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misao 09-19-2009 02:58 PM

Hey :)
Just a brief intro -- I'm possibly the weirdest specimen one might come across in a MUD. :p 23 year old female from Malaysia (located in Southeast Asia; you won't believe how many MUD acquaintances asked me if it was in Africa), played my first MUD about 4 years ago. Said 'Hi! ^_^' in an IC room because I didn't know any better (and chatroom habits die hard!); fortunately the good people there were patient enough to see me through.

Took a break after about a year (after I became one of the MUD's core players). I've played maybe only 4 MU*s or so here and there, but never stuck to one for a long time. Am currently playing The Inquisition and Dark Isles. Love my quirky characters, and absolutely hate playing 'good' characters, unless it's a facade for whatever evil lies within. :)

prof1515 09-19-2009 03:50 PM

Re: Hey :)
Greetings, welcome and, on behalf of those of us who do know where Malaysia is, our apologies for the ignorance of the people who don't.

Anjanas 09-19-2009 08:54 PM

Re: Hey :)
Quirky and weird people add their own spice to games. :p Welcome to the community Misao!

Threshold 09-19-2009 11:05 PM

Re: Hey :)
That's actually not as weird as you might think. On , we have a pretty significant number of people who play from Malaysia - men and women. It is a pretty well connected country overall. :)

misao 09-20-2009 06:41 AM

Re: Hey :)

I have kept quiet in my other thread so as not to derail it myself. But I really feel I should speak up here.

As a newcomer, I frankly find it extremely off-putting how the constant bickering between certain people spills into virtually EVERY thread. In my short stint here I have posted on three threads that are COMPLETELY unrelated to the source of the bickering... and on all three the bickering has spilled over onto my thread. That makes 3/3, perhaps not statistically significant, but still a greater ratio than I have ever seen on any forum that I've been to (and one of those forums is a teenage relationship forum predominantly visited by young girls in their bitchiest years).

Do with my advice what you will. I still love MUDding and I'm not gonna let a few sour apples ruin it for me. But frankly, if someone completely new comes here and sees this... well, don't you wonder why MUDs aren't that popular, now?

Threshold 09-20-2009 07:22 AM

Re: Hey :)
I agree with you that this is a severe problem. I used to lament the problem, but then I put a few people on ignore, and voila... flame wars gone. You'd be surprised how incredibly pleasant that tends to make these forums.

Make use of that forum ignore feature. It is very handy.

the_logos 09-20-2009 11:40 AM

Re: Hey :)
I've deleted the trolling post. Sorry it interrupted an otherwise civil thread.

Delerak 09-20-2009 12:17 PM

Re: Hey :)
I wasn't trolling. I was merely pointing out the fact that Armageddon has players in Malaysia as well. I was simply using Threshold's post as a template.

misao 09-20-2009 08:01 PM

Re: Hey :)
Thanks, guys. :)

Newworlds 09-20-2009 10:30 PM

Re: Hey :)
I didn't post here before, because we seem to have responded to eachother's posts a lot, but welcome to TMS nevertheless Misao! I'm hoping you will look past some of the negativity you find. Overall, I've found most of the members here pleasing to discuss issues with and find solutions.

Violette 09-20-2009 11:16 PM

Re: Hey :)
Welcome, Misao !

misao 09-21-2009 12:16 AM

Re: Hey :)
Thanks, Violette. :) You too, Newworlds, and indeed I have found many people to be quite helpful. Was just pointing out the negatives.

I've a question for you guys; how do I submit reviews to the main site? I read through some reviews but I can't seem to find any option to post them.

Newworlds 09-21-2009 12:35 AM

Re: Hey :)
I believe that that section of the Forums is still not operational. It was shut down a year or two ago and Lasher is revamping it last I heard.

Orrin 09-21-2009 05:32 AM

Re: Hey :)
This latest spat over the term RPI is one that's been going on and off for quite some time now with the same few people on both sides pushing the same agendas. As Threshold says, make use of the ignore feature if it bothers you too much.

This forum used to be far far worse for bickering than it is now. I don't think people should be scared of robust debate and sometimes it can make a pleasant change from the endless procession of promotional posts and "looking for a mud that has X Y Z" posts.

I also think if you compare this forum to many other gaming or MUD related ones you'll find that it's relatively tame and very welcoming of new members.

misao 09-21-2009 05:46 AM

Re: Hey :)
I'm not scared of robust debate; but robust debate should have its proper place and time. I would have had no complaints if people stuck to debating in appropriate and relevant threads. It just gets tiresome when they use EVERY damn thread as their battlefield.

To be honest, I don't participate in any other MUD forums. However, I am an active participant in several WoW-related forums, Warcraft 3 forums, and previously some other MMORPG forums. While the level of maturity here is higher, some people here seem to have agendas that they try to propagate on EVERY thread; this is not the case in most other gaming forums. That may be because many people here are admins of their own MUDs, whereas the bulk of posters in other gaming forums are just players -- of the same game, too. Still, it is off-putting.

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