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TheSoftwire 05-09-2008 05:33 PM

Hello everyone
Hello everyone. Sorry, I didn't see this thread before I started posting elsewhere.

I've taken a strange (and long) route into the world of MUDs and PBBGs. I've been an avid gamer since I got my hands on a Commodore 64 when I was a kid (put your hand up if you know what I'm talking about), but it wasn't until I wrote a book and then decided to build a game around that it that I really lost my soul. ;)

I created the based on series and then I built the for my friend, based on his book, The Looking Glass Wars. My latest project has a much larger scope and should be ready in about a year. I still manage to find time to write but now publishers ask me if I'm going to make a new game with my book before they talk to me. :rolleyes: It seems that more and more people are taking notice of these worlds now. I don't know if that's good or bad. We'll have to see.

If there are any writers out there I'm open for questions so don't hesitate to send me a note.

See you around the forums.


Bakha 05-09-2008 09:08 PM

Re: Hello everyone

I actually teach Secondary English. I've recently adopted a curriculum that immerses my kids in reading of choice (they shoot for 25 books of their choice during a school year). As such, I now read a lot (and I mean a lot) of YA literature. The Looking Glass Wars is one that a lot of my kids are reading, so I'm thrilled to hear that there is an online game based on that now. It was actually a series that I was planning on cracking in the near future (excellent artwork on the covers for those books, btw). I'm definitely going to have to explore the game and the series. Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with your work, but I'll definitely put a bug in my librarian's ear to put some of your stuff on order.

Take care,

TheSoftwire 05-09-2008 11:39 PM

Re: Hello everyone
Hi Bakha,

Yes, Frank has had some great success with LGW. His publisher has been awesome and it's a great read. If they like LGW they'll love The Softwire(shameless plug). I don't know about your library's needs but if they contact Kids Need to Read (a charity that I started with Nathan Fillion) we can get some great books out to your library for free.

Let me know and I'll get Frank to send your class some swag. I'll d the same and if you want to do some sort of author/email/question/workshop with The Softwire and your class let me know and I can make that happen as well. I actually have two schools that use the Rings of Orbis game in their computer lab. It's pretty cool.

Frank and I are actually working together on the new game/book/movie thing I mentioned earlier. It should be a lot of fun.


Xerihae 05-10-2008 07:00 AM

Re: Hello everyone
Welcome to the forum Softwire! I have finished my collection of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons from the generous new members of this site. What I need from you is any crazed monkeys you may have to be donated!

Thank you.

Oh, and I adored the C64 ;) Manic Miner ftw!

TheSoftwire 05-10-2008 01:49 PM

Re: Hello everyone
You're going to have to enlighten me a little with that request. I have a few Space Monkeys kicking around.

Zenn 05-10-2008 11:51 PM

Re: Hello everyone
This has potential to bring fresh blood into the MUD community if you advertise for your MUD in the back of your books/on your website.

Good luck,
- Zenn.

P.S.: While you're dying I'll be ... damnit, must.. get.. portal.. song.. out.. of.. head..

TheSoftwire 05-20-2008 09:58 PM

Re: Hello everyone
I worked out a deal with the publisher to do a promo in the back of the paperback and they did, I just think they worded it very poorly. I really don't believe it was very effective. Hopefully, I can get them to something more substantial for the second paperback. I threatened them that if they didn't, I would "thank" every single player in the acknowledgments.

Lasher 05-20-2008 10:01 PM

Re: Hello everyone
It's cool to see someone did this. I once tongue-in-cheek mentioned "write a bestselling book around the MUD" as a means of promotion. Now go work on that bestselling part and don't forget about us when you get there :)

Newworlds 05-21-2008 01:29 AM

Re: Hello everyone
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

TheSoftwire 05-21-2008 03:09 PM

Re: Hello everyone
If they were feeding me, I wouldn't be so inclined to snap it off :)

The publishing world is a strange beast.

Bakha 05-21-2008 07:23 PM

Re: Hello everyone
FYI: I mentioned your game and the Looking Glass Wars game to some of my fantasy/scifi readers. The girl who is an avid fan of the LGW hadn't heard about it. Funnily enough, another student who hadn't ever heard of the LGW had heard of the game and was eager to play it. There's a little anecdote for cross-genre marketing.

TheSoftwire 05-23-2008 10:57 PM

Re: Hello everyone
I get so many of those stories. We're really struggling with this. Publishers really don't see the draw with these games and the potential of cross marketing. It's a shame. I get the same issues with the Softwire and Rings of Orbis.

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