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ReTak 05-31-2002 08:09 PM

alright, I think we can brag that we have the most advanced vampire code out there for a smaug based mud. Yet, I have not seen all of the muds and wish to know what muds have advanced vampire coding. it is possible to be born a vampire upon creation, 1 in 10 vampires will also be born a master vampire with the abbility to "bite" and create other vampires. there is a whole vampire society (or will be once we have the correct ammount of players *grins*) with different families and a whole lot of cool stuff, stop in and check it out, we'll need the bloodsuckers and those who like to play with high "stakes" who wish to go up against them.(yeah, I know, bad pun) we are pretty stable yet have the occasinal crash, we are still in beta testing and need beta testers. so, stop on by, port 4000 and say hello.

see ya soon

Amnon 06-03-2002 10:57 AM

The stock Ack!Mud codebase has vampires... With vampire families, vampire skills, the ability to embrace others, societies... Only difference is that you can't be born a vampire. It adds a little color to the game.

And that's all stock - think of the other Ack's out there... Too bad there are only 10, and not all of them are even active :P

KaVir 06-03-2002 12:17 PM

So does stock Envy and stock GodWars. However I think he was referring only to Smaug muds.

Dulan 06-03-2002 12:36 PM

That count is incorrect. At the very least, I know I am developing a closed concept ACK! MUD at the moment, a friend is developing another ACK! MUD, and an acquaintance is developing yet another. Anyone who tries to really develop an ACK! is....well, stupid if they try to get players before they work out all the bugs due to Zencode. (Even Unifex cowered at the sight of that fscking code.)


Amnon 06-04-2002 02:27 AM

Dulan 06-04-2002 03:01 AM

That statement is based on a logical fallacy. I chose ACK! because it was the least used and developed code that I have seen to date. I could have started with a MUSH, a LPMUD, a ROM, or a GW. It would not have mattered. Untill I get around to writing sockets and fully designing my new base, I am merely developing a concept Diku codebase. ACK! was chosen, again, because it was the least used codebase I know of.

As for the rest - I will let Unifex give his input there. My comments on that subject will be very derogatory and inflammatory.


Orion Elder 06-04-2002 03:34 AM

About vampires. My codebase has Stalkers (super powered hunters that have the ability to kill vampires and werewolves) that gain certain skills upon reaching age 21. Those stalkers are born randomly into the population.

We also have vampires. Vampires are blood suckers that burn in light, have special abilities and powers, and are born from a blood ritual performed by Draconians. The blood of the draconian is put into a flask, which upon drinking it will kill the drinker. They will then become a vampire. If staked with a wooden stake they will get wood poisoning. If they die with wood poisoning, they revert to a normal person. Vampires are also naturally evil (though they can be good), charismatic, and intelligent.

Werewolves work more or less the same way, only they come from a blood ritual of Nephilim. Silver stakes and silver poisoning, and they are naturally good (though they can be evil, tough, and wise.

We have groups built around the specific purpose of furthering their cause (Darklings, which include Stalkers, Vampires, and Werewolves are built around one group, while Darklin hunters are built around another ... Stalkers are the only Darkling that can't be detected, so they can be in either group).

Upon becoming a darkling you assume any innate skills, spells, strengths and weaknesses they may have. Darklings (aside from Stalkers) are innately weakened by blessed weapons and are stronger against dark weapons. There is a good bit more, but I'd be here typing all night if I tried to put it all down.

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