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Ghostcat 08-06-2010 04:10 PM

Crafting muds?
Hi all.

While I'm very happy with Unwritten Legends, it doesn't satisfy my crafting itch very well.
So, can someone name me a mud with an in-depth custom crafting system to play on the side?
RP required/enforced is a must.

I'm not talking just clothing and food either, NW :P

KaVir 08-06-2010 04:43 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
You may want to give a go, it has a huge list of , and the game is RP enforced.

DonathinFrye 08-06-2010 11:02 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
An alternative to Shadows of Isildur would be Atonement RPI. We open BETA in a month after a successful ALPHA run, and lay claim to a depth in crafting that far exceeds what has been accomplished previously on an RPI. Like Shadows of Isildur, it is RP-Enforced, with the setting being Post Apocalyptic Sci-Fi as opposed to Tolkien's Middle-Earth. Check out our site and take part in our exciting community, and hopefully we'll see you in a month!

Newworlds 08-06-2010 11:20 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
Have you actually played the game? Apparently not if you think you can only make clothing or food. Be that as it may, NWA likely has the best roleplay only guilds in existance, but for full blown crafting I would recommend for massive crafting abilities or for a large set of crafting choices. Either would be fulfilling. I would also recommend SOI, but only if you are into Lord of the Rings spinoffs.

Milawe 08-07-2010 04:24 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
has a full crafting system that currently supports amorers, weaponsmiths, and chefs currently. We are releasing tailoring and alchemy very soon. The crafting system is also supported by a full resource, market and trade system. Crafters can also group to create large projects or to finish projects quickly. You also level by crafting.

Log on with our or your favorite client at 3000.

Hope this helps!

Ghostcat 08-07-2010 08:55 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
Actually, yes I played it for a few months. I know people can also make boats and backpacks and pouches.
However, I enjoy making weapons and armor, as well as misc. gear.
The rather small city kind of turned me off too. :/

Thank you all for links though :)
I'll be checking them out when I have time.

//Edited to be less insulting

Newworlds 08-09-2010 01:27 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
Oh come now, speak your mind, man!

Newworlds 08-09-2010 01:29 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
Thanks for that. For some reason my recommendation to Primordiax brought up this big link and I couldn't get it to change, so I'm hoping your description does better justice.

Milawe 08-09-2010 03:24 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
No problem. Always appreciate your help in recommending the right games to the right people.

Ghostcat 08-09-2010 11:49 PM

Re: Crafting muds?
Well, ok.

I have several things I dislike about New Worlds, not all of which have to do with the game itself, but my preferences instead.

Crafting is mostly limited to items that have little lasting effect, beyond slight magic effects from food/flowers.
(The totally custom clothing and descriptions are probably the best part)

I dislike how there's a monopoly on classes by the permanent Guilds. You can't just strike out and make your own guild of like-minded fellows; can't be a fighter in the north without also being a guard, etc. A lot of RP is forced upon you by your choice of guilds. The only independent Guild is seriously handicapped to compensate for the freedom it offers. What if I wanted to RP a roving swordsman, or a tinker who dabbles in potion-making? You just can't do it within the bounds of the guilds.

Money is both easy, and boring, to get (once you get past the initial, poor, stage).
Set traps
Wait 6 minutes
Get crabs
Wait 6 minutes
Get crabs
Traps wash away
Sell Crabs
You get the idea.

As far as I can tell, there's an utter lack of variety in weapons and armour. I can count on one hand the number of weapons I saw in use. As far as I can tell, there are only two kinds of boots. As a matter of fact, it's general practice to completely ignore a persons equipped armor and weapons, beyond an acknowledgment that a piece of armor in the proper place will prevent your dangley bits from being seen.

Beyond that, a full set of gear is impossible to acquire for a low level player. At the bare minimum you need OOC knowledge to even know what particular mob carries each piece. There's no place to simply buy your gear.
As a result, low level players rely on the largesse of the higher-leveled players to properly fight things.

I work at night, and am offline on weekends, so I play at odd times. As a result, I could never find anyone to properly RP or hunt with. I admit that being something other than a low level Rogue might have helped with this.

The main city is rather small. (personal preference here {then again, isn't this whole thing?})

It's against the rules to even hint that a trap may be ahead, if the person you're with has never seen it before. This seems like a rather OORP restriction that is unrealistic in-RP. (Who wouldn't warn a buddy that something might kill them?) Similarly, talking about anything related to the game mechanics is against the rules, even in OORP channels.

Seriously, Dying. Not only do you lose all your stuff, but you forget everyone you know. In addition, you're forced to wander around in a daze to be properly in-RP. The reduction in skills is also irritating, as they cost exp and a lot of money to train back up. The RP is the only part i don't mind, except that half the players seem to ignore it. You see people up and chatting about their deaths (and begging people to get what little remains of their possessions) not 2 minutes after they happen.

Meh, that's all I can think of off of the top of my head.

So you see, New worlds just isn't for me. :)

Newworlds 08-10-2010 02:23 AM

Re: Crafting muds?
You are welcome. In response to Ghost Cat...don't even know where to begin as you have such limited knowledge of the game. I will just say, good luck on your search for something you do like.

Ghostcat 08-10-2010 04:22 AM

Re: Crafting muds?
This is why I refrained from typing that out the first time :/
Didn't intend to insult you or anything.
I've been playing muds for 15 years- I know what I like.

Milawe 08-10-2010 11:45 AM

Re: Crafting muds?
It's okay, GC! I don't think NWs is insulted.

The reason we recommend a variety of games is that we all understand that personal preference makes a HUGE difference, and we understand that your list IS personal preferences. Lots of people like NWA, so I don't think his feelings are hurt. He did ask for it, right?

It's a mistake for any game to feel that they can please every single player that comes through its virtual door, and even with the people who stay, you can't please everyone equally. I can't even begin to tell you the number of times we've implemented something new on Threshold, and a nearly equal number of player love it that hate it.

Anyway, you can't be a mud admin without hearing at least twice a day how much someone didn't like something you did on your game.

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