who support them. I am one who supports pay to play or registry games and will continue to do so and give credit where credit is do.

Newworlds RPG

Molly 08-24-2007 07:14 AM

Re: Nodeka
I think what most posters on this Forum react negatively to is not the pay-for-perks per se, but the fact that the Muds that use them like to advertise themselves as 'free to play', 'totally free', and in Nodeka's case '100 % free to play'. If a pay-for-perks game is '100 % free to play', how do you describe the Muds where you cannot donate, or in any other way pay for in-game benefits? No wonder new players get confused.

This has been an old issue for years, and still tends to fester many discussions, since it was never resolved. The general tactic from the commercial games seems to be to claim that the opponents are against all commercial Muds, which is not the case. What people are against is misleading information to potential new players about the nature of a game.

During the old regime, there was a request from a pretty large number of members, about adapting the search engine, so that it would be possible to search for truly 100 % free games, versus the many variations of pay-to-play and pay-for-perks that exist. The request was turned down back then, but since there is a new management now, here is a new request.

Could we please have such a search engine implemented?

If the intent really is to make the site more attractive to players and not just to Mud Admin, this would be a very valid improvement. A service like this would certainly be appreciated by those players who get confused by the present conditions. On top of that, it would also once and for all get rid of an old issue, that tends to pop up from time to time.

Nodeka 08-24-2007 07:24 AM

Re: Nodeka
If you want to get picky there is no 100% free to play game out there, there is always a cost. My opinion is that if you do not have to pay in order to access all of the games features or do not have to pay for subscription then it is free.

Paying for perks is exactly that- paying for perks.

I like your idea of being able to search for 'free muds' though, however as it boils down to someones opinion who is to say its truly free? I pay for the interweb, so the game isn't really free by proxy.

Just my opinion and everyones will differ.

Nodeka 08-24-2007 07:29 AM

Re: Nodeka
Donation accepted
Donation not accepted

There is a possible way of describing the muds.

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