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ArchPrime 01-08-2010 04:36 PM

Archons of Avenshar Update

In preparation for the latest update to Archons of Avenshar, we're opening our test server for folks to swing by and assist in testing out the new features before promoting said update to our production server. If you've played AoA before, please stop by and try it again! Of course, new players are always welcome.

Major changes have taken place to the skills/advancement system - most notably, we've moved to a more traditional level/experience based approach (still termed "Transcendence/Golden Orbs for those familiar with the current systems). Client UI Enhancements have been made to facilitate these changes. Additional client changes have also been made, including a new and unique enemy target HP bar - very handy during combat! Feature changes to the client have resulted in a speedier client download, as well.

Futhermore, a plethora of bug fixes and user submitted ideas have been implemented, making this one of the largest client and server updates to date. A lot of work has also gone into converting current data, thus allowing a major update without any negative affects to current player accounts and characters (ie: no player wipes!)

You may preview the upcoming updates at:

Production server play can be had from the "Play Now" link at our website:

*** PLEASE NOTE: Any character advancements you make on the test server will not be reflected on the production server. ***

Thank you,
- A/P

ArchPrime 01-09-2010 12:18 PM

Re: Archons of Avenshar Update
The latest changes have been pushed to the production server. A big thank you to the folks who stopped in!

Please note that the test server at is no longer valid. Please use the "Play Now" link from the website ( ) from here on out.

Thanks again!

ArchPrime 01-27-2010 10:47 PM

AoA Update 01-27-09
Development on Archons of Avenshar continues at a frenzied pace. ;-) Tonight the server was updated to include a series of bug fixes, enhancements, and most importantly, an 'enhancements system' to several player skills. The enhancement system provides a means to increase skill efficacy in varying degrees and offers players an additional avenue of differentiation from other characters.

For additional, detailed information, check the NEWs section of our website:

As always, we are looking for more players who are interested in calling AoA Home!


[ HA! The title should read: AoA Update 01-27-10 ]

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